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Offline Archeh

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #180 on: Thursday, April 23, 2015, 23:52:14 PM »
Vegeta I could link you to just as many articles in support of climate change... "look up google" you say but what did you search? Climate change fraud? Climate change conspiracy?
Hi I'm Archeh I like too have fun online playing shoot-'em-up video games

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #181 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 05:38:27 AM »
Vegeta I could link you to just as many articles in support of climate change... "look up google" you say but what did you search? Climate change fraud? Climate change conspiracy?

Yes we know that . But the point here is that everyone so far involved believes that there is only one side and nothing else.
So when dealing with ostriches you need to show them the other side.
You seriously thinking I dont know that they al,l american gov and UK and all the others push global warming? You kiddin me?Is that not what the discussion is about? SO the overall point is someone is telling lies. Someone in here said all the scientist agree. So that is a lie from someone who knows little or nothing. Read the white paper. Then tell me who write and whos wrong.

Edit in here. :)
Archeh it was you who said the 99% of scientists agree on global warming. So since you can provide so much against my thoughts. Why dont you provide the information your pusching Show me and all the good folks in here the document telling us about the 99% that are all agreed :)
Will you do that? Not to much to ask is it?

lol Vegeta I like your nickname and all but compare those 20billions with the trillions spent in war.


Well we never touched on why America and UK went to war for proffit yet. You know to find thw weapons of masse destruction another lie from there/our goverments. But hey these guys wouldnt lie to us about the climate would they.. Lovfl = Laughing out very feacking loud
« Last Edit: Friday, April 24, 2015, 06:19:15 AM by -Vegeta- »
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #182 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 06:12:19 AM »
Vegeta there's plenty of reasons to distrust governments but you don't have to immediately deny everything connected to a government... Besides, name something that isn't connected to a government, everything is in one way or another.

And that is the very reason you dont trust them.

Do you realize how unbelievably hypocritical you have been in this thread?

No sir but I wonder if you can produce ANY eveidence of me be hypoctitical? Please please please provide some.
Your staement is clear so back it up. PLEASE :)

I feel bad for the disrespect you've got but I think that you've earned it with your posts. On the other hand, you have disrespected everyone else.

Any thing siad in here against me is water off a ducks back. I dont give any of it one seconds thought or head time I totally understand whats wrong. And yes its partly my faualt. Could I make an attempt to make my posts look less offencive ? Yes I could. But I am long enough in the teeth to know what man is like . So its not worth the bother. Let your yes be a yes and your no be no. Striaght up simple. Even for hickys. Yes I have been and am short with anyone who decides to talk crap. That aint gonna change any time soon.

Do you understand the concept of a carbon footprint? It's not a scam, everyone has one.

Correct. something give you the impression I dont? Its not the imprint thats the problem. Its the lie exagerating the real cost of out footprint. And the lies that that intails.

  I haven't seen anyone in this thread mention forced regulation of carbon output or UN control over countries or anything like that. There's certainly a debate to be had there.

Sure there is

(though you have made it clear that you don't want a debate).

Really please quote that aswell. Thank you.

But there isn't much of a debate whether humans have caused changes in the climate. And it's also pretty clear what effects those changes will have, from rising temperatures and sea level to more frequent extreme weather events. Sorry to everyone for bringing up climate change, but like I said I just knew that Vegeta would have a lot to say using typical talking points based on fear because he is so predictable.

I am predictable becuase I dont change. All things are black and white to me. Dont like grey. I like both sides of EVERY debate.

Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #183 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 06:25:11 AM »
So were did every one go last night since I posted? Teddy spanky Armyanticheat  so very quite everyone go  on holiday with wicked? So many smart arses with there smart ass comments but not one even attempted to answer my question. Wonder why that is?
I will ask again.

If dinosaures were whiped out approxamitly 65 million yeras ago.
and man only started walking the earth 200 0000 years ago.
Howis it possible for there to be dinosaur footpints with a mans right beside it and on top of them in many instances?
Sad when you ask a simple question they all run. But have so much to say on everything else. And always until the question comes up and you all move on. every time. I daont cahnge and dont moves I either back it up or admit I was wrong. But I dont avoid like you lot do.
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline Rapture

Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #184 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 09:06:27 AM »
I believe that evolution occurs in all life, except humans. I don't think we came from apes but rather that God made us in his image and put us on this Earth so that we could pwn the noob animals and use all the resources, then he'll Rapture us to heaven and start us all over on another planet.

I knew someone called my name. Im a lil late but my Rappy Senses Kinda Running Slow From To Much Partying
« Last Edit: Friday, April 24, 2015, 09:08:56 AM by Rapture »

Offline Ronny123

Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #185 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 11:02:32 AM »
Vegeta...why when a new baby borns,he screams?simple,you cant know , you cant answers,only god knows!
stop doing a big mistake,do not deny god! because god will deny u
man u live here 100 years only ,and its your choice to choose where to live the rest,dont make a mistake and wake up.. please!

