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Due Date: Mar 31
Total Receipts: $100.00
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Shoutbox0 in game, 8 online
failed to verify vital compnents please check your internet connection and access to the assist folder
my friend is getting this error
there is no secret you wait it out. doesnt make it impossible to still shoot someone. just makes it much harder...
I too get that bug every once in awhile as well,, so whats the secret to bypassing the shaking since I see it so much
i get the prone "bug" as you call it in situations when i try moving and shooting at the same time and accidently hit my laydown key in the process. my lay down and slow toggle is also right next to each other. When this happens, its not some crazy intentional exploit. Theres zero benefit to it whatsoever when it happens. And if you think jumping around a corner isnt realistic then you have some terrible, terrible legs my friend. resets ur pw
there you go cha
Adolf Retired in Argentina Gummy
Admission of guilt. Rookie mistake...
GG Teddy :D
Haha, sorry for the three TK's... xD
lol - I think I clicked Alt+F4 accidentally.
I guess it is time to sleep anyway.
But gunny, that'll be £25 FYI
I guess it is time to sleep anyway.
But gunny, that'll be £25 FYI
15 players CSAR!!!!
never mind got it working
Eng your server on 2.85 still up??? Having a promblem joining it, not sure its on my end or server
He meant to say TRUMP is the allmighty God!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
trump is god
Grandma open
I just realised. Trump’s first 100 days in office will be on April 30th, which will also be the 80th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s suicide..... Interesting.
Bad guys win tonight. Better luck next time.
Waiting for MKenna to end so as to play a real map
22 players SF Pipe!!!
lol .Brahva. Joe131 is giving out free lessions take his lessions -------------)))))))))))))) lol
i was just murdered twice in 5 minutes by bunnies... people know i suck,,u dont need to jump like a moron lol
ll the defenders are yes if we have warnings and kicks for goint prone or crouching or running whil shooting why not a warning foro bunnies blame it on trump
AAT rotation night is open!!!
As for Yeti jump air shooting, press 1 and spacebar at the same time (with 1 slightly before the spacebar), then 1 again. It takes a little practice to get right.... You're welcome. :)
Gunman almost ready for killing :D
Another ???? Shooting while in air???? only applies on yeti map though
People jumping my opinion there an easier to kill
I'm Kinda Curious Bart how a person gets a prone bug or behind view bug or any type of bug that causes entire screen shaking & gets it to stop immediately??? please do share
Aim for the balls. You can’t miss. ^^
Again, if you're complaining about jumping because you want "realism" - you're on the wrong game. Go play Arma or something. Last I checked, we can't roll on our shoulder or do any quick movement when under fire other than crouch or jump. If you're good at the game, other people jumping will have no effect on you.
nobody wants to play with me
today is very sad