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Offline The Mentalist

_PAM_ is recruiting!
« on: Sunday, March 29, 2015, 17:47:00 PM »
_PAM_ = Play Another Map

I'm looking for players who like to play all AA maps, not just bridge, Urban Assault, pipeline(sf), hospital, border and weapon cache but all maps. Currently, I just play with other clans from time to time or on big clan day in order to play as many maps as possible.

Take a look at my history from the last couple of days:

Crappy stats, but that's not the point :) In a little less then 8 hours, I played 15 maps. I'm looking for players who are willing to do the same, as a team on teamspeak. Nothing to serious. The only requirement is the willingness to play all maps from time to time and try to play on Big Clan Day on Sunday.

I'm happy with things the way they are with just 2 members. I rarely have to play alone because I'm Always on some other clans teamspeak, but it would be nice if I get to know more people that miss cool maps like "Radio Tower", "Swamp Raid", "SF Village", etc... and would like to play them more often.

We run the "Join & play another map soldier!" server. The rules are simple. There are none. We don't force players to play "main only" on pipeline, We won't force players to play "up only" on tunnel, We don't swap the map if the mapvotes don't pass, etc... I'm not saying I'm against those rules, and I understand why they exist, but there are many servers that you can play on that enforce those rules. Players can play how they want to play and on wich map that they want to play on the PAM server. The only thing we do is welcome players that join, and forceclass a gun every once and a while. That's it. The matches only last for 7 rounds so that new players don't have to wait 10-15 round before they can play with a different gun and the rounds last 6 minutes so that players don't have to rush like on most other servers and can actually complete all objectives while walking instead of running.

For those of you that don't want to join PAM but want to play another map when there are no servers available with that map, just track my down, join the server I'm playing on and ask me to play another map and I will ;) I dont mind playing 1vs1 untill more people join.

What does PAM has to offer:
- 2 active members that play almost every day.
- A 32-slot server on wich you can be admin if you prove that you are mature enough
- A 10-slot teamspeak-server

Requirements to join:
- Play with me at least once on the PAM teamspeak so that I know who you are.
- Willingness to play together on teamspeak when you play AA.
- Willingness to play less popular maps during the week.
- Willingness to play on Big Clan Day ( when you can offcourse ).
That's it. :)

Our website:
Battletracker page:
Teamspeak Viewer:
Teamspeak IP: ( no port or password required )

Game-server info:
View the maps we've played in the last week:
View the Top 50 ( kills & playtime ) on the PAM game-server:

Reply on this topic or send me a PM or in order to join!

« Last Edit: Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 19:02:50 PM by Jelle Mees »

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: _PAM_ I recruiting!
« Reply #1 on: Sunday, March 29, 2015, 17:58:48 PM »
I like this post :)
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

Offline Ganja

Re: _PAM_ I recruiting!
« Reply #2 on: Sunday, March 29, 2015, 18:08:53 PM »
Good initiative good luck. I must admit sometimes I find the rules fuked up but each his own style I guess.

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Re: _PAM_ I recruiting!
« Reply #3 on: Sunday, March 29, 2015, 23:35:46 PM »
good :), another point is that it should help ppl to get higher ranks on BT, theres 100 honor ppl that are still Private, lulz.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline The Mentalist

Re: _PAM_ is recruiting!
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, April 07, 2015, 19:00:56 PM »
Updated the topic with our website, teamspeak info and a few other links like our maphistory and the top50 killers on our server.

Offline ~=W!CK!D=~

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Re: _PAM_ is recruiting!
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, April 08, 2015, 00:24:19 AM »
Great post made.. good luck


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