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Messages - marduk666

Pages: [1]
Feedback & Suggestions / Re: PB Kicking
« on: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 00:05:56 AM »
I'll try and find out how to get them both running thanks

AA Support / Re: PB kicks me for undefined reason. Slot Closed?
« on: Thursday, June 26, 2014, 00:04:27 AM »
Grizzly the problem is not really the install/download (at least I doubt it is), the problem is when I try to play on any server, PB kicks me. I can't even play for more than a few minutes (sometimes seconds) before PB will kick me every single time. I've given up though, I will play some other game where I don't get kicked. I can see now why there are so few players when this game was so awesome. I've also tried creating my own server but that just leads me into an endless progression on command prompt and seems to go nowhere. So it's back to other games for me. No worries.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: PB Kicking
« on: Friday, June 20, 2014, 13:56:54 PM »
Yes I see that process. Do I need both A and B? I only have punkbusterA.exe

Assist Support / Re: Punkbuster has kicked me for undefined reason: Slot closed.
« on: Friday, June 20, 2014, 11:28:57 AM »
     Merlin, the results are the same, I have tried resetting and reinstalling everything, every option in the "install" tab I have tried. I've even reinstalled the whole game 3 times.

     By "not simple" I mean that perhaps there is something in "Edit Armyops.ini" or "Edit User.ini" under the "options" tab that I could tweak or change to fix the problem. Again, thank you so much for your efforts, lately I've just had to settle for playing games in short spurts and constantly getting kicked.

     Also a helpful fact is that I suspect the problem may have something to do with map size, because I played the mAAp called "Pool Day" and did not get kicked until the map autoswitched to Urban Assault. I also do know now that the problem is probably the player slot being closed, though I have no idea how to keep it open. I leave 25Assist up and running, without closing it, firewall is not on at all nor blocking Punkbuster, and I'm pretty certain I am running 25Assist (and every other program) as Administrator.

     I'm logged onto my computer as the administrator, so I assume that all programs automatically run as admin, because I am not getting the option to "run as" when I right click or shift+right click.

Assist Support / Punkbuster has kicked me for undefined reason: Slot closed.
« on: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 20:37:53 PM »
How do I force the slot to stay open? I have tried running as admin. I have tried reinstalling PB and AA both. I am running in compatability mode for windows 2000 (which is the latest option). I now know that PB keeps kicking me because the "slot closed" but how in the hell do I force it to stay open. I need a complex solution, not a simple one. All the simple ones don't work!  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad:  :mad: :banned:

Assist Support / Change Login Name Completely?
« on: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 20:17:42 PM »
Is there a way to change my login/account name here on completely? I know how to change how my name appears in AA, but that still didn't do anything anyways. The reason I am asking is because I keep getting kicked by PB for an undefined reason in every server I enter. I have tried every solution offered me by other players, but none have worked, so I am starting to wonder if it is something to do with my name tag.

Feedback & Suggestions / PB Kicking
« on: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 20:11:30 PM »
I would like to suggest that someone fix the problem where "Punkbuster has kicked [player] for an undefined reason. Slot closed." I have seen this happen to at least four other players, and I cannot play a single match without it happening to me. I have tried EVERY fix suggested with no results.
Run as administrator? Check.
Reinstall/Fix PB? Check.
Reinstall AA completely? Check.(three times)
Don't Close AA25 Assist while playing? Check.
Fiddle around with all sorts of settings to try fix on my own? Check.

AA Support / Re: PB kicks me for undefined reason. Slot Closed?
« on: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 16:22:05 PM »
Additional details: It says "Punkbuster has kicked marduk666 for undefined reason. Slot Closed." then sometimes after "slot closed.", but not usually, it says something to do with 6 minutes or something like that in a very brief sentence.

AA Support / PB kicks me for undefined reason. Slot Closed?
« on: Thursday, June 19, 2014, 07:25:48 AM »
Punkbuster keeps kicking me "for an undefined reason. Slot closed." It says. I have tried multiple solutions given me by other players, and am grateful, but none have had any effect. I have; Completely reinstalled AA, I have reinstalled PB, I have no firewall issues, I have checked to see that punkbusterA.exe is a process and it is, I am pretty sure everything is run as admin. I have tried fiddling with settings in AA itself.
     I would love a fix for this. It's almost a minor problem, but it is so inconsistent that it becomes frustrating. Sometimes I will be kicked right off the bat, and sometimes it lets me play several rounds before doing so.

     Also something maybe worthwhile mentioning is that I have not (so far) been kicked from any MAAPs levels, but when the map switched to a regular AA level, I was kicked after the first round.

     Another thing I will mention is that when I install (both the first and second times) AA, it keeps stopping the install at certain points throughout the 1-11 steps of the download, saying something like "download stopped due to connection" It will do this about 10 times before finally completing the download. The funny thing is, I have no connection issues, my connection is fine and runs steadily.

     Is there a place that I can get AA 2.5 the game, separately from AA25 Assist? It seems like the way Assist downloads and installs the game is somewhat funky. It downloads all the files seemingly one by one, rather than just giving a basic AA 2.5 installer that installs the whole game. I have the installer for AA 2.8.5, but of course Assist doesn't support that version...

    Please help! Any assistance is much appreciated, thank you in advance.

Assist Support / Have Waited A Few Hours Without Activation?
« on: Tuesday, June 17, 2014, 21:22:49 PM »
Please activate my account if possible, I only have one. I keep getting the wait message when I start Assist up. I have waited several hours, probably 3 or 4 by now. And here's my BT profile:

Thank you very much, in advance. Can't wait to get back to good ol' AA

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