

Author Topic: MODS  (Read 15059 times)

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Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #30 on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 19:59:04 PM »
and just for the record:
we should start a voting - but not like the faked ones.
for real. count every part/vote on this thread NOW:

+1 for mods

I will count them like you did before :D
« Last Edit: Monday, March 24, 2014, 04:50:55 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline [SWISS]Angel

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« Reply #31 on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 21:27:11 PM »
my vote: +1 for mods

Offline Alex

« Reply #32 on: Sunday, March 23, 2014, 21:53:48 PM »
we dont ask for mutch, do we?
We get asked for a lot of stuff. You might not know this, but we literally have 1 person actively working on Assist, which is Eliz. He's the man behind pretty much every update and change. JonnyM created Assist, but Eliz the one who is currently running everything.

He's been asked for a whole bunch of stuff. To fix bugs, then get bitched at for fixing bugs. New features, upgrade to 2.8, self-healing, co-op maps. You name it, someone has asked for it.

We wanted to uphold what America's Army is all about. In our heads, it wasn't about mods and modded servers, as that was pretty much the downfall of AA 2.5 when official auth was still up. It was about preserving the core strategical gameplay. Of course things can always change and it's up to Eliz, as usual.

I don't buy that the lack of mod support is hurting the game, from what I've seen mods just make the old-school players quit. And really, the old-school AA2 players are the players we need. They're the players that keep this game alive. Not many new players are going to stumble across AA, a very old and outdated game on a 2 generation old engine, and stick with it or like it. It's simply not going to happen often. We need to hold onto the players we already have and try to get people BACK to the game. I know too many people that quit AA 2.5 back when the official auth was up because everything was "pick a weapon". It was a joke. We're trying not to repeat that.

This is pretty much just how I look at things. Other admins may have different point of views.

Offline ELiZ

« Reply #33 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 01:02:36 AM »
There is nothing stopping you from enabling ANY mod you want.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #34 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 03:25:43 AM »
mods can not be enabled anymore
weapon picker = no
ultimate = no

I did try that, doesn't work at all anymore :(

Offline Alex

« Reply #35 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 04:02:31 AM »
There is nothing stopping you from enabling ANY mod you want.
I think they're talking about how you can't just throw .exe mod files into the game anymore without getting kicked.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #36 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 04:35:29 AM »
mods are not .exe files dumbo :)
..... and so on..

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #37 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 05:12:07 AM »

as you  can see at the [SWISS]FunServer.Bridge, with the picker.u on it. this server did work until yesterday or the day before. now, both servers of that kind with weapon picker, can not connect anymore. it shows the  x

i did not make any changes, from one day to the other, both weapon.pick servers couldn't connect anymore.

and for this, i am really mad, because someone must had done something against that weapon.pick - without any message in front of doing it.

Offline ELiZ

« Reply #38 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 05:16:22 AM »
When did that change Merlin?

Offline GeorgeMac

« Reply #39 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 05:49:16 AM »
Hey guys, remember when you first started playing this game all those years ago? Sure it was fun, sure you enjoyed it, but don't you remember how excited you were everytime you went up an honour? Remember when you first hit 30 honour? 40? 50? 80? Remember how exciting and satisfying and rewarding that was?

New players need long term goals, new players need honour. Older players need the respect from high honour too, and the perks that go with that. Why not bin the 110 honour limit and just let players accrue honour over that?

It isn't just about fun, stats are a very big part of what makes games exciting, especially for new players. We need tracked servers.

Okay, frag rates do tend to ruin the game, but surely that can be fixed? What if frag rates were no longer tracked and stats were were all about numbers of kills and honour and it didn't matter how many times you were killed as that stat wasn't tracked?

If you want an exciting game again, you need to attract new players as well as older players and make the game exciting for all, so they need mods and tracking (without frag rates).
« Last Edit: Monday, March 24, 2014, 05:51:57 AM by GeorgeMac »

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #40 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 07:32:18 AM »
When did that change Merlin?

i am not sure when exactly, but i am sure it was between
21.03. and 23.03.2014
i will have a look a the logs, maybe i can see there more.

now at work, but in 6 hrs i should be able to post it.


Offline ELiZ

« Reply #41 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 07:52:45 AM »
For Merlin, not OP:

I just tested enabling WeaponPicker 1.2 found here:

As I suspected, there was no issues at all installing and using the mod.
So if YOU have issues running an MOD, you should just fix the problem you have on your end, instead of shouting at the top of you lungs that WE have ruined something.

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

« Reply #42 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 09:00:44 AM »
I did not started this thread, its just what i think about that all....
and as i did say i will look at the logs, and i am sure that someting has changed, cause i didn't. and both of that kind of server stoped at the same time. this is not possible, truly not!

and as you do say the mods are still playable, please send me the link for a running ultimate mod.

thank you very much in advance - but dont say then there is no ultimate mod runnable .....

edit: @ELiZ: i did not change the mod at all. i still use the original. but i will try the link you did post. thanks.
« Last Edit: Monday, March 24, 2014, 10:19:30 AM by [SWISS]Merlin »

Offline die$el

« Reply #43 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 09:27:35 AM »
i think admins have to make a pool,and let people vote
and for thoose who dont like mods,u can play in other servers

Offline Ganja

« Reply #44 on: Monday, March 24, 2014, 09:49:28 AM »
i think admins have to make a pool

Swimming time ! :D


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