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Offline Bart!

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #15 on: Monday, April 29, 2024, 15:35:06 PM »
sadly I disagree with you,  maybe you should purchase bloody v7 mouse and see the advantages it has lol you b suprized, but you can't ban players for using a nice mouse
can turn your burst fire gun into auto mode click of a key

Not saying he's using a cheat, exploting maps most definetly just like rollos does on urban, but assist doesn't ban for exploits.

this dude chavez probably can hear a fart from 2 miles away sound makes a big differene, though i like the last 1 killed him at the last 4 seconds jump headshot lol

just another player that plays solely for frag rate on a 20 year old game roflmfao..

I would never play such a mouse which is overpriced just for an unfair advantage. That's wasting money.
I'd rather go for a mouse with precision and good grip and good durability.

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #16 on: Friday, May 03, 2024, 04:12:35 AM »
you may not but many do, point is unfair advantage can be done and not be caught by your anticheat
.. remember are good buddy pit23 lol, yous never caught him nor your anticheat caught him... just ban him from game

you can't say theres is no kiddie undected cheat for this game. pretty god dam sad and pathedic if people really need a cheat on a 20 year old game lol..  , I can prove you wrong but I would'nt lower myself to these lowlifes
I'm sure you're right. There are always cheats that are impossible to detect with software. People have nowadays built ways of cheating that don't involve any software on the machine you're playing on. This would be impossible to detect with anticheat on the machine.
There's also other external things they could use to give them an advantage.

And this would be true even if we had a 100% accurate anti cheat (which we surely don't).
As I'm sure you're aware, cheating is also present in areas where a lot more money is spent trying to counter it. Think of sports. The mainline thinking seems to that if it's not explicitly forbidden (or if they simply cannot detect it) it's fair game.

So while I understand the frustration. And I'm not claiming there's no players on 25Assist that don't use cheats external to the game (be it software or hardware). But there's only so far we can go with what we've got available (i.e existing anti cheat and our limited capabilities of expanding it).

I don't know if this dude is using or not can give 2 shits, but in spector mode he's funny as shit watching his game play after every kill he stops for 2 sec or so, maybe toggle on and toggle off who knows lol..
regarding sound i agree sound makes a big difference, but if a player isn't moving and not making a sound explain how this guys runs directly to his target every round?? lol  so i see why tommy suspects him

btw by him making a video of him playing means nothing lol,
I also agree that this view of the video can look somewhat suspicious (only referring to the very last jump).
But we don't know how many corners he jumped around without seeing anyone.
And even if this was the only corner he jumped around it wouldn't prove anything. Sometimes you just get a gut feeling. And sometimes that gut feeling is correct.

The video provides just one example. It proves nothing.
If you observe someone for long enough, you can probably find similar instances for near about any player.

EDIT: The answer in the last part is not necessarily directed at you, Wickid.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline Alex

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #17 on: Saturday, May 04, 2024, 23:43:48 PM »
sadly I disagree with you,  maybe you should purchase bloody v7 mouse and see the advantages it has lol you b suprized, but you can't ban players for using a nice mouse
can turn your burst fire gun into auto mode click of a key
Nah man, a "Nice Mouse" is the Logitech G Pro Superlight. A "Nice Mouse" is the Razer Deathadder V3 Pro. This mouse just sounds like it's straight up cheating and you can absolutely ban for that. We've banned macro (auto fire with one click) before and we can certainly do it again. The trick is being able to detect it.

I get the point that the anti-cheat isn't all encompassing, and it's absolutely not. We couldn't even hope to get the type of detection modern FPS games get, and even those aren't absolute. The one big benefit we have is server admins being able to ban obvious cheaters. The obvious downside is good players getting banned by bad server admins but you can't win every battle here.
« Last Edit: Saturday, May 04, 2024, 23:48:00 PM by Alex »

Offline TomHighway64

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #18 on: Sunday, May 05, 2024, 07:08:32 AM »
Nah man, a "Nice Mouse" is the Logitech G Pro Superlight. A "Nice Mouse" is the Razer Deathadder V3 Pro. This mouse just sounds like it's straight up cheating and you can absolutely ban for that. We've banned macro (auto fire with one click) before and we can certainly do it again. The trick is being able to detect it.

