

Author Topic: Community  (Read 26396 times)

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Offline Bart!

Re: Community
« Reply #45 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 03:20:27 AM »
I never said hacking is "right". I never said it is some kind solution. I never said it should be allowed. I just explained the background and I simply oppose to your idea of claiming that I'm some kind of a monster that eats AAO babies.

It's funny how you try to protect your "pro" friend. One day assist gets a much better AC than nowadays, and suddenly many of such respected "pros" will vanish. But it's nice to see that at least you can express yourself in an elegant way. But I'm not fooled by this. Not of all the hackers are a script kiddies.
So at #1, I don't see any reason for you to disagree on your ban in that case.

For #2. He's not my "pro" friend. I just analyze everything I see, and all I see is that he just plays better compared to other players. 90% of the players only got plan A and plan B, they do the same every time. When you played a few times with some players, you will see the same pattern over and over again and they become very predictable and easy to stop.

For example, if people play against me on hospital ambush, I usually take 18Z and rush fireescape to shoot 2nd floor rushers or I rush helipad. Very rarely I go underpass or hospital inside. When I'm escort I always go to the helipad boxes to shoot some people. Very rarely something else. Now almost every other player has a same pattern. When you know them you can counter them easily and get some high scores. No single hack, cheat, exploit or whatever needed to get a good score while just rushing.

I really put some effort in this because my 6th sense makes me worry about all of us since a few weeks.
Something drastically new must be done, fast, otherwise...  :shock:

PS : I agree, the progressive way appears to be the most appropriate one, under the condition
that we start fresh new with 10-20 listed OAS servers only and gradually list additional private servers
on a defined pace so the baby can grow healthy again  :)
The main problem I see in this approach is for the current server owners. I would like to know their opinion as well. Furthermore do we need a hierarchy of admins on the server? (some with pb_power, some with admin rights?)

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: Community
« Reply #46 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 06:33:36 AM »
By gradually, I was thinking about the contrary. Reduce the number of home-made servers/non-official servers bit by bit, and adding few more official servers. Maybe we can just limite the servers to one per clan, would be a good start and assist won't have some crazy 150 servers ...
Then seeing how things go we can decide to let some non-official servers live or not.
 It could be compared to baby system in China ... or not

By gradually I would mean the same thing, we would have to somehow first limit the server numbers and then go to full official servers if possible.
But saying there can be one server per clan wouldn't work. One could argue it's not a clan server, but a server of a particular member of the clan. And then the clan can have as many servers as there are players in that clan.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline Ganja

Re: Community
« Reply #47 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 06:53:22 AM »
But saying there can be one server per clan wouldn't work. One could argue it's not a clan server, but a server of a particular member of the clan. And then the clan can have as many servers as there are players in that clan.

Why not. A server of a clanmember, is a server for all. I don't see any problem with that. It's time to share servers. Looks ridiculous if every player has a server. All this for what? Feeling powerfull?

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #48 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:06:33 AM »
It could be compared to baby system in China ... or not

Thx Ganja ;)

Well you can not compare it to baby system in China, because that policy was
programmed as a long-term goal to reach (reach 1 child per family over 30 years).
Unfortunately, we don't have time..

Starting from the bottom with a limited number of OAS servers only maybe a more
radical solution to some, but has 2 main advantages :

- First, it's easier to implement because you don't have to filter which servers can stay
and which ones should be "unlisted". Taking it all out at once would save time and confusion.

- Second, it would be received as a strong signal by everyone, meaning that hope is out there
and this game may get a part of it's past magic back soon after all.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:14:01 AM by zoxee »
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: Community
« Reply #49 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:09:32 AM »
Why not. A server of a clanmember, is a server for all. I don't see any problem with that. It's time to share servers. Looks ridiculous if every player has a server. All this for what? Feeling powerfull?
The last part is pretty much the only reason to own a server.

How can you say that this here server belongs to a clan if they don't advertise their name on the servername? Because if they're allowed only one, they won't have their clantag on any probably.
And you can't say who's server it just by it's admins, because some servers have their friends as admins for example.

- Second, it would be received as a strong signal by everyone, sending a strong signal that
hope is out there that this game may get a part of it's past magic back soon after all.
Yes, it would send a strong signal, but the signal is not the kind that everybody would like.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #50 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:19:39 AM »
Yes, it would send a strong signal, but the signal is not the kind that everybody would like.

Strong decisions are never easy to take and in most cases won't please everyone.
In our case. Leaving the whole as it is now would be fatal imo.
There is a time for philosophing and considering all options but that time is long over in
our case, Assist team hast to make strong moves now, fast.

The reason why this still hasn't happened is because most of the topics on the subject
mostly miss the big picture, at some point drown into details and end off-topic or derail
for some reason. Sharing servers for example ist just an implementation example that
can be applied after bigger decisions have been taken.

Dream Assist client we need today exists : it is made of 10 OAS servers and that's it.
On that ground foundation can then gradually be buildt whatever system commkunity decides.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:28:51 AM by zoxee »
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline Ganja

Re: Community
« Reply #51 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:29:22 AM »
The last part is pretty much the only reason to own a server.

How can you say that this here server belongs to a clan if they don't advertise their name on the servername? Because if they're allowed only one, they won't have their clantag on any probably.
And you can't say who's server it just by it's admins, because some servers have their friends as admins for example.
Yes, it would send a strong signal, but the signal is not the kind that everybody would like.

We could just delete all the servers (after warning server admins ofcourse so they stop paying) and if people want to make a server, they should come here and do a server claim.

