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Offline Vanoke

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Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #15 on: Thursday, March 05, 2015, 19:01:58 PM »
Its me about to make this more realistic if i run on on high heels on cold stone  in a big hall its normal to hear the sound collides against the walls on long distance,
You can`t hear sodiers running  on sand over 50 / 100 meter in real live unless you have special equipment, And we don`t have it in game.

Ganja text : I don't think a good soundcard gives you such a big advantage
Anser: we did ban one for live becose he did play only on sound. Sound is a way to locate players and you react on it . enough possebilleties to kill the player from, behind ore on long distance, when he starts to run, were he run to, to ring OBJ back. its if you play on it its easy kill.
If you reduse  only running and footstaps  sound you make a more suprice gameplay if its equel both players have the same change. And for sure its more like in real live realistic.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #16 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 05:58:17 AM »
let it be like it is now - i know i do always say this, but i mean it for real.

almost a year ago, i did buy the same soundcard like Angel has (he is my son). i was very surprised, because with that suround sound, i could here where enemy is comming from. before i had no chance. i dont change the default settings of it, its ok for me with that normal, but big advantage.

second i have to say: you know, Angel is very very good on aiming, it looks like he is cheating (and he is not). i did buy him a very good, brand new graphic card - to play aapg. at pg, its smooth and perfect, not like that with his old graphic card. but - and now the interesting part of it - he did change the card back to his old one, because the old one is much more better for aa2. yes, strange, but he didn't aim as good as normal with the new one at aa2. so there is something you all should know - old hardware can give you a big advantage for this game - maybe thats the reason Ganja is that good (or he is cheating :D ).

just to let you know, not always the "best" and newest hardware will change to an advantage at aa2.

Offline Ganja

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #17 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 05:59:22 AM »
With time you'll learn to play with the fact that enemies can hear you. I like this moment when I can manage to trick a soundwhore by for example pulling a flash, waiting for him to rush me and pull back my gun. Or climb halfway on a ladder and go back down, he'll think you're up and he'll come to rush ya. There's many things you can do while being "heard". IMO it's ridiculous to ban for that, but hey, it's your server. Just hope you won't do it at Big Clan Day (now I remember it I got accused by admins of BCD to ghost, probably because I used sound?)

Offline Vanoke

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Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #18 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 09:17:05 AM »
I still hope if its possible to lower the sound of running and walking its will do no harm to the game in negatieve way.

Little story Ganja becose you were ther to,last sunday BCD europe was not filled up till the end , end we know that is not happening muts. after i came to hear that one player was killed and from others i did hear that it was impossible to know were he was, i did go to your plays on 25Assist TS were 6 Guy's that were playing in BCD Europe  . we did play  courtyard fast enough my ears hear >>>>  ther was a player that was standing outsite the door than i hear on Assist TS >>>> He is behind the door <<<<  and from insite the bullets hit the player outsite , end game !  after that i did hear a little background laugh.  I was not fast enough to look the green light on ts who spoke . but for me is did sound if one was gosting.  that was my little story.   And it still happend all the time and i do hope that ones this silly behavior stops.   Gosting is for loosers and you never win. !!!!
THX =PUF=Vanoke 
« Last Edit: Friday, March 06, 2015, 09:19:37 AM by Vanoke »

Offline Ganja

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #19 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 09:25:41 AM »
I still hope if its possible to lower the sound of running and walking its will do no harm to the game in negatieve way.

Little story Ganja becose you were ther to,last sunday BCD europe was not filled up till the end , end we know that is not happening muts. after i came to hear that one player was killed and from others i did hear that it was impossible to know were he was, i did go to your plays on 25Assist TS were 6 Guy's that were playing in BCD Europe  . we did play  courtyard fast enough my ears hear >>>>  ther was a player that was standing outsite the door than i hear on Assist TS >>>> He is behind the door <<<<  and from insite the bullets hit the player outsite , end game !  after that i did hear a little background laugh.  I was not fast enough to look the green light on ts who spoke . but for me is did sound if one was gosting.  that was my little story.   And it still happend all the time and i do hope that ones this silly behavior stops.   Gosting is for loosers and you never win. !!!!
THX =PUF=Vanoke 

We were all on the same team by the way. And then maybe it was someone with sound helping someone without sound? Anyway I get your point of view about sound and I couldn't disagree more. Whatever

Offline Brotato

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #20 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 20:38:38 PM »
Change the sound and you change the game.

Probably over 50% will stop playing.

Offline Alex

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #21 on: Friday, March 06, 2015, 22:45:48 PM »
Change the sound and you change the game.

Probably over 50% will stop playing.
Don't worry it will never happen.

Offline Bart!

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #22 on: Monday, March 09, 2015, 13:27:49 PM »
Na we have to keep the sound the way it is or all the sound whores/campers will leave.
Not all added depth is good, especially not this. It makes good sound a must to even be decent. it also makes a gaming sound card a ridiculous advantage. It's a joke when you have people just sitting in rooms listening for when someone walks in. It just makes camping even easier.
That always depends on the player.

The main issue I see here, that the only reason they want sound to be worse is so they can run around fast, well, that surely is good for a tactical game.

I played pretty well on this game in the past, and I know what good sound can do, but even with the best sound, there are still ways to stop it. Smoke distraction, slow movement with scope, etc. etc.

The main problem was people using the stopsounds exploit to hear through smokes, that had nothing to do with the sound, that had only everything to do with exploiters.

Offline The Mentalist

Re: Reduse Sound running ore staps distance If possible
« Reply #23 on: Monday, March 09, 2015, 15:07:55 PM »
Did anyone stop to think that the DEV's created the sound this way, forcing to players to "act" more realistic in order to kill the enemy? ( crawling, crouching, flashing, smoking ) Did anyone remember the days were games lasted 7-8 minutes or more and not 3-4 minutes? You were actually able to crouch and crawl to different objectives, trying to avoid making sound. Now, when you're not rushing like crazy, you're a camper. Offcourse  you will hear more running. Not only that, somethimes players are forced to rush in one room when there are 1-8 players on pipeline. ( does "main only" ring any bells? ) I'm not saying that I'm against these rules, I'm just saying that there are still AA players out there that like to play AA like in the old days. "Main only" used to be "Tunnel" lol  :D


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