


Has banning been effective in keeping the game alive

No there are very little players anymore because of bannning
2 (40%)
Yes Assist will  live on untill no one else has an interest.
3 (60%)

Total Members Voted: 5

Author Topic: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)  (Read 88026 times)

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Offline Ganja

Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #45 on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 16:54:48 PM »
Ok, have a good life :)

Offline ArmyAntiCheat

Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #46 on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 17:13:53 PM »
I chill my back and watch.

Offline Dialects

Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #47 on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 18:14:49 PM »
For all that matters, I would be in a position to grant you a second chance. In fact, I would be in such position towards giving a second chance for every single member that does more than simple plain bitching. Ultimately however, this is my take on the subject of hacking/cheating and does not reflect Assist policies, at least not as of yet.

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Offline nailum

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #48 on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 20:08:25 PM »
For all that matters, I would be in a position to grant you a second chance. In fact, I would be in such position towards giving a second chance for every single member that does more than simple plain bitching. Ultimately however, this is my take on the subject of hacking/cheating and does not reflect Assist policies, at least not as of yet.


Thanks Dan for your input....

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #49 on: Monday, November 18, 2013, 23:56:01 PM »
so AA3 maps take away the fun of AA... so does the hungry kids in Africa...
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Offline M_TopSecret

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #50 on: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 01:15:47 AM »
Wow, I seriously can't believe this has gone on to 4 pages! First off Nailum, whom like everyone at least seen the TOS flash before his eyes, then there's ArmyAntiCheat, who with his name alone, one might think he was understanding of the rules with hacking, guess not. Change you name Army, sounds like you'd rather hack anyways no?

It doesn't make the game as a whole, fun, it makes it fun for you cause you can sit back and fuck with people. What fun is that for everyone else as a community?

I could never be an admin or moderator, half of these people are just plain fuckin stupid. Why even post after you hacked? It's not going to get you anywhere. Have you not read anything within this forum and what it's about?

Honestly Nailum, if you've played this game for that long, then you would have known the ways to run your own server without authorization, and if you're saying that you did then you're just fuckin stupid for even trying while running assist. You as well as everyone else in this forum has seen and should know that anti-cheat is still very big within the devs, same for the rest of the community, so by you even trying some shit like that, just makes you another little punk kid like the rest regardless of your age.
Never fly the 'A' model of anything. — Ed Thompson

Offline Mike Mentzer

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #51 on: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 03:40:53 AM »
That's the point, people want stats to be tracked because you get points and fun, do you think people join non tracked servers? everybody wants a tracking server or that would just waste life of nothing.

hahaha you are wrong search for "ultimate mod lover boys" they got much fun while gang banging.  :weed:
Nice some Ass licking around   ((_) :censored: D :P (_o_) :P

Offline ArmyAntiCheat

Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #52 on: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 12:29:13 PM »
To back up my state, I am not a mod lover. Neither was. I was involved a lot within other games and communities and saw the same struggle assist has right now. I am saying that, all the ''modern games'' have new graphics new engines that makes devs try too hard to make the game as realistic as possible where they don't concentrate on making some fun for the players.

I am saying that classical game play will become boring in the future and mostly everyone must agree to this conclusion. If you don't think so, then you don't play the game as often as others. It seems as I was ignored by saying, ''they had always an option to choose where to play''. All this happened because everyone played on modded servers, everyone was tired of them but lets wait and see, they will be asked again after the game becomes boring. Its always like that within every game, You disable that, they want that again after some time. You do something wrong, they want to change that as it was. You left the mods available but they are not tracking. Now I am talking about fun. Do you think people are going to play non tracking server? Never. In many games they aren't and they won't. They wont receive any accomplishment, at this point they won't receive tracking and no honor points for them to level up. All now i am arguing is that people had choice, it was modded players vs classical players. We can leave this as it is but I get to this point in the future when we are going to change plans of making fun.

I don't hack. I just look at the consequences. I am not being selfish. I want everyone to enjoy, even if the person did made a mistake. Everybody should get a second chance, even if it was your worse enemy. I am not talking about pit who had plenty of second chances but he didn't take the opportunity he was given, we don't need people like him. And he shouldn't even be mentioned in the forum, he did a few things but stopped when people required updates and work from him, people were bitching too much which made him change. Anyways back on the topic.