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #186 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 13:39:59 PM »
Vegeta...why when a new baby borns,he screams?simple,you cant know , you cant answers,only god knows!
stop doing a big mistake,do not deny god! because god will deny u
man u live here 100 years only ,and its your choice to choose where to live the rest,dont make a mistake and wake up.. please!

Get with the program man I am as far as  I can see the only Christian in here.
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline Spanky

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #187 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 14:26:15 PM »
So were did every one go last night since I posted? Teddy spanky Armyanticheat  so very quite everyone go  on holiday with wicked? So many smart arses with there smart ass comments but not one even attempted to answer my question. Wonder why that is?
I will ask again.
The forum was down for many hours yesterday. Personally, I had better things to do than to check the site after fixing it for pointless discussions.

If dinosaures were whiped out approxamitly 65 million yeras ago.
and man only started walking the earth 200 0000 years ago.
Howis it possible for there to be dinosaur footpints with a mans right beside it and on top of them in many instances?
Sad when you ask a simple question they all run. But have so much to say on everything else. And always until the question comes up and you all move on. every time. I daont cahnge and dont moves I either back it up or admit I was wrong. But I dont avoid like you lot do.
Your poorly spelled and articulated point is 30 years too late;
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #188 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 16:13:59 PM »
The forum was down for many hours yesterday. Personally, I had better things to do than to check the site after fixing it for pointless discussions.
Your poorly spelled and articulated point is 30 years too late;

When someone is struggling in a debate with me they always refer to my spelling somehow must make them feel better. lol.
There are always going to be the people who will do what ever they can to try and make everything fit there agenda. Do you want me to show you the sites saying the complete opposite? There out there seen it all before. But what you are doing in all these discussions is showing one side as if there is only one side. There lies the lie.
Wow how did these guys know and carve dinos into stones . But you believe the lies. 1 Vegeta - Spanky 0
100% fact But you Spanky chose to believe the guy who relies on the money for his job.
Same here again 100% proof any one else have concrte proof like there old carving and drawing?

If the debate is beneath you why did you get involved? You were as guilty as anyone else in here for bring the debate down to the gutter level. And now my spelling is a problem. What a joke.
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline ArmyAntiCheat

Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #189 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 17:01:59 PM »
Vegeta like u said to us do ur own research with proof

Offline Spanky

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #190 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 18:23:24 PM »
now my spelling is a problem. What a joke.
You're right, it's pretty damn funny. You don't know how to speak your countries major language. To top it off, you get your opinionated information from biased websites that agree with your viewpoint.

Outright hilarious :)
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #191 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 18:40:53 PM »
You're right, it's pretty damn funny. You don't know how to speak your countries major language. To top it off, you get your opinionated information from biased websites that agree with your viewpoint.

Outright hilarious :)

And what did you do. Exactly the same. Now thats what a hypocrite is exactly.  You added nothing to the debate or any of them for that matter and the more you gibber shit the more stupid you look. Outright hilarious :)
My mums fatter than your mum
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment

Offline ArmyAntiCheat

Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #192 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 19:02:08 PM »
Vegeta what is ur point of this thread at all, no one can have a proper discussion with you. You look pathetic with each post.

Offline Spanky

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #193 on: Friday, April 24, 2015, 22:40:58 PM »
And what did you do. Exactly the same. Now thats what a hypocrite is exactly.
I've linked to many different sources. All your sources have a huge stench of religious propaganda. Just one glance at the sites you've linked show that they're just shoveling and spinning information to cater to your already proven wrong opinion.
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline -Vegeta-

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Re: SO you dont believe in God.
« Reply #194 on: Saturday, April 25, 2015, 04:43:14 AM »
Vegeta what is ur point of this thread at all, no one can have a proper discussion with you. You look pathetic with each post.

Point is you said Ive been to cold climates and its warming up and the ice is melting and you know it because you seen it. Correct? Now I told you there is no global warming and you quite adimently siadit is you seen it. The facts are there is NO global warming that the point. Really dificult explianing anything to you when in the middle of it you dontr even know what its about. All I have had from you and most other is a slagging match about how I am a dumb ass and cant spell.
So I look pathetic? or you do with your false claims. and silly accusations
Words are great possed but the tune is crap. A condeming fear strikes down
Things they cannot understand. An excuse to cover up weaknesses that lie within Lies
Laying your guilt and pain. On people that had no part in the molding of a life
That creates its destruction. Lies. Right before your very eyes
A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny. Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment
Reaching into the minds of those that created. The depression in which they
In which they drowned their flesh and blood. Lies. So easy to blame the
Everlasting fear on a pathetic attempt. To justify the ending of life. Lies
Right before your very eyes. A reflection of the mistakes. To the end you will deny
Your part in the demise of a life
Lack of comprehension. Thriving on your cliche. Compelled by self-resentment


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