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Offline Clown.!Ng

AAO25 on Ultra wide screen?
« on: Friday, September 06, 2024, 16:51:13 PM »
Hey fellows!
Such a long time, wow.

Anyways, here is the question - I am using an ultra wide screen (Samsung Odessy G9 49"), no matter which resolution or FOV setting I tried to edit, I ended up playing on ultra zoomed game without any orientation, for example when throwing a nade, I cannot see my thumbs. I understand that technology changed with time, but is there an option to make it playable on a wide screen? perhaps even on one side of the screen?

The ultimate question is there a way to choose a specific FOV level? in 1-120 scale?
« Last Edit: Friday, September 06, 2024, 16:59:03 PM by Clown.!Ng »

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Re: AAO25 on Ultra wide screen?
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, September 07, 2024, 16:50:25 PM »
As you've clearly discovered, this is an old game. Built on an old engine (Unreal Engine 2). The game and engine were released over 2 decades ago. At the time, "wide screen" didn't really exist in the form that it does nowadays.

So TLDR. No, there is no option for you to see further than other people by using a wider monitor. It's just not something that would have made any sense to pursue at the time.

Now, there might be ways to get the game working better with a wide screen aspect ratio. But it's not really something we're in a position to do, I'm afraid. It's not like we have access to any of the source code for the game, for instance.
And even if this was done, many people who've played this game for decades would complain that someone with a weird aspect ratio screen is getting an advantage over them. Whether a real or imagine advantage, doesn't really matter. What matters is that 25Assist caters to more or less 1 audience. And that is the people who used to play this game "back in the day". Whether they've been playing all these years, or have just picked it back up again, most of the people in this audience want an experience similar to what they remember. And that won't be a wide screen immersive gaming experience, I'm afraid.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

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Re: AAO25 on Ultra wide screen?
« Reply #2 on: Monday, September 09, 2024, 21:15:41 PM »
Hey fellows!
Such a long time, wow.

Anyways, here is the question - I am using an ultra wide screen (Samsung Odessy G9 49"), no matter which resolution or FOV setting I tried to edit, I ended up playing on ultra zoomed game without any orientation, for example when throwing a nade, I cannot see my thumbs. I understand that technology changed with time, but is there an option to make it playable on a wide screen? perhaps even on one side of the screen?

The ultimate question is there a way to choose a specific FOV level? in 1-120 scale?

Which samsung you have??

I haven't installed aa2.5 in my main computer

I got this

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: AAO25 on Ultra wide screen?
« Reply #3 on: Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 04:02:23 AM »
Which samsung you have??

I haven't installed aa2.5 in my main computer

I got this
You don't need to install it to see what it'll look like. I've give you a step by step guide:
1. Find (or take) a screenshot of the game with another computer
2. Copy said screenshot to the one with the wide screen monitor
3. Open the screenshot and zoom in far enough that the sides of the screenshot hit the side of the screen
4. Bask in the glory of the little sliver of AA you can see :)

It'll go from something like this:

To something glorious like this:
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

"Mathematics may be defined as the subject in which we never know what we are talking about, nor whether what we are saying is true." Bertrand Russell

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Re: AAO25 on Ultra wide screen?
« Reply #4 on: Tuesday, September 10, 2024, 22:50:34 PM »
You don't need to install it to see what it'll look like. I've give you a step by step guide:
1. Find (or take) a screenshot of the game with another computer
2. Copy said screenshot to the one with the wide screen monitor
3. Open the screenshot and zoom in far enough that the sides of the screenshot hit the side of the screen
4. Bask in the glory of the little sliver of AA you can see :)

It'll go from something like this:

To something glorious like this:

I was just asking which monitor model he has, highly unlikely I would put assist on my main PC... Too much power for assist lol


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