Nailum isn't stupid, he or the community isn't. You see there is personal opinions and aspects of whats better. Nailum has warned people not to try hacking, which is good. He also sounded as he wanted to get a chance to play again. I know and I believe in people for their second chance, they can learn and don't tell me hackers stay hackers. With this kind of Anti System they wouldn't risk again. This is free community, they can speak anything they want and have nothing against the people who is against me or for me. At least the forum has activity in which we discuss.

I respect you ''Top _ Secret'' even if you're not worthy to be respected. I don't think this person nor I had anything against you. You came with your definition of right and wrong and knowing truth from lie. I have nothing wrong for you to tell us something that goes in your head.

All I m saying is that, if you were in the hackers shoe, lightly you saying you will never be, but if you are going to be one day then you are going to beg or ask for a chance to play again. I don't love hackers, but I love challenges. Therefore you have Anti cheat programs fighting hackers to improve the anti each time, without them there wouldn't be any kind of programmatic challenge. I believe in religion and feel as to fresher this community and not to be a big bullies around who knows this game for long time. It doesn't make you harder or tougher, i believe in humanity and I think there is nothing wrong with that.

I don't try to force change rules and I don't know all of the rules that fly around the gaming world. Pretty sure all rules are the same. I am trying to change ''some'' of the rules that would help assist in the future because I have nothing that would help me to change something just for myself as I am not selfish.
« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 14:38:36 PM by ArmyAntiCheat »

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #53 on: Tuesday, November 19, 2013, 13:50:55 PM »
Lmao u gave me the laugh of the day topsecret

Offline M_TopSecret

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #54 on: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 13:37:57 PM »
People play chess or checkers, all the time, for years and years. Those are games you play because you love the game play, and you enjoy the time spent as well as the comradery. This game is very similar, and I think it would almost be better if there was no tracking, what's the point? If the game dies then it won't make a difference anyways.

My point is, if you're looking for something different within the game then play a modded server, have some fun and screw off a few rounds. Sports is another great example of people who play for the love of the game, and it doesn't change, if you do on the other hand decide to make your own game out of one, then you're playing something different for the fun of it as it's not going to turn into another NFL or MLB world serious. Catching my drift?

Sorry to have sounded harsh in my previous post, I was catching up on my Sons of Anarchy, which in turn filled me with piss and vinegar! lol I still love that Tara though... Mmmmmmm
Never fly the 'A' model of anything. — Ed Thompson

Offline nailum

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #55 on: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 19:55:58 PM »
Wow, I seriously can't believe this has gone on to 4 pages! First off Nailum, whom like everyone at least seen the TOS flash before his eyes, then there's ArmyAntiCheat, who with his name alone, one might think he was understanding of the rules with hacking, guess not. Change you name Army, sounds like you'd rather hack anyways no?

It doesn't make the game as a whole, fun, it makes it fun for you cause you can sit back and fuck with people. What fun is that for everyone else as a community?

I could never be an admin or moderator, half of these people are just plain fuckin stupid. Why even post after you hacked? It's not going to get you anywhere. Have you not read anything within this forum and what it's about?

Honestly Nailum, if you've played this game for that long, then you would have known the ways to run your own server without authorization, and if you're saying that you did then you're just fuckin stupid for even trying while running assist. You as well as everyone else in this forum has seen and should know that anti-cheat is still very big within the devs, same for the rest of the community, so by you even trying some shit like that, just makes you another little punk kid like the rest regardless of your age.

Thanks for your support, Its not about being fuckin stupid at all knowbeone canknowbe Its about I wanted to see what the coder of the hack works like. I know how serious everyone one is about this game and its too bad we all cant face the facts that some of us like to venture out beyond the fence like me. Sometimes I think people forget that we are free to do what we wish as long as its not harming others or interfering with there own success if its a game or real life. JS

Offline M_TopSecret

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Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #56 on: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 21:07:14 PM »
You would have been free to do as you wish had you not used it within the assist client. Actually you're still free to do as you wish with the game, at least you wont have to worry about getting banned ;)

People who want to venture out and try shit, for the most part, are smart enough with the ways they do it.
Never fly the 'A' model of anything. — Ed Thompson

Offline Rapture

Re: Warning: Don't Test Hacks (aka: I f**ked up)
« Reply #57 on: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 21:10:31 PM »
this is just gonna go back and forth over and over again. so imma lock this thread, if admins deem this thread to be unlocked then please do so. im just trying to stop the ping pong effect :D

Bottom line for all users

Never assume its ok to test anything that is considered a exploit or hack. Cause you will be BANNED
« Last Edit: Wednesday, November 20, 2013, 21:12:11 PM by Rapture »


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