
Community => The Lounge => Topic started by: Knight on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 13:51:39 PM

Title: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 13:51:39 PM
Nice review, though I would amend your ranking of the graphics to 10-For a WII game. Because any ps3 title blows SMG2 out of the water.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 14:08:41 PM
Nice review, though I would amend your ranking of the graphics to 10-For a WII game. Because any ps3 title blows SMG2 out of the water.

Not really. Graphics aren't only about realistic textures and lighting and all that shit. Graphics also involves things such as art style, something Super Mario Galaxy does extremely well and better than most games on 360 and PS3.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 14:29:00 PM
He's a cartoon! Not even a real Italian man! Graphix sux, game sux.


Do I really have to add sarcasm tags?
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 14:39:58 PM
Graphics aren't only about realistic textures and lighting and all that shit. Graphics also involves things such as art style

I'd have to agree. Fluidity, simplistic yet amazing effects, creative use of objects and FPS (not so much on consoles) are also a big part.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 16:21:54 PM
I think we can all agree that the Wii's draw isn't graphics. I hope that PS3 Move will be successful in combining the draw of the Wii with the draw of the PS3.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 16:37:16 PM
I think we can all agree that the Wii's draw isn't graphics. I hope that PS3 Move will be successful in combining the draw of the Wii with the draw of the PS3.

I hate the look of the remote. It has a stupid sphere on the top that looks horrible. Plus, move costs $70. Kind of a lot of money just for motion controls.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 16:49:57 PM
Hell, I'd pay an extra $70 to have them remove the sphere.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 16:51:35 PM
Hell, I'd pay an extra $70 to have them remove the sphere.

Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 21:56:36 PM
It uses the sphere to track the motion of the controller. It's supposed to change color to be most visible in the current environment.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 22:38:41 PM
It uses the sphere to track the motion of the controller. It's supposed to change color to be most visible in the current environment.

I know why it is there, I just hate the look of it.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 22:43:37 PM
I know why it is there, I just hate the look of it.

Would you rather...
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 23:00:16 PM
At least I wouldn't have to see it while using it.  ;D ;D

Sony is copying off of the wii, except their device looks uglier.

Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 23:22:31 PM
Honestly if it works better screw looks. I'm all about the function baby.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Saturday, September 25, 2010, 23:52:26 PM
Copy copy copy. Who cares who did it first? What matters is implementation. Sony could make a crappier version or a much better version. If they can pull it off, PS3/4 might be the best console out.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 00:04:25 AM
Copy copy copy. Who cares who did it first? What matters is implementation. Sony could make a crappier version or a much better version. If they can pull it off, PS3/4 might be the best console out.

Playstation Move is already out. There really is no difference between move and the Wii controller. We just need to see what games Sony will announce to support it. It would be pretty sick playing Killzone 3 with Move.

Maybe I am being a bit biased since I do not own a PS3....
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 00:16:26 AM
Move looks pretty cool in the way it functions with some games. Sure they can be on the Wii, but there are games that are PS3 exclusive and use the Move in a cool way. Like that one object and shadow game, I forgot what its called, but it's pretty sweet.

Also, I prefer the PS3 Move to any Wiimote, its really awkward holding the remote in your hands after some long sessions.

AAAAAAAnd no one copies anyone, things will always have their differences. There is no real way to have any good motion controls on a console unless it looks like the Wii or you go radical like the 360 and use no controller. So uhh, ya nobody copied anyone.

There you go, 3 thoughts.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 10:07:29 AM
How can you say that playstation move is not an attempt to copy the wii remote? It does THE EXACT SAME THING. It looks almost identical, with two parts, one for aiming and the other for moving. I know move is legally distinct from the Wii remote but come on, Sony obviously got their idea from the Wii remote.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 15:17:36 PM
Who's to say Sony hasn't been planning this since the prior to the Wii release? It's pretty unlikely but the release of the Wii could have made them have to start from scratch to make something superior.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 15:23:28 PM
Who's to say Sony hasn't been planning this since the prior to the Wii release? It's pretty unlikely but the release of the Wii could have made them have to start from scratch to make something superior.

Sony didn't patent the technology until 2008, a full two years after the Wii came out. If they were working on a motion control system before the Wii, they would have patented the system back then.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 15:26:04 PM
Touche... haha.