- Why do you want a server?
- What maps are you going to put it on ?
- Are you ready to share admin powers?
- etc ..
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:33:30 AM by Ganja »

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #52 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:44:35 AM »
The game has to regain some exclusivity. The right to list a server in Assist
after a fresh start would not be a right anymore but a privilege, implying a
close work with Assist admins to promote the healthy development of our game
and avoid the kind of chaos we have today (30000 downloads, 300 server, 30 players)
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:46:07 AM by zoxee »
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Community
« Reply #53 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:56:50 AM »
I am one of them with few weeks ago 22 servers, now "only" 18 servers because of aa4 servers running now.

I don't understand this discussion now really. why should it taken away under the control of this admins? tell me one good reason about that, just one.

why did I setup this set of server? - because as I dis start with it, there where only servers with well known maps because they wanted to join players on its servers. so I started to make servers with maps that weren't set. so easy it is. we have now about 130 servers. I agree, to many but am I the guy who would say to another server owner "hey stop that". sure not. this is still a free game in a almost free world. and if you start to make parallels to China - good hopes are in, lol.
bad example, guess one of the most bad you could have taken.

with a big yes you do say we should play more maps. but if there are some servers up and running with almost every of the 98 maps we have its not good. I don't understand. this is going again in the wrong direction. and one thing I would like to say to you: never ever - in here on in your real life - do more thing together then you can handle. this will take not a good end. so I mean we now should start with the Sunday or Monday part. if this goes like we wish, we can do the next step.

by the way: aa4pg do have about 410 servers at the moment. around 40 are officials, the others are all private. almost the private ones are filled up. so make this discussion any sense? I give the answer to myself: NO.

again, it would be nice to get back to its original discussion - let that be for the moment with its private and "official" servers. and for me - an this is not meant as a threat - I would really stop this aa2 if it would go in this direction with "official" servers. and believe it or not, the others would follow, because you would cut them the right of independence!

only my 1 dollar :)
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 07:59:40 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #54 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:03:38 AM »
As expected, one more useless comment of you Merlin.

You prawl on how many servers you run but totally miss the bigger picture and
state of health of this game. Sorry to say this but i think you are a big egoist
and your goal was never to protect vital interests of this game but rather gain
some monopol over the whole thing.

Your approach is the wrong one, not ours.
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline Bart!

Re: Community
« Reply #55 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:13:54 AM »
My single opinion on this whole matter is:

Yes, community only playing 1 map is bad for getting more players in
Yes, more maps should be played, and yes, assist team can help with that.
No, we should NOT interfere with server owners. I am strongly in favour of it being their choice to take a server or not, just as it is the players choice to play on what server and map they want.

The only thing we can and should do is to make it more attractive to play on other servers/maps. We should not dictate people what to do and what not, we are not parents of children playing this game.

We want people to have fun playing this game, and I think the fun would be gone if we forced people one way only.

I also think it would be an insult to server admins to take such an action. Yes there are abusive server admins around sometimes. But as we are a community, we can also join other teams, or team up with friends, ignore the abusive server, join other servers. When you have 4 friends around you can fill any server you want and I can assure you more players will join.

Radical solutions usually also give radical responses. Do not forget that, and I do not think they are worth it.

The only thing we should and will do, is to encourage others to play a different way, but enforcing them to do everything different is something I personally can not and will not do.

Offline Ganja

Re: Community
« Reply #56 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:24:54 AM »
Bart, the idea of deleting private servers is not only to play other maps, this can be done already even WITH  private servers. It could be done to reduce power given to server admins.

Like Pit said, server admins have too much power. It is a fact.
If I want I can :
1) Make a server,
2) Join my server in the morning with a noob account (like raw does) so people join.
3) I put as map Bridge Crossing.
4) In the afternoon my server is full, that is certain, and then I can decide to ban one single player because he was killing me too much (happens with zibi, Im not saying hes clean or anything, dont go off topic, just an exemple)
5) The player is fucked, because there is only one server on bridge crossing. He tries to fill up another server, but it doesn't work. The guy only likes bridge crossing (again, it's his right, for exemple Eliz)
6) Next day I do the same
7) The guy stops playing AA because he was banned on 1 server by a retard server admin who was happy he finally had some powers in life.

Hope it is clear now

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #57 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:35:22 AM »
it is the players choice to play on what server and map they want.

There is today almost as much choice today, as there are empty spots on servers.

The only thing we can and should do is to make it more attractive to play on other servers/maps

This has already been tried over and over again, for example so much energy has been put
by some into mAAp. Today it's barely been played.
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Community
« Reply #58 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:49:13 AM »
As expected, one more useless comment of you Merlin.

You prawl on how many servers you run but totally miss the bigger picture and
state of health of this game. Sorry to say this but i think you are a big egoist
and your goal was never to protect vital interests of this game but rather gain
some monopol over the whole thing.

Your approach is the wrong one, not ours.

I don't get angry anymore about such words. thinking about yourself would be better ..
but thanks for the good feedback. we need exactly that to go on. good job.

Offline zoxee

Re: Community
« Reply #59 on: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 08:58:43 AM »
I don't get angry anymore about such words. thinking about yourself would be better ..
but thanks for the good feedback. we need exactly that to go on. good job.

Flipping over the spice and overturning other opinions then those serving your interests
is a special skill of yours, i know. But fact is fact. You may have invested much time and
money in this thing, which i praise. But you are unable or unwilling (?) to see the reality on
the ground and even consider giving up some of what you've built to help the game regenerate.
That is what i mean, and that is mean.
« Last Edit: Wednesday, April 30, 2014, 09:00:21 AM by zoxee »
First time hot knifing hash oil, sent me to the moon, zombified. Not a whole lot of fun.


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