

Author Topic: The 203 disabled on hospital.  (Read 76833 times)

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Offline KARI-30

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #60 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 10:23:10 AM »
It is relevant because rmzsck said so.

Offline Dialects

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #61 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 11:52:08 AM »
Adaptability seems to be the most stressing issue all-around, be it old-players struggling to adapt to a new tactical approach to the map or new-players not getting in tune with the game flow. However lacking as both sides may be it is important to make a distinction between old/pro/comp players and new-players; where the former should have acquired the knowledge & know-how to analyse and prioritise map-mapping and tactical diversity whereas the latter will undoubtedly feel its lack thereof.

It is then natural to conclude the degree of appetence for this game isn't quite universal and unanimous. Regardless of how good/badly a player performs, truth is, some will stand a higher chance where others will fall short. Some will have a full understanding of a map where others will barely get a draft of Ext/Helipad on SF Hospital --or any other map, for that matter-- and so on so forth.

Still, albeit this being common sense and knowledge to all who've contributed [positively or negatively] to this thread, no one's intent and care seems to be on understanding the depth of the above raised subject but rather on how the map shouldn't be untouched/how the map should stay true to the original/how this change gives advantage to players lacking in skill/how this change reveals old-player's inability to re-adapt/etc.

I'm not saying the points brought up so far aren't or shouldn't be acknowledged and of relevance; I'm just saying we should take a step back and look at the full picture for a little while. For instance, it is a fact that removing the G/203 will break the map's current balance --emphasis on the current-- though we'd all fall short for ignorance if we couldn't in the same fashion validate that balance is mostly a matter of choice-making. Most people choose to rush Helipad --often times ignoring by a great margin the existence and utility of Garage. Is Escort suffering too much at the hands of Ambush-Helipad-Rushers? Simple. Rush Garage, time your flashes, combine two/three-man teamwork, play effusive and repent solid gameplay. Even if this doesn't succeed in its entirety, it'll surely give Ambush more to think about so they'll know better than to blindly rush.

The old players I know, those that went from being new-comers to full-fledged competitive players [regardless of whether or not they were active within the competitive scene] would love the thrill of being confronted with newness, the ability to truly have their brains exceed in choice-making. It is important we don't forget --consciously-- that this is what kept AA alive over the years. It wasn't SF Hospital, Bridge, Urban or Pipeline. It was the fact that you had more people defying habits, you had more people re-routing their tactical approach to a certain map...and that made you think more, made you calculate more, made you interact more. That's the beauty in it all.

No other FPS that I've played ever offered me such a profound tactical element as AA has. I am of the opinion our efforts, as a community, should be precisely akin to the revival of the thrill in AA mores than the infamous yet understandable desire to keep AA as it was although the aforementioned is nearly impossible. Things have changed, times have changed, we should too.

Apologies for the long read.
My two scents. Inoffensive, too.

"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline Dialects

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #62 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 13:15:19 PM »
yeahh if you really need to spam do it short
no 1 realy reading you fucking esseys

No one forced you to read. Plus, it isn't spam. It's a contribution, just like others have done before, to the subject at hand. Whether people put the effort to read it or not is a different concern. I'd rather they would but they might not.

On the other hand though, you've just posted seven times on a row.
"The object of war is not to die for your country but to make the other bastard die for his." - George S. Patton

Offline Ares

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #63 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 13:24:59 PM »
I'm....Wow. I'm impressed, and honestly glad you've taken this action. And to everyone who cries about this, if you can't handle playing hospital without the 203 you're terrible and should uninstall the game at a moments notice. Haven't really read all the comments as I'm in a hurry but I can see no negative about this other than that people might camp a little more at first, which is a win-win for players like me who likes hunting down campers. This will only be good for the community though, so kudos to the admins for listening to reason. And to HT, and every other hospital one hit wonder clan;  I have been waiting to tell you this for SUCH a long time IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE

The old players I know, those that went from being new-comers to full-fledged competitive players [regardless of whether or not they were active within the competitive scene] would love the thrill of being confronted with newness, the ability to truly have their brains exceed in choice-making. It is important we don't forget --consciously-- that this is what kept AA alive over the years. It wasn't SF Hospital, Bridge, Urban or Pipeline. It was the fact that you had more people defying habits, you had more people re-routing their tactical approach to a certain map...and that made you think more, made you calculate more, made you interact more. That's the beauty in it all.