Regardless though, you could argue that any technological product was copying a predecessor.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 17:12:19 PM
I would like to see an explination of another way to make motion controls without "copying" the Wii.

See you in 5 years.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 17:22:45 PM
one for aiming and the other for moving

I would like to see an explination of another way to make motion controls without "copying" the Wii.

Simple! Just reverse it. Make the one for moving and the other for aiming.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 17:31:51 PM
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 19:40:28 PM
What ever your reason for defending the the WII you cannot argue that the PS3 and even the 360 are better consoles. And you also cannot argue they are all shit compared to a PC.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 19:59:00 PM
What ever your reason for defending the the WII you cannot argue that the PS3 and even the 360 are better consoles. And you also cannot argue they are all shit compared to a PC.

I am not defending the Wii, no one is attacking it. I was simply pointing out the obvious similarities between the two control schemes.
Also, I can easily say the Wii is better than the 360. I play my Wii more than my 360. I have no need for generic shooters and racing games, basically the only thing 360 provides. Plus $60 just to play online now? I'll pass.

@ blue. It's called innovation. Microsoft is doing motion controls in a different way. Instead of copying what has already been done, one should create a new and better way to do something. I have no idea what that might be, but people are getting paid big bucks to think of these things, I'm not.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 20:06:06 PM
So in your opinion the WII is better. But from an objective view the 360 and PS3 both are capable of far more than the WII (the PS3 more so than the 360) and the PS3 shipped with motion controls. Just because you play your WII more than 360 doesn't mean its better. All it means is you are one of the people that finds that type of crap fun. The WII is targeted to pre-teens and seniors and it does a good job of entertaining their target demographics. The graphics the WII has are limited the controls are not precise in the least and worse of all very few of the WII games seem to be targeted at adults. Nintendo has been milking the Mario series for 20 years. Now I am not saying that's a bad thing they are making money hand over fist but you speak of innovation, I seem to recall the EyeToy which gave motion control over the game in the PS2.....hmm who is copying who now.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 20:28:23 PM
@ blue. It's called innovation. Microsoft is doing motion controls in a different way. Instead of copying what has already been done, one should create a new and better way to do something. I have no idea what that might be, but people are getting paid big bucks to think of these things, I'm not.

Either you have motion control with no hand controls (360 or eye toy), or your hand (everything else). Not much of a spectrum in which people can make something and not have people scream "copier!" at them.

So what are we all arguing about again?
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 20:54:09 PM
So in your opinion the WII is better. But from an objective view the 360 and PS3 both are capable of far more than the WII (the PS3 more so than the 360) and the PS3 shipped with motion controls. Just because you play your WII more than 360 doesn't mean its better. All it means is you are one of the people that finds that type of crap fun. The WII is targeted to pre-teens and seniors and it does a good job of entertaining their target demographics. The graphics the WII has are limited the controls are not precise in the least and worse of all very few of the WII games seem to be targeted at adults. Nintendo has been milking the Mario series for 20 years. Now I am not saying that's a bad thing they are making money hand over fist but you speak of innovation, I seem to recall the EyeToy which gave motion control over the game in the PS2.....hmm who is copying who now.

hahaha. This post made my day. Instead of making a huge post about how you are wrong in every way, I will just leave it to this.

There is no way to judge if a console is "better" than another one. It is all up to one's opinion. You can try to convince me all you want, but the Wii is better than the 360 to me, and that is all that matters.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 20:59:47 PM
So in your opinion the WII is better. But from an objective view the 360 and PS3 both are capable of far more than the WII (the PS3 more so than the 360) and the PS3 shipped with motion controls. Just because you play your WII more than 360 doesn't mean its better. All it means is you are one of the people that finds that type of crap fun. The WII is targeted to pre-teens and seniors and it does a good job of entertaining their target demographics. The graphics the WII has are limited the controls are not precise in the least and worse of all very few of the WII games seem to be targeted at adults. Nintendo has been milking the Mario series for 20 years. Now I am not saying that's a bad thing they are making money hand over fist but you speak of innovation, I seem to recall the EyeToy which gave motion control over the game in the PS2.....hmm who is copying who now.

hahaha. This post made my day. Instead of making a huge post about how you are wrong in every way, I will just leave it to this.

