

Author Topic: AA2 Development roadmap  (Read 31919 times)

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Offline zoxee

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #75 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 04:29:04 AM »
I'm not sure why people prefer playing 2.8 its almost an identical game with a few minor changes.

i agree on that one. As they will never release the code (it was clear from the beginning)
i suggest we set ourselves realistic and doable goals as Killa said.
Let's simply make the best out of what we already have, and be thankful to those
who strive to make it happen, means you all.
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.


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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #76 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 04:33:43 AM »
That's a shame but completely understandable .Assist is doing a fantastic job and to be honest the fact that we still have over 200 people playing this game is astonishing. Keep up the good work.

We have 200 player online at any one time.
We have over 1100 different players using daily.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #77 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 05:24:10 AM »
yes, thank you all for making that possible.
great job!!

Offline Bart!

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #78 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 05:57:06 AM »
Those are pretty good stats for a game which is abandoned by the developers. Well done!

Offline revuka

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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #79 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 06:45:30 AM »
Hey guys !

I just want to give my opninion and be honest about my future first without getting negative feedback afterwards.
I used to tweak the game a lot to get advantage and i did use hacks multiple times and i am banned for that on things like
ESL and TWL. Anyway i would like to suggest some things to you what might help in getting players back and getting new players !

I would like to kick off with a thing what is in my eyes really important.

This game got a lot of players that are oldskool, they still play the game and thats what is like 70 % of americas army nowdays
We need to get new people and make like cool things to make reclame so people will join us and play with us.
Players are getting older and ofcourse evryone stops with playing then so we got less players, lets make a plan to get new players or
old players back and have fun with evryone.

Second, nothing beats the feeling ( in my opninion ) with lots of players on a teamspeak and play mixxes or scrims.
We should organise like 2-3 draft nights and people should contact evry player they know just to play 1 of the 3 draft nights.
They will see that there are still players who care about the game and will again bring back more players !

I cant give my opninion towards this to be honest but yes we need a good AC sysmtem so people cant cheat and have to be banned.
kr1z i suggest was saying something about UAC and stuff like eslwire and so ! we need a good AC client and i want to go further in to that.
My little brother plays lots of mine craft or something like that. The cool thing about that stupid pixel game is that evry day / week
its auto updates so hacks dont work anymore or they wont load and shit like that. Thats a good thing in my eyes.

Tweaks are part of the game, its like the tour de france with doping its just that little thing ( i need ) to play good and play with
a smooth gameplay. We should make a site lik gameconfigs where people can load some inis and try them so they all got the same thing
so its all fair !

what about a huge list of names of old aa players and send mass mails to them so we can organise this.

- Draft nights
- Meeting old skool players and have a good time on TS
- Building up the community again
- Organising stuff to get money for AC / ACI / WHATEVERRRRRR
- get a league back as soon as possible

The last thing i would suggest is to give evryone some postive energy, evryone is like oh the game is dying and bla bla bla.
When your mindset is like this its never gonna happen. We CAN and we WILL rebuild this game and when i am like older i still wanna
play some awesome urban rounds and the lovely map hospital. Its just so good to play this game when i have some free time.


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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #80 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 06:48:01 AM »
UAC currently supports AA 2.5, I've asked for support long time ago.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline revuka

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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #81 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 06:49:18 AM »
thats what i am talking about man, getting work done with all players.

work hard and play hard lets do this


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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #82 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 06:53:58 AM »
People who say this game is dying make me laugh, You cannot say that when there are over a thousand players logging in everyday. SURE it maybe in decline but its got a LONG way to go before its dead. You have put forward some good ideas here, I think someone should take up the challenge to organise these things. unfortunately that will not be me as I am %100 occupied doing the coding.

Offline marten77

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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #83 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 07:19:19 AM »
Here is the message from the dev what jonny talked about:

Message subject:   Re: Hey
From:   [Dev]Doc
Sent:   23 Jul 2013 03:53
To:   deadmau5

I have some bad news. There are two layers of legal hurdles that we'd have to miraculously jump through in order to release source for AA2. The first layer is Epic - they expressly forbid the release of source content as part of the licensing agreement.

Though I don't think it would be impossible to get them to allow it somehow (that licensing agreement was written a long time ago, when we were Epic's first licensee, and I'm willing to bet they'd relent), the next part would be impossible. Army legal. The full might of the bureaucratic machine would have to be brought to bear on the question of whether or not to release official US Gov't property. That would take years, if it ever did actually happen. IT would absolutely be easier, better, cleaner, and faster for a team of modders to make AA2.9 from scratch at that point.

So, we are left with few options. One is to hold out hope that we can get our [TOS Violation] together and maybe AA:PG will be close-to-worthy of it's legacy at some point. Next build should be removing the accuracy cone completely, for instance, among other things. Another is that maybe we're able to get AA2 supported again through the channels we have with Steam, given the precedent set by 3 and PG...we couldn't convince the purse-holders last time that it would be worthwhile, but maybe we can try again and get AA2 back on line...though I kinda doubt it. OR - and this is a big 'or' - enterprising modders can take tools like CE3 and UDK and just...kinda...make AA2.9ish. A long shot, but it would likely come together far sooner than any approval process on our end - if that ever did, in fact, come together.

