

Author Topic: Double Standard  (Read 20086 times)

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Offline General_alkos

Double Standard
« on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 05:23:38 AM »

For Koden question as assist admins to kick me with sb twice.
I was a kick with sb because of disrespect..
Is it for you direspect?
-phuNkiii.ops-last night in the game Wickid say or ask him have down-syndrome?
-HES from Florida, do not expect him to have a brain to process 5 lines of text

-and normal that after that game broke but after that fell.
-I think you sometimes subjective and should not be because You are for us those who should be the same for all. :rtfm:

Offline phuNkiii.ops

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #1 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 05:29:45 AM »
he insulted me every time in game after I died as VIP, and not only me.. So yeah I told him to stop trading food stamps for crack (: And its kind of stupid you are using this as you probably got purged for saying nationalist shit as always.. That guy was shittalking everyone and saying he will ddos the server Lol, I dont think I should have offered myself to buy him icecream

Offline ronski

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #2 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 05:42:13 AM »
Without knowing more about the subject you're up to I have to remind you (all) that no one is moderating forum and chat 24/7, they moderate when they have time to do so.

There is no point in banning user from shoutbox like 12 hours after the shout, therefore it's not always about double standards, it's about the moment. Disrespectful shouts will get deleted eventually, and the ban might result if it's shouted recently or in some reasonable time, but after several hours it just makes no sense. The ban is only 24hour ban and it's set to prevent user shouting more disrespectful shouts, if time has passed after the disrespectful shout without new ones being posted, there is no point in giving a ban since the shitspree is already over.

Then again the subject does matter but it's also about timing.

Offline General_alkos

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #3 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 06:06:41 AM »
Without knowing more about the subject you're up to I have to remind you (all) that no one is moderating forum and chat 24/7, they moderate when they have time to do so.

There is no point in banning user from shoutbox like 12 hours after the shout, therefore it's not always about double standards, it's about the moment. Disrespectful shouts will get deleted eventually, and the ban might result if it's shouted recently or in some reasonable time, but after several hours it just makes no sense. The ban is only 24hour ban and it's set to prevent user shouting more disrespectful shouts, if time has passed after the disrespectful shout without new ones being posted, there is no point in giving a ban since the shitspree is already over.

Then again the subject does matter but it's also about timing.

I did not even ask anyone to ban.just wanted to say that we are not all the same.
and now it all as a time.It could be as well for me in the two cases.or last night at phuNkiii.ops.
all can and wants to see and do when you want!
I'm not mad I did not just notes.
and to know for next time if someone strikes again that we are not deleted messages, insults because no others are not deleted.
I understand it was down to 24.7 and Time
Bok all

Offline timater

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #4 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 06:26:18 AM »
Ronski he is mostly implying to the kick + the 24h ban Wic got from me last night for not following server rules set by the server owner so I'll answer him in Croatian.

Alkos dovoljno si star i pametan da razumiješ što ću ti sada napisat i dalje od toga mi ne pada na pamet da se raspravljam.

Nemožeš negirati i biti toliko slijep da kažeš da ga Mia nije bezbroj puta opomenula za ponašanje, svaki server ima svoja pravila i kao Admin mi so tu da pazimo da se ta pravila poštuju. Jednako tako u pra navrata omalovažavao je Miu i njen autorit kao igrača a najgore kao i Admina na serveru, vjeruj mi kad ti kažm da sam se suzdržavao do zadnje sekunde da ga ne izbacim sa servera. Kada igram, želim igrat, a nekome biti stariji brat ili tata.

E sada kao i sinoć ti piliš o dvostrukim mjerilima, a moje je pitanje koji je razlog da se toliko zalažeš za njega? Zar bi ti dopustio da te netko toliko provocira i omalovažava na tvom serveru? Zar si toliko slijep da nisi vidio kada je Wic napisao par minuta prije zadnjeg upozorenja od Mie kako sada ide razgovarat sa pit23? Zar si toliko slijep da nakon što sam ga kickao pao nam je server i svaki slijedeći na kojem sam bio... slučajnost? sumnjam... Nemam se ja kome tu opravdavati ovo pišem iz nekog poštovanja prema tebi, ali ne mislim piskarati više nego li igram.


Offline General_alkos

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #5 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 06:51:40 AM »
Ronski he is mostly implying to the kick + the 24h ban Wic got from me last night for not following server rules set by the server owner so I'll answer him in Croatian.

Alkos dovoljno si star i pametan da razumiješ što ću ti sada napisat i dalje od toga mi ne pada na pamet da se raspravljam.

