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Offline KARI-30

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #15 on: Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 14:14:25 PM »
How about ESL Dusk?

Offline Goncalo

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Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 15:33:42 PM »
imo it should be in the map list. Dusk is already a great map, esl version just made it better to play matches. there was alot of discussion when this map was created, and it had so much positive feedback from all the competition players

Offline ArmyAntiCheat

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #17 on: Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 17:34:11 PM »
Make each tournament with different style.

Offline bollie

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Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #18 on: Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 18:35:47 PM »
Esl dusk! Loved it!

Offline Ganja

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #19 on: Thursday, December 05, 2013, 02:17:16 AM »

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #20 on: Thursday, December 05, 2013, 03:20:45 AM »

Offline Ganja

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #21 on: Thursday, December 05, 2013, 06:05:53 AM »
Make each tournament with different style.

if you all up for a sandstorm tournament, i will consider to play aa2 again :D

"The Eardestroying Tournament"

2 maps. Sandstorm and Water Treatment :)

Offline KARI-30

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #22 on: Thursday, December 05, 2013, 06:20:30 AM »
Overtime map Shipment :D

Offline atx_mza

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #23 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 18:16:57 PM »
The new maps are part of what killed this game before it grew in the first place. Sf maps are shit. Always have been shit, too much graphic demand... Escort missions are terrible for competition.. Etc.. The only thi they did do right with SF was the silenced m4. If there is any chance of getting this game out of the grave it's going to be with original/updated versions of 1.6-9maps. Mout McKenna, insurgent camp, weapons cache, pipeline, collapsed tunnel, hq raid maybe river basin. Maybe modify those maps to simplify objectives to make the maps more evenly sided. Game needs to be dumbed down so the average pubstar can understand how to play at a competitive level. Game is too small to divide the population with 20 its peak it was too small to do that.

TL.DR;    don't make the same mistakes the devs made by adding shitty maps before perfecting the great ones the game already has.
« Last Edit: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 18:26:42 PM by atx_mza »

Offline Alex

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #24 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 18:22:53 PM »
The new maps are part of what killed this game before it grew in the first place. Sf maps are shit. Always have been shit, too much graphic demand... Escort missions are terrible for competition.. Etc.. The only thi they did do right with SF was the silenced m4. If there is any chance of getting this game out of the grave it's going to be with original/updated versions of orignal maps. Mout McKenna, insurgent camp, weapons cache, pipeline, hq raid maybe river basin or mountain ambush. Maybe modify those maps to simplify objectives to make the maps more evenly sided. Game needs to be dumbed down so the average pubstar can understand how to play at a competitive level. Game is too small to divide the population with 20 its peak it was too small to do that.

TL.DR;    don't make the same mistakes the devs made by adding shitty maps before perfecting the great ones the game already has.
There were 2 things that were promised when this project started. The first being that we would never do anything to change the core gameplay of America's Army. The second being that we would never change any of the original maps that people love. We made that promise to the community and I doubt they will turn back on it now. You're the first person in favor of editing the regular maps I've seen so it is not going to be done.

Look, AA is an old game. News players are going to be hard to come by. Most of the people that play this game now are old timers that just want to play the game they have always loved. If we take that away by changing the game a bunch, what are we left with? No players.

Offline atx_mza

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #25 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 18:37:56 PM »
There were 2 things that were promised when this project started. The first being that we would never do anything to change the core gameplay of America's Army. The second being that we would never change any of the original maps that people love. We made that promise to the community and I doubt they will turn back on it now. You're the first person in favor of editing the regular maps I've seen so it is not going to be done.

Look, AA is an old game. News players are going to be hard to come by. Most of the people that play this game now are old timers that just want to play the game they have always loved. If we take that away by changing the game a bunch, what are we left with? No players.

Im more saying getting rid of maps completley and re releasing them when it makes sense for the game to have that many maps. The editing of maps is strictly a competitive idea since I know a lot of the shit talk I'd hear about AA competition was about the multi obj, not knowing what objective to do or being able to call strats. I downloaded America's army in 1.3 and saw it grow to become a very popular game from 1.6 to 2.0 only to have to be present for destruction by the dev team and pub community by 2.6. Games need a competitive scene in order to gain the popularity needed to grow the game for the average users, no one listened to us competive players then and look what happened. Counterstrike was a mod of a game called Gary's mod We need to make our game a mod of Americas army and start from the basics
« Last Edit: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 18:40:28 PM by atx_mza »

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Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #26 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:06:21 PM »
Sf maps are shit. Always have been shit, too much graphic demand...

How old is your computer? Seriously.
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline atx_mza

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #27 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:15:50 PM »
How old is your computer? Seriously.

You're crones/chris right? I played at Chicago LAN with you I was one of the last who stayed playing.  Are you forgetting how many competitive players had to stop playing because they didn't want to spend 1500 dollars to get a new gaming rig to play the new versions of AA. You would get 100 fps weapons cache and then log into hospital and get 35 fps with a brand new pc let alone a shitty one. No game should have that much of an fps difference for maps. SF maps were never played competitively unless it was on the twl SF ladder lol

Offline Dialects

Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #28 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:20:17 PM »
It is irrelevant to touch this subject. No matter which way we --I say we because I too am a firm believer that maps should be hugely reconsidered, revamped and brought down to a one figure digit-- go about this subject, the current Assist Leaders will outright dismiss it.

It is a shame. A shame because were it not for the competitive players that lived to see the bright days of AA and saw in it a truly strategical and tactical FPS like no other are ultimately responsible for having kept AA alive to these days.

I am glad that you have put the effort. Albeit great as it may be --and of the 100% support I'd be willing to give you and other competitive players alike--, we're essentially left with a solid and round no.

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Offline Spanky

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Re: Tournament maps
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, December 28, 2013, 19:26:53 PM »
I'm Nate, I've never been to Chicago. I was never part of the competitive scene (I play for fun). Your statements may be true if you're talking 5-7 years ago but not today. I run a 5 year old graphics card that you can pick up on eBay for under $40 easily and while I don't hold a steady 60 FPS everywhere, all the stock maps are very playable at 1680x1050 fullscreen with all settings on high. I just checked Hospital and looking anywhere on the map I get a solid 60, it will drop if I start throwing smokes but it stays above 40. Again, that's a 5 year old GPU on full settings at slightly less than 1080p.

The issue with Weapons Cache versus SF Hospital is that Hospital came out a fair bit later than WC and thus technology had advanced since then. Weapons Cache is a pretty basic design map that is very easy to optimize and run efficiently. Hospital has terrain and a lot of meshes, lighting effects and complex shapes to cope with and isn't as easily optimized.

Mikawe, I would like to edit stock maps and improve them visually as well as fix bugs and add things players would like to see. The problem is, the shitstorm of complaints that come up with even editing minor things isn't worth it. Remember what happened when I added railing and slightly changed the layout of the roof on Hospital? Just a minor place in the map that, on some rounds, isn't even used. The people went apeshit.
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....


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