Sorry it couldn't be good news, man.

But I have an idea maybe we could have a chat with this dev and as he mentioned they might open AA2 section again.So I was thinking might we could offer some help then that coders from here could help making new patch for AA2 or something like that.Also im in contact with a guy who has a coding team maybe we could team up with them also?There are many ways we could make this work again

Offline zoxee

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #84 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 08:09:53 AM »
people should contact every player they know just to play 1 of the 3 draft nights

More fraternity is needed in this game, so that good players enjoy playing with
weaker ones without having to become insulting. Unfortunately what i saw yesterday
on pipe made me doubt again. I watched that noob [nsd]beep inside of main agitated
like he was on steroids. he tried to enter but got injured then expected to get healed
right away. Unfortunately the medic next to him was a 20 honor who didn't register
the urgency of the situation. So beep just shot him in cold blood...
That kind of attitude really builds gaps and prevent friendships that could maybe
take place in real life if it wasn't in the context of this game. So like the TS idea.

More over, i thought about an alternative to upgrading or reprogramming from scratch
(considering legal hurdles and boundaries) and came to an idea that could work imo :
 - Existing maps (even standard ones) should be duplicated and modified so that
they support multiple mission types / objectives, even changing / Pimping some big
layout chunks not for aesthetic but for strategic / content purposes.

This way, it would be much easier to bring diversity to the game without having to create
whole new maps from scratch.
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline zoxee

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #85 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 08:22:32 AM »
Most of the newer maps were only created on a fun basis, i think it's time we give
back AA the credit it had at the beginning. New Maps should be created / Existing maps
should be modified on a regular basis with new realistic strategic goals to accomplish / reproduce
possible real life combat situations. For that purpose i propose the creation of a forum section
to discuss their design (not the coding) in terms of military strategics.
Maybe that way even the army would maybe retake interest in the whole thing one day who knows.
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.


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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #86 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 08:57:33 AM »
Yes i like it, PM spanky, he is our chief map developer.(or was) you have to get him interested again, with promises of fame and fortune.

Offline zoxee

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #87 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 09:14:33 AM »
will do  ;)
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline Ganja

Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #88 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 10:31:26 AM »
The last thing i would suggest is to give evryone some postive energy, evryone is like oh the game is dying and bla bla bla.
When your mindset is like this its never gonna happen. We CAN and we WILL rebuild this game and when i am like older i still wanna
play some awesome urban rounds and the lovely map hospital. Its just so good to play this game when i have some free time.

This made me jeez, so true :)

Offline Koden

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Re: AA2 Development roadmap
« Reply #89 on: Tuesday, July 23, 2013, 10:46:37 AM »
Here is the message from the dev what jonny talked about:

Message subject:   Re: Hey
From:   [Dev]Doc
Sent:   23 Jul 2013 03:53
To:   deadmau5

I have some bad news. There are two layers of legal hurdles that we'd have to miraculously jump through in order to release source for AA2. The first layer is Epic - they expressly forbid the release of source content as part of the licensing agreement.

Though I don't think it would be impossible to get them to allow it somehow (that licensing agreement was written a long time ago, when we were Epic's first licensee, and I'm willing to bet they'd relent), the next part would be impossible. Army legal. The full might of the bureaucratic machine would have to be brought to bear on the question of whether or not to release official US Gov't property. That would take years, if it ever did actually happen. IT would absolutely be easier, better, cleaner, and faster for a team of modders to make AA2.9 from scratch at that point.

So, we are left with few options. One is to hold out hope that we can get our [TOS Violation] together and maybe AA:PG will be close-to-worthy of it's legacy at some point. Next build should be removing the accuracy cone completely, for instance, among other things. Another is that maybe we're able to get AA2 supported again through the channels we have with Steam, given the precedent set by 3 and PG...we couldn't convince the purse-holders last time that it would be worthwhile, but maybe we can try again and get AA2 back on line...though I kinda doubt it. OR - and this is a big 'or' - enterprising modders can take tools like CE3 and UDK and just...kinda...make AA2.9ish. A long shot, but it would likely come together far sooner than any approval process on our end - if that ever did, in fact, come together.

Sorry it couldn't be good news, man.

But I have an idea maybe we could have a chat with this dev and as he mentioned they might open AA2 section again.So I was thinking might we could offer some help then that coders from here could help making new patch for AA2 or something like that.Also im in contact with a guy who has a coding team maybe we could team up with them also?There are many ways we could make this work again

That is by far the most exaustive and complete answer i've ever read from a developer about America's Army 2 future. The Steam part is far more interesting, might make the game far more visible. Anyway, at this point even Proving Grounds is looking and feeling quite refined enough to believe they will release it later this year (and it will "take" away some players from AA2, too).


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