

Author Topic: TWL style game  (Read 38361 times)

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Offline (.shadow.)

TWL style game
« on: Saturday, September 09, 2023, 17:04:37 PM »
Looking for peeps that would be interested in making two teams for a best of 3 style TWL matches each team gets one map to pick and the third can be chosen at random or must be voted on by each player and majority votes win the map I don’t expect this to take place in the next few days would really like it to be as many ppl as possibly

Online Bart!

Re: TWL style game
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, September 10, 2023, 02:11:55 AM »
Hi Shadow,

Would this be NA or EU times?
Would it be 4vs4 as most main tournaments back in the days?
Do you want to have specific times?
Best for a TWL style tourney in my experience is to have a set maplist: for example 7 maps, both teams ban 1 map, then both pick one, then both ban one and the 3th is overtime.

Offline (.shadow.)

Re: TWL style game
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, September 10, 2023, 08:05:13 AM »
For times I figured we could wait until we see who all is interested and then pick a time zone  from that I really want people to callborate so we can maximize people who can make it.

I’m hoping for a minimum 4v4

As for maps yeah that’s what I was kinda thinking


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