Nemožeš negirati i biti toliko slijep da kažeš da ga Mia nije bezbroj puta opomenula za ponašanje, svaki server ima svoja pravila i kao Admin mi so tu da pazimo da se ta pravila poštuju. Jednako tako u pra navrata omalovažavao je Miu i njen autorit kao igrača a najgore kao i Admina na serveru, vjeruj mi kad ti kažm da sam se suzdržavao do zadnje sekunde da ga ne izbacim sa servera. Kada igram, želim igrat, a nekome biti stariji brat ili tata.

E sada kao i sinoć ti piliš o dvostrukim mjerilima, a moje je pitanje koji je razlog da se toliko zalažeš za njega? Zar bi ti dopustio da te netko toliko provocira i omalovažava na tvom serveru? Zar si toliko slijep da nisi vidio kada je Wic napisao par minuta prije zadnjeg upozorenja od Mie kako sada ide razgovarat sa pit23? Zar si toliko slijep da nakon što sam ga kickao pao nam je server i svaki slijedeći na kojem sam bio... slučajnost? sumnjam... Nemam se ja kome tu opravdavati ovo pišem iz nekog poštovanja prema tebi, ali ne mislim piskarati više nego li igram.

Nisam ja pisao o wiku nego prvenstveno o sebi.jer mi se dogodilo da zbog sličnih stvari sam ja bio kikan sa sb i brisane moje rjeći kakve god one bile jer su bile obostrane.pisao da ako mi se opet slično dogodi da mi se ne briše i ne kika a drugoga ostavlja.kao što je po meni bio sinoć primjer sa phunkijem.Ja bi njega isto kikao jer stalno nesto sere..hoces u igri ili u sb..bas sam ga pitao danas koliko ima godina.nije htio odgovoriti.
ti si poćeo pisat o wiku i tebi a ja nisam pisao o tome.
to ce ta vas dvojica rješiti obadvojica ste admini na serveru i ne valja za igru to..ali svjesni ste bili obadvojica toga i svega ostalog.
ja sam ovo napisao zbog dvostrukih mjerila.double-trouble kako mi se zvao kafič,haha i da se treći puta prema meni ne ponaša tako ako se isto desi kao što se desilo pa sam kikan sa sb.
to mi je bio savršen primjer jer phunky je toliko nezreo,vređa i stalno nesto piše.sere.izaziva.smatram da si i njega trebao izbaciti vec kada si wika a on ostao i odmah nakon toga otisao most igrati a nama sranja napravio.
nadam se da razumiješ.
l.p. i tebi
« Last Edit: Monday, August 08, 2016, 07:28:55 AM by General_alkos »

Offline timater

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #6 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 07:41:58 AM »
Wic i ja nemamo šta rješavati, uostalom ako ja ikada dođem na njegov server i ponašam se kao on slobodno neka mi radi što hoće, a znamo i ti i ja da se ja tako ne ponašam.

nikako ne možeš uspoređivati sinoć wicka i phunkiia, wic je dobio bezbroj upozorenja a phunkii samo jedno.

Iako sam rekao da neću evo me opet piskaram i objašnjavam nešto što je očito kao dan.

Offline General_alkos

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #7 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 07:59:56 AM »
Wic i ja nemamo šta rješavati, uostalom ako ja ikada dođem na njegov server i ponašam se kao on slobodno neka mi radi što hoće, a znamo i ti i ja da se ja tako ne ponašam.

nikako ne možeš uspoređivati sinoć wicka i phunkiia, wic je dobio bezbroj upozorenja a phunkii samo jedno.

Iako sam rekao da neću evo me opet piskaram i objašnjavam nešto što je očito kao dan.
Neču komentirati odnos tebe i wika....rješavajte to sami.znali ste da ste admini ,da ce se odraziti na igru itd.
Samo cu prokomentirati o phunkiju.tu se ne slažem sa tobom pun je sb od phunkija njegovih gluposti i isto tako pisanja u igri.Ali svaki dan,svaki jebeni dan sb je pun njegovih pisanja,uvreda i svakakvih sranja.što se on upleo sinoč između tebe i wika,da mu kaže,pita za down-sindrom i vređa ga?!
ponovit cu pa idem,napisao post zbog mene i mojih slučaja a phunky mi je živi dokaz od sb svaki dan do admina koji to citaju i nikom ništa a neke kikaju poput mene u ona dva slučaja sa pitbulom.a isto tako si bio prisutan jer je bilo u tvom serveru kada je rekao dožao da vidim sta mi radi alkos i mmm.podjeb kao i pfunkijev sinoč.
nepotrebno i uništava i ovako jadnu igru.
ova igra sada je sjena aao2 od ranije sve zbog ovakvih odnosa i sve je gore.

Offline voras

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Re: Double Standard
« Reply #8 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 10:57:28 AM »
Yeah how ronski like to say this is what happen when admin power got  wrong ppl muhabaha...  timater dont take it personaly it is just joke....