I get the point that the anti-cheat isn't all encompassing, and it's absolutely not. We couldn't even hope to get the type of detection modern FPS games get, and even those aren't absolute. The one big benefit we have is server admins being able to ban obvious cheaters. The obvious downside is good players getting banned by bad server admins but you can't win every battle here.

So what constitutes an obvious cheater ?

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #19 on: Sunday, May 05, 2024, 16:19:00 PM »
So what constitutes an obvious cheater ?
If they stand at spawn and never move but single-headshot everyone who gets within their field of view regarldess of how many people come out at once or how far they are.

Short of something dead obvious like that, it's incredible difficult (if not impossible) distinguish a great player from a cheating one solely based on game play.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline Alex

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #20 on: Sunday, May 05, 2024, 23:49:50 PM »
So what constitutes an obvious cheater ?
I'll just reiterate what teddy said. It'd be either killing people from spawn, or inhumane snapping to targets. Outside of that, it's incredibly difficult to tell between the best players and cheaters. The sad reality is that this game is over 20 years old on a 3 generation old Unreal Engine. It's not like cheat detection for Unreal 2 is still ongoing.
The biggest cheat deterrent this game has is the fact that committing resources to cheating in such an old game doesn't really make much sense. There's no clout in it.

Offline TomHighway64

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #21 on: Monday, May 06, 2024, 04:07:55 AM »
I'll just reiterate what teddy said. It'd be either killing people from spawn, or inhumane snapping to targets. Outside of that, it's incredibly difficult to tell between the best players and cheaters. The sad reality is that this game is over 20 years old on a 3 generation old Unreal Engine. It's not like cheat detection for Unreal 2 is still ongoing.
The biggest cheat deterrent this game has is the fact that committing resources to cheating in such an old game doesn't really make much sense. There's no clout in it.

So Its Open Season then ....

Offline Bart!

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #22 on: Thursday, May 09, 2024, 13:21:26 PM »

Just to inform you, that Chavez is banned for at least 2 weeks from full assist for ghosting with 2nd acc
What he did was use a laptop or something at the pc next to him. I confirmed it was played from the same IP. He then either moved with his own account or the other, ghosting for one of them. Usually he used his 2nd acc as a free kill to ensure that he can then ghost for his 1st account.

To verify, I joined a few games to really see if this was happening.

His 2nd account was:

Both accounts are now banned. As you see in the match history of work force, it is also already quite suspicious how one always dies a lot and exactly those sessions he has a very high fragrate.

I consider this case closed. He didn't use any 3d party programs, but doing this in general is sad, doing it on this small playerbase is pathetic.

Offline TomHighway64

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #23 on: Thursday, May 09, 2024, 13:36:27 PM »
The Age old Pro using sneakey measures ... what a surprise ...
Of course the other account that played with him and claimed he went to a tournament was probably aslo a stooge account .
Cant Say I didnt warn you !  two weeks is a little weak dont you think? Of course if he was using a Laptop with a ghost account ,, What else was he doing .....

Offline General_alkos

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #24 on: Thursday, May 09, 2024, 14:15:29 PM »
You see now, Bart, that it wasn't for nothing that we attacked Chavez for weeks and the idiot cheated.. Well done Bart for exposing the idiot so that he doesn't make us fools

Offline HellB0Y

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #25 on: Thursday, May 09, 2024, 16:20:00 PM »

Just to inform you, that Chavez is banned for at least 2 weeks from full assist for ghosting with 2nd acc
What he did was use a laptop or something at the pc next to him. I confirmed it was played from the same IP. He then either moved with his own account or the other, ghosting for one of them. Usually he used his 2nd acc as a free kill to ensure that he can then ghost for his 1st account.

To verify, I joined a few games to really see if this was happening.

His 2nd account was:

Both accounts are now banned. As you see in the match history of work force, it is also already quite suspicious how one always dies a lot and exactly those sessions he has a very high fragrate.

