

Author Topic: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials  (Read 7802 times)

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Offline [SWISS]Merlin

aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« on: Monday, January 09, 2012, 16:04:13 PM »
Hi all
i had running my server with aa25assist. realy nice and easy doing.
worked realy fine.
now a fiew questions (i am a 2.8.5 admin, so i dont know maybe the commands on 2.5):
- what have i to do to be a playeradmin ?
- how to set all weapon slots free (within 2.8.5, it was the ini.entry  "bOpenAllWeaponClassSlots=True" ?
- is there a playeradmin menu like 2.8.5 - pressing as playeradmin F12 ?
- how is it possible, that some servers with auth and honors running, are shown in qtracker ?
i will run my server with 2.5, but theese questions are very important do me. if there is no way to do this, i dont know to switch.
thanks a lot for doing this good job.
hope to have some nice solutions.


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Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #1 on: Monday, January 09, 2012, 16:38:21 PM »
PlayerAdmins are not ready yet, You will have playeradmins in the next Assist update, about a week to wait for that.
You can't open all weapon slots.
Pressing F12 opens admin menu, Either as playeradmin or spectator admin.
We are not involved with qtracker.

To spectator admin your server, Tick the box that says join as admin in the deploy screen.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #2 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 03:20:38 AM »
that means, with the admin-menu it will be possible to select/deselect all weapon slots again?
and to make additional bans over this menu then - like before?  and to set the gamplay time to new value ...?

and by the way - the console logfile says, that the logfile couldn't be written....

[AA25] Auth Loaded
Hack Hunter 2.0 loaded
Error creating log file!
TelnetServer is not enabled.  Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 345065 (0 to 999999)

and one last question:
doesn't this entry in console means, that here is no pbguid checked, right?
whats about banlists - for example this one from ACI, can they be used like before ?
if yes, it has to be placed in C:\Users\xxxx\AppDate\Roaming\25Assist\armyops\System\pb\banlist.txt ?

Checking Ban Policy for: Name=[SWISS]Merlin; IP=; MAC=20:cf:30:13:ae:1a
New Player Recruit id=22e43ba8cf596238f8f2726b4cbe5a4d
25AssistSM: New Connection (slot #1) [?] "Recruit" (seq 942114)
[AA25] Player [SWISS]Merlin Authorised, Honor:100


thanks a lot again for doing this - keeping aa2 alive !!


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Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 04:33:01 AM »
The ACI banlist does not work anymore, there are no guid's, We will have our own banlist, would be nice if ACI could help us with that.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 06:31:56 AM »
thanks jonny

whats about the playeradmin - menu (F12) ?

that means, with the admin-menu it will be possible to select/deselect all weapon slots again?
and to make additional bans over this menu then - like before?  and to set the gamplay time to new value ...?

and by the way - the console logfile says, that the logfile couldn't be written....

[AA25] Auth Loaded
Hack Hunter 2.0 loaded
Error creating log file!
TelnetServer is not enabled.  Set bEnabled to True in Advanced Options.
PunkBuster Server: pb_sv_SsNext = 345065 (0 to 999999)

any idea or solution to have a logfile for me ?
again, tks


  • Guest
Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #5 on: Tuesday, January 10, 2012, 06:40:39 AM »
Yes playeradmin F12 will come soon.
Spectator admin F12 is available now.
You still can not open all weapons slots though, you would need some sort of mod for that.
The server log is found at armyops/System/aa25srv.log
Hackhunter logs are found at armyops/System/HackHunter/
PB Violation Log at armyops/System/pb/pb_viol.log
Error creating log file! - I have no idea what that is.
The next version is going to stream PB violations to the master server and hopefully we can then pass then onto ACI with AAOt ID instead of GUID.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 04:41:30 AM »
ok now!

i had running aa 2.5 last evening - and no problem at all. everything works fine, the server was shown in battletracker, gametracker and qtracker. to have more players on 2.5, its important that all of the players using qtracker will see the server there, having lot players on and shows honors :-). therfore you have to install qtupllink, set port to 1717 and all works fine.
i hope, jonny will have finished the part with the playeradmins as soon as possible. the part with administator and its menu works already fine.

so then - on saturday, 14th of january - i will switch my [SWISS]PowerServer from 2.8 to 2.5 to aa25assist. one more server then running aa25assist  ::)

btw: it is very very nice to have the option -without any problems - to run both, aa 2.8.5 and aa 2.5 on the same server. and this works for players as well as for serverhosters. gratulation!


  • Guest
Re: aao 2.5 - admin commands and specials
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, January 11, 2012, 08:29:00 AM »
If your running 2 servers make sure they are not both trying to use the same ports!


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