There is no way to judge if a console is "better" than another one. It is all up to one's opinion. You can try to convince me all you want, but the Wii is better than the 360 to me, and that is all that matters.

So instead of trying to make a good counter point, you take the childish route of "I'm right you're wrong" I kind of expected more.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:02:01 PM
I expected some basic reading skills from you. He clearly stated one thing then you accused him of stating something else, as if the rest of us couldn't read his post and would just assume you were right.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:06:11 PM
You know I now know why Dann posted that post he posted. I am here trying to have a debate about consoles and the responses are asinine. It is sad. And yes there is a way to judge which console is better. The fact that you don't understand that basic fact makes me sad.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:06:33 PM
Ok, I'll take your bait.

So in your opinion the WII is better. But from an objective view the 360 and PS3 both are capable of far more than the WII (the PS3 more so than the 360) and the PS3 shipped with motion controls. Yeah, crappy sixaxis controller motion controlls Just because you play your WII more than 360 doesn't mean its better. I never said it was better as a fact. I said it was better to me. All it means is you are one of the people that finds that type of crap fun. Calling Wii games crap seems a bit childish, don't you think? It's all about opinion, I'll take a Mario game over a generic FPS any day The WII is targeted to pre-teens and seniors and it does a good job of entertaining their target demographics. Just because it is targeted to a specific group doesn't mean its use should only be in that group. I find Wii games to be enjoyable for all ages. The graphics the WII has are limited the controls are not precise in the least and worse of all very few of the WII games seem to be targeted at adults. Graphics do not equal a good game, the controls are much more percise than an anolog stick, and who cares what audience the games are for if they are fun? Nintendo has been milking the Mario series for 20 years. If the games are still fun and refreshing, I welcome new installments in a series. Now I am not saying that's a bad thing they are making money hand over fist but you speak of innovation, I seem to recall the EyeToy which gave motion control over the game in the PS2.....hmm who is copying who now. Eye toy is a completely different form of motion control.

Also, If posts on an internet forum make you sad, you are in for one sad life.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:08:39 PM
You know I now know why Dann posted that post he posted. I am here trying to have a debate about consoles and the responses are asinine. It is sad. And yes there is a way to judge which console is better. The fact that you don't understand that basic fact makes me sad.

A debate about why you think what you think. Isn't this topic about a Mario game?
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:10:52 PM
Its not the posts on an internet forum that make me sad its the realization that most people in the world can't grasp thoughts that are -in my mind- very basic.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:11:36 PM
Its not the posts on an internet forum that make me sad its the realization that most people in the world can't grasp thoughts that are -in my mind- very basic.


Trying to pass opinion off as fact.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: BlueBlaster on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:13:13 PM
Knight said the responses are said sad. Responses contain ideas and arguments. Posts contain ASCII characters.

Edit for grammer.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:14:45 PM
And yes there is a way to judge which console is better. The fact that you don't understand that basic fact makes me sad.

Back this up and I will believe you. What makes the PS3 better than the Wii? It is all debatable and up to personal opinion. There is no official way to judge what console is better.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:15:34 PM
Knight said the responses are said. Responses contain ideas and arguments. Posts contain ASCII characters.

Lol, I didn't think this needed an explanation but I guess it might have, thank you Blue.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Knight on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:26:40 PM
And yes there is a way to judge which console is better. The fact that you don't understand that basic fact makes me sad.

Back this up and I will believe you. What makes the PS3 better than the Wii? It is all debatable and up to personal opinion. There is no official way to judge what console is better.

I have no desire to sift around the internet for facts, now if you wish to enlighten yourself that is up to you.
Title: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:28:44 PM
Personally, I think a nice vegan carrot cake is a wonderful dessert. Unfortunately, facts state that more people eat pie and as such, Americans think that it is better and that's a fact. How asinine of me to like carrot cake.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 21:30:11 PM
And yes there is a way to judge which console is better. The fact that you don't understand that basic fact makes me sad.

Back this up and I will believe you. What makes the PS3 better than the Wii? It is all debatable and up to personal opinion. There is no official way to judge what console is better.