I consider this case closed. He didn't use any 3d party programs, but doing this in general is sad, doing it on this small playerbase is pathetic.

As the tracker UI only displays the 10 most recent player names for any given profile I figured I would point out that upon inspecting the full name history list (which can be viewed via Chrome dev tools, the 10 most recent is client side for UI purposes) it does appear that the player in the original video on TomGunny's team was the same account.

Offline General_alkos

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #26 on: Friday, May 10, 2024, 01:11:04 AM »
If he asked me, I would give him a lifetime ban!!
To be an example to everyone and even like this, he won't be able to play on the servers because none of the players will want to play with an idiot, a cheat anymore. (he made fools of us all)
There were a lot of players who stood up for the idiot, even argued with me privately, I originally banned him, but I removed it under pressure from other players
Next time try to trust a player who plays for twenty years without sound, just for fun, most every day and sees every change in other players.
Well done once again to Bart
« Last Edit: Friday, May 10, 2024, 01:19:17 AM by General_alkos »

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #27 on: Friday, May 10, 2024, 09:21:21 AM »
First of all, thank your for Bart for putting in the work and finding out what's happening. It's great we still have someone on the team who's dedicated enough to do this!

And to be honest, in hindsight (20-20, eh), I should have been on top of looking at the two accounts as soon as this was posted. It would have been relatively clear that they were playing on the same IP right away. Even if nothing in the original post would suggest that, it should be an obvious way of gaining an advantage and should have been checked quicker.
So I do think there's room for me (or us?) to improve here.

As for the punishment. I certainly understand that some people may be upset that he'd be allowed back in a couple of weeks. After all, what he did was seriously disruptive for the other people playing this game.
But I do think we need to understand that this sort of cheating is not as severe as using a third party tool. It's certainly more severe than playing with a friend and the friend shouting out enemy locations on discord (or similar) - we wouldn't really even interfere in this - since they went out of their way to deploy 2 computers next to each other to gain an advantage. However, it's not like they weren't altering the game itself.
So if (and I know this may be a lot to ask for some of you) we agree that there are worse forms of cheating, the punishment for this one would need to also fall below those worse forms of cheating.
And we might also want to keep players who are interested in playing in the game rather than forcing them out permanently. Though - as alluded to by others - many would probably prefer not to play with him in the future regardless. And this may thus be counterproductive.

And to an extent, I would agree that banning the main account (the one that gained in K/D) could be a suitable punishment. But I've not looked into the logs enough to tell if that would have been warranted or not. Plus, we're probably somewhat still not used to tracking (and therefore K/D whoring) being a part of the game again, so the idea of removing the account because of that might not have originally come up because of that.

But perhaps most importantly, I'd say it would be a little dubious to go back and change the punishment on the same action after the fact. Though if this were to happen again, the punishment would surely be more sever than it was now.

All in all, great work, Bart! Thanks for keeping people honest!
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline TomHighway64

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #28 on: Friday, May 10, 2024, 13:36:09 PM »
All well and good . I guess you can all pat yourselves on the back although when I  made this video and it was posted and suggested he was cheating I was pretty met with a Brick wall from most people keen to say he was clean and his game play suggested nothing untoward he was a Pro ( Whatever that really means( Won tournaments etc etc etc LoL !
 He clearly was tracking people across maps and scoring highly on a regular basis with very little deaths . A few other players supported my feelings and thankfully Bart has investigated more deeply and my feelings were proven to be correct rather than being labelled a continuous Cheat caller . Cheers

Offline General_alkos

Re: I'm interested in everyone's opinion if you think he sometimes uses cheating
« Reply #29 on: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 06:30:25 AM »
I still believe in the assist admins who have remained until now, Tedy_medi, Bart, Possessed, Nick, Kilaman.. (I know that they are all honest,they never cheated:):))
As we got rid of this idiot who cheats,that's how we'll deal with the next one as well
« Last Edit: Saturday, May 11, 2024, 06:59:59 AM by General_alkos »


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