

Author Topic: Assist infinite setup  (Read 36678 times)

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Offline Branta

Assist infinite setup
« on: Wednesday, July 27, 2022, 20:26:23 PM »
I downloaded all the America's Army files and when I checked the default folder all the files were present but when it finishes the download the prompt to either download or find America's Army reappears and it fails to find the folder. I've tried the Reset + Repair button and the complete Reinstall button and neither works. Any help?

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Assist infinite setup
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, July 28, 2022, 05:11:04 AM »
Hey Branta,

welcome\welcome back to AAO25.

Unfortunately you have run into a classic bug\error. Please follow these steps to solve that issue:

1.) Start 25Assist Application
2.) If 25Assist ask you again to "Find" or "Download" the game, please click on "Find". 25Assist will for sure not find the game. Ignore this.
3.) Go to Settings-Tab (left side menu)
4.) Change the Download-Server from "" to ""
5.) Close the 25Assist
6.) Start the 25Assist
7.) 25Assist will ask you for "Find" or "Download". Now click on "Download"

Why this bug happens ?
Unfortunately the binaries on the "" are not complete. The system folder of the game is empty after download, leading to the error "Not found". By selecting "" as Download-Server all binaries of the game will be downloaded correctly.

Good luck !

Best regards,
« Last Edit: Thursday, July 28, 2022, 05:17:51 AM by atomsoldier »

Offline Branta

Re: Assist infinite setup
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, July 28, 2022, 15:36:12 PM »
Unfortunately you have run into a classic bug\error. Please follow these steps to solve that issue:

1.) Start 25Assist Application
2.) If 25Assist ask you again to "Find" or "Download" the game, please click on "Find". 25Assist will for sure not find the game. Ignore this.
3.) Go to Settings-Tab (left side menu)
4.) Change the Download-Server from "" to ""
5.) Close the 25Assist
6.) Start the 25Assist
7.) 25Assist will ask you for "Find" or "Download". Now click on "Download"

Why this bug happens ?
Unfortunately the binaries on the "" are not complete. The system folder of the game is empty after download, leading to the error "Not found". By selecting "" as Download-Server all binaries of the game will be downloaded correctly.

this worked! Thank you!


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