I have no desire to sift around the internet for facts, now if you wish to enlighten yourself that is up to you.

You may find facts about the console, but whether I like them or not is up to me. It is completely up to opinion. You keep trying to pass opinion off as fact and it is not working.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 22:32:03 PM
Spanky presents:
The ThreadEnder!

$60 just to play online now? I'll pass.
Aren't you talking about pretty much every current game?

Either you have motion control with no hand controls (360 or eye toy), or your hand (everything else). Not much of a spectrum in which people can make something and not have people scream "copier!" at them.
Yea, you can either use a camera to track an object with reflective surfaces / infrared LED's or you can use an accelerometer in a device.

yes there is a way to judge which console is better.
Right. The consumers do that by purchasing a console they enjoy. Having never even touched a Wii, Xbox (regular or 360) or PS3, I won't talk out my ass, I'll just post facts:
http://media.bestofmicro.com/I/I/243018/original/gamemarketsh.jpg - Ouch. (from: http://www.tomsguide.com/us/xbox-360-ps3-wii,news-6314.html)

Back this up and I will believe you. What makes the PS3 better than the Wii? It is all debatable and up to personal opinion. There is no official way to judge what console is better.
Hmmm, one step ahead of you I guess.

Personally, I think a nice vegan carrot cake is a wonderful dessert. Unfortunately, facts state that more people eat pie and as such, Americans think that it is better and that's a fact. How asinine of me to like carrot cake.
Carrot cake sucks. Dutch Apple Pie is the best. It's all American, how can you beat that?

Bottom line here is that everybody's different. If Company A sees that Company B is making a killing with a product that the consumers love, Company A is bound to replicate & improve upon that idea to take some of the profit. If it's a total failure, chances are that you won't hear of the product at all. The fact is that people love all 3. I could be posting about how this debate is pointless since PC obviously wins but that's an opinion.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 23:01:06 PM
Skrewy, you sure earned that quote in your signature from me.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Sunday, September 26, 2010, 23:18:51 PM
but you can say, the ps3 has better capability's to produce more realistic looking graphics.

Even that's difficult to say these days. For the most part, the more significant specs of a game console are published but you rarely see the hardware pitted against each other in an accurate test (without ported games). You can see clock speeds and whatnots but that doesn't matter too much anymore.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Monday, September 27, 2010, 06:56:53 AM
Spanky presents:
The ThreadEnder!

$60 just to play online now? I'll pass.
Aren't you talking about pretty much every current game?

That just helps prove my point. Instead of buying another game, you have to pay to play online. I would much rather have the money to buy a game than to pay Microsoft for something that should be free.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Monday, September 27, 2010, 14:36:59 PM
That just helps prove my point. Instead of buying another game, you have to pay to play online. I would much rather have the money to buy a game than to pay Microsoft for something that should be free.

Oh, I obviously have no idea how that stuff works. I thought you were talking about game prices which are outrageous.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Alex on Monday, September 27, 2010, 14:44:56 PM
That just helps prove my point. Instead of buying another game, you have to pay to play online. I would much rather have the money to buy a game than to pay Microsoft for something that should be free.

Oh, I obviously have no idea how that stuff works. I thought you were talking about game prices which are outrageous.

They are outrageously priced, but I was talking about the Xbox Live subscription fee.

Also, when I talked about innovation instead of doing what has already been done, I wasn't talking specifically about motion controls. It could have been innovation in some other way.  My point was that it is better to create something better than to repeat what has already been done.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: soupcakes on Saturday, February 18, 2012, 17:57:00 PM
Hell, I'd pay an extra $70 to have them remove the sphere.
lol, my bunny removed my sphere for me...chewed it into pieces... amazingly, still works.

but ya i got it for xmas...and I really like, seems more 'sensitive' than the wii.... but only 1 game thats even out that i enjoy, and its sports champions... love folfing on there. but imo, not worth the money until (if) more games come out...would be awesome for fps n shit.
Title: Re: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Spanky on Saturday, February 18, 2012, 18:13:54 PM
love folfing on there.

I enjoy a good folf every so often.
Title: Re: Console Debate
Post by: Archeh on Saturday, February 18, 2012, 19:13:07 PM
I love frolfing on the PS3.