No other FPS that I've played ever offered me such a profound tactical element as AA has. I am of the opinion our efforts, as a community, should be precisely akin to the revival of the thrill in AA mores than the infamous yet understandable desire to keep AA as it was although the aforementioned is nearly impossible. Things have changed, times have changed, we should too.

Couldn't agree more.

Downside about this is, when the vote comes, it will go back to the way it was. People wants their easy kills, they want their comfort style like the way it always was. They'd rather stop playing the map than having it changed in such a HUUUUGE manner. Like I said before, you cannot listen to this community when it comes to what's best for Assist as a game, period. This community is retarded, mark my words.
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 13:41:51 PM by Ares »

Offline Vilkas

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #64 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 14:05:52 PM »
I'm....Wow. I'm impressed, and honestly glad you've taken this action. And to everyone who cries about this, if you can't handle playing hospital without the 203 you're terrible and should uninstall the game at a moments notice. Haven't really read all the comments as I'm in a hurry but I can see no negative about this other than that people might camp a little more at first, which is a win-win for players like me who likes hunting down campers. This will only be good for the community though, so kudos to the admins for listening to reason. And to HT, and every other hospital one hit wonder clan;  I have been waiting to tell you this for SUCH a long time IF YOU DON'T LIKE IT, PLAY SOMETHING ELSE
Couldn't agree more.

Downside about this is, when the vote comes, it will go back to the way it was. People wants their easy kills, they want their comfort style like the way it always was. They'd rather stop playing the map than having it changed in such a HUUUUGE manner. Like I said before, you cannot listen to this community when it comes to what's best for Assist as a game, period. This community is retarded, mark my words.

Couldn't agree more, well said and I like you last lines too, this community too old to adapt as well as retarded for new changes :) and to pit ( fuck off)
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 14:07:49 PM by Vilkas »

Offline ~=W!CK!D=~

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #65 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 14:51:01 PM »
Lol look at all these cry babies crawling out of woodwork like roaches.
Sure 203 is a easy ass kill. Not even 2 days and everyone already crying a out this test. I say get rid of 203 all together and be done with it. U will always having someone crying up any type of improvements to this game
but do these cry babies help assist  Any way I'll answer NO

btw pit how would u know u dont play no more lol.

Offline Jammax716uk

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #66 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 15:06:50 PM »
No one forced you to read. Plus, it isn't spam. It's a contribution, just like others have done before, to the subject at hand. Whether people put the effort to read it or not is a different concern. I'd rather they would but they might not.

On the other hand though, you've just posted seven times on a row.

Im quoting on this because your previous post made my eyes hurt ok but i have the exact same advice for you as i had for vilkas and the same for pit also,
If you dont like the map go to another map, go to another game.
I wont label existing players as old and stubborn or lacking the ability to adapt i prefer to label them as loyal and appreciate of what has always been the very best map in this game, they/we will find other ways to maximize our chances of victory and we will no doubt be back in a few years with you people bitching and taking more out of the map because its unfair that your still getting your arses handed back to you on a plate.
If you want change go back to AA3, we are here because we love AA2 comprehende!

Offline Vilkas

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #67 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 15:28:46 PM »
136 playing, plz dont tell me disabling 203 was a bad option :D you are really stupid jammax, oh god, i try not to talk to u because you never understand a thing what is good for AA, its present not past...old days were past, look bright...