Offline General_alkos

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #9 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 12:00:26 PM »
Yeah how ronski like to say this is what happen when admin power got  wrong ppl muhabaha...  timater dont take it personaly it is just joke....
Bok Voras  :style:
« Last Edit: Monday, August 08, 2016, 12:25:17 PM by General_alkos »

Offline voras

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Re: Double Standard
« Reply #10 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 14:15:18 PM »
Bok bro!! :style:

Offline Koden

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Re: Double Standard
« Reply #11 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 15:24:53 PM » i tried to translate what you all wrote in croatian, the overall meaning seems to be a complaint about a lack of moderation against offensive shouts or posts written by some players. Aside of the posts not always removed within an hour, we all do our best to keep up with the content, and obviously we also work or have other things to attend to, so the removal doesnt happen in that time span, there's a practical reason for it.
Regarding the content, as I've recently explained to another person here on the forum, quoting my answer: keep a decent level of language, with that meaning not just censoring single words but mostly to minimize the kind of attitudes and contrasts that make for anger, hackusations, insulting, etc.
*Sarcasm hasn't been included yet among offences.

P.s. you also can't see the removed messages on the shoutbox, so at times you might not get what happened or who insulted who (and just consider how far taking messages out can "ruin" the conversation meaning).
« Last Edit: Monday, August 08, 2016, 15:31:18 PM by Koden »

Offline General_alkos

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #12 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 15:48:21 PM » i tried to translate what you all wrote in croatian, the overall meaning seems to be a complaint about a lack of moderation against offensive shouts or posts written by some players. Aside of the posts not always removed within an hour, we all do our best to keep up with the content, and obviously we also work or have other things to attend to, so the removal doesnt happen in that time span, there's a practical reason for it.
Regarding the content, as I've recently explained to another person here on the forum, quoting my answer:
*Sarcasm hasn't been included yet among offences.

P.s. you also can't see the removed messages on the shoutbox, so at times you might not get what happened or who insulted who (and just consider how far taking messages out can "ruin" the conversation meaning).
I know you can not see all removed messages.but I also know what I do every day see at sb.
sometimes there is little difference between sarcasm and insults.once the moderator does not see the difference that used to punish those who do not.
everything was ok, I just gave an example last night phunky and wickid,before that myself.every day is full of sb of everything from phunky.even in a game like last night.
a moderator is equal to everyone.
« Last Edit: Monday, August 08, 2016, 15:54:03 PM by General_alkos »

Offline ~=W!CK!D=~

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #13 on: Monday, August 08, 2016, 22:03:51 PM »
Gen no need to make a post about it,  I can handle these [edit - people] myself but thx!!!!!
1st...  timater go [edit]. Only 1 I would respect is scorp & ronski,  far as your ban it's easy to change a ip or Mac address & come in again, doesn't take a genius to firgure that out which i proved as fast as u placed it I came right back in,
What comes around goes around!!!!!!!

We all know I hate that [edit] supreme,  no additional info needed there
And besides that [edit] started so I finished ,  now strap a vest on and blow ur self up in pieces

Far as Ddosing server?? Are yous [edit]?? Never said I would or could do it, stated only a matter of time servers would crash as they have every day, but funny as soon as I say pit23 name server crashes and u blame me for it lmfao

« Last Edit: Tuesday, August 09, 2016, 02:27:56 AM by Koden »

Offline ronski

Re: Double Standard
« Reply #14 on: Tuesday, August 09, 2016, 03:00:03 AM »
Gen no need to make a post about it,  I can handle these [edit - people] myself but thx!!!!!
1st...  timater go [edit]. Only 1 I would respect is scorp & ronski,  far as your ban it's easy to change a ip or Mac address & come in again, doesn't take a genius to firgure that out which i proved as fast as u placed it I came right back in,
What comes around goes around!!!!!!!

We all know I hate that [edit] supreme,  no additional info needed there
And besides that [edit] started so I finished ,  now strap a vest on and blow ur self up in pieces

Far as Ddosing server?? Are yous [edit]?? Never said I would or could do it, stated only a matter of time servers would crash as they have every day, but funny as soon as I say pit23 name server crashes and u blame me for it lmfao
I heard about what happened, was just weird that chatlogger didn't log a word from that session, I think current log is showing less information overall than it should. When I heard about his name being mentioned at server & that particular server crashing right after it, it all started to make more sense. He is playing the game all the time from other subnet than his own, might be using some old stolen account so he would't be spotted that easily, or just new one(s) - who knows for sure. That's the reason why he can react so fast when certain players are playing the map and that's how he's so aware of people talking about him or the attacks.


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