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Shoutbox2 in game, 9 online
Honest answer; not that many, but it seems that the amount of players has been going up lately. More and more players returning it seems :)
what time do ya'll usually play?
why is water wet?
Why is bridge Crossing even a map?
Still open!!!
Sunday night AAT rotation night is open!!!
Hello Milo!
Hello SASF clan
Ok, which one of you guys just tried shooting Trump again? new video :)
Yep, Gunman will emerge at around 6pm EST. ^^
I'll be back online later tonight:)
Thanks for the fun rounds guys!
Gunman are you coming back tonight? :D
Now it's time for Gunman to go back in the coffin until night time. ^^
Was cool to play during the day... lol. GG Darkshooter! :)
Some people interested in a Gaming Session at around 1pm :) ? (US servers)
10 players on Bridge! :D
Damn, that's annoying :(
a couple reboots later and it works :)
Yes, if it allows me to enter. wheneevr i join a server i just get the AA start screen.
Yum. Your Bridge seerver, matey? :)
i'm signing on right now gunny :)
Got a little time to kill, anyone fancy a quicky with me? ^^
Anyway. You can find me in my server in a bit. Waiting for people to join in :)
Oh absolutely. Back then everything revolved around the website instead of something like discord lol
Haha nice. Our clan website and forum had a lot of traffic for a gaming clan website, we used to have around a 100 unique users a day at some point, also people not in our clan. I think a bigger part of our clan activities took place on there than on the game itself.
Oh yeah good times. I was a kid back then (high school) but I remember looking at your website wanting to join the clan lol
To give an example; yesterday I was sitting in my own server for more than an hour until people joined, I was playing another game while waiting. Once the first person joined and people saw there were two players online, it reached 12 players within 10 minutes. People are ready to play, but you need someone or something to 'lure' them into a server.
You are correct Krayzed. We had servers on 2.5, 2.6 and 2.8. At our top we had around 90 members. I just got my own server earlier this week for nostalgia purposes, which I will run with a couple old clanmates from back in the day :)
I know there are 29 servers tho, but i think this could help as a "community" server
I can always have a server running and I can make a discord for it so we can have a central place to use it. The more active people can get admin. Sounds like a solid idea to me atleast
SASF is a clan from back in the day isnt it? I remember playing on their serviers if i remember right.
Indeed. Also helps to get old friends back, to get some more players during the day. Especially in the weekends now it will get colder again, we should gt people online during weekend days as well ;)
Sounds like a good plan Krayzed. The only way this community can get stronger and bigger is by having someone online in a server at all times of the day. Sadly, that seems to be a utopia atm, but once we achieve that there's a possibility for growth.
And I can keep a server up 24/7. This is a small community so I can give admin to some so yall can start it up. Will be US of course.
Sampower91 here
Too funny Carmy
need bridge up