Offline Vilkas

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #68 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 15:34:17 PM »
Its always couple in the community who intend to know more than others and has apparently more negative out of positive in changes :))


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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #69 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 17:35:26 PM »
 oooooooooooooooh, assist pussy admins got scared and deleting posts
deleting TRUTH
you scared of TRUTH you admin-babies

Offline KARI-30

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #70 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 17:43:40 PM »
"One hit wonder clan". Thats funny, cause you lost every single time you played vs HT :D Arsch or whatever you name is :D Oldschool pro.

Remove all the weapons, I dont care. But it should be on the server admin to decide how the map should be played. With or without 203's. Right Bart? Beta tester for the White house :D

Offline Ganja

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #71 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 18:05:37 PM »
"One hit wonder clan". Thats funny, cause you lost every single time you played vs HT :D Arsch or whatever you name is :D Oldschool pro.

Remove all the weapons, I dont care. But it should be on the server admin to decide how the map should be played. With or without 203's. Right Bart? Beta tester for the White house :D

Fuk server admins, they ruin the game enough already

Offline Vilkas

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #72 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 18:19:17 PM »
I like the idea of removing 203, players now have bigger opportunities to fight in close combat than scope from a distance and camp or nade from wwe to first lobby entrance. Ambush now can rush hospital equally like escort, overall it is improved game and I really like it.

Next stop is roof bug fix but I guess that will come in the next test update

Disabling 203 equals both sides now and makes it more balance.
Ambush can now rush to the hospital
Ambush can rush without being worried of nades to the heli or big stairs, which allows better game play.
« Last Edit: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 18:20:55 PM by Vilkas »

Offline Ares

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Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #73 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 18:26:04 PM »
Kari i wish I could tell you I know what you're talking about, because other than in assist, and whilst I was in Mortiferus, I can't really say I played you or anyone in your clan in any competitive match, I guess we were on diffrent levels and leauges. This is a good call, and it will do people good playing this map without 203, and even better if they get so pissed that they actually swap their servers to another map, so win-win. Good job eliz & co.

Offline BaXuZ

Re: The 203 disabled on hospital.
« Reply #74 on: Sunday, October 05, 2014, 18:31:04 PM »
Wow, so many familiar names here. So much fighting. Some wise words too.

I find it hard to understand how some of you think, and most of us here are grown ups, some with children.

This is how I think:
 - Making decisions is good, but can be sometimes counterproductive because it sometimes resembles dictatorship. And people are generally not very fund of dictators even if they are the ones keeping the damn thing alive.
 - Democracy and voting are not the best solutions in most cases. 100 people = 100 ideas and you only get to choose between 2.
 - Being strict and saying GO PLAY SOMETHING ELSE, will probably lead to empty servers one day and then you can spam 203 or rush with RPK against nobody which is maybe fun for someone.
 --- IMHO, attracting new people with SERVERS FOR NEWCOMERS signs, honor restrictions, different versions of the same map, map rotation evenings etc are all much better ideas then democracy or dictatorship. This is something we call marketing. If you want new users, use marketing.
Give them choice or at least a perception of choice. Give them possibility, give them chance.

I absolutely love this game. Would you use these words to market this game?

I see 80 + servers, I see same maps being played by the same people every day. Usually only 2 servers full.  This does not attract new people. Period. This does not even attract people who used to play this 5 years ago, when it was still alive.
Why are we having 80+ EMPTY servers?
Can we use the money spent on servers to advertise on Facebook, Twitter, CNN?
Can we finally start to get along more and fight less?
Can we strengthen ourselves to advertise this game wherever we can? Without any money, just using good will and spare time?

My point is, we are focusing on wrong things here. So many hard words are being used, looks like a kid fight in school. And everybody is missing the point given by the other guy.

Think people, think. And thank some people that are spending their time and money to keep the damn thing alive.  Instead of spending energy on hard words, give some support. Advertise AA.

BaX out, see you on the battlefield.


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