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Offline M3dUSA

Linux Server Help
« on: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 16:42:09 PM »
Spun up a couple servers on Windows Server VM.

Wanted to try out a Linux server. What build is recommended and can I have some up to date direction without dead repo links?

My linux knowledge is ok, I can get around. Downloading the Linux assist server I couldn't get the executable to run.

Also interested if there is a command line tutorial? Have a linode VPS I'd like to experiment with.

Offline hitman

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #1 on: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 17:22:03 PM »

I don't know how much help you need, so just post if you have questions. You need SSH to connect to you linux console to do all this. If you are using linux on your computer - that works out of the box, if you have Windows - install WSL Ubuntu and you'll have that in Bash

In addition you can create a service that you can easiliy start stop restart. Something like this guide would help

If you know the basics of linux it should be a piece of cake ;)

What kind of problem you ran when running the (which?) executable?
« Last Edit: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 17:28:36 PM by hitman »

Offline Possessed

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Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 17:58:18 PM »
We use CentOS 6, but I think it is outdated, any distro might work fine, Ubuntu might be the better, personally I don't like to use the command line at all, so I recommend using remote desktop, also I prefer Windows.
Code: [Select]

First you must have an existing americas army 2.5 installation,
If you do not follow these instuctions to download and install it...
Login to your server on the console or remotely using SSH:
Move into your home folder:
cd ~

Download the installation package:
wget << DEAD link

Set executable and execute:
chmod +x

When asked for an installation path enter: ~/armyops
Say no to symbolic links
Select Base Install
Say no to startup menu entrys

After some time the installation will complete.
You may now delete the installation package:

Move into your americas army 'System' folder
On our fresh install you would use:
cd ~/armyops/System

On an existing 25Assist(GUI) Installation use:
cd ~/25Assist/armyops/System

IMPORTANT, Rename server-bin to serverx
mv server-bin serverx
chmod +x serverx

I think you can skip the steps above and get all the game files just by following these:
Download and extract 2.5assist:
chmod +x server-bin

Now edit the aa25.ini file with your required settings:
nano aa25.ini

Start the Server:
./server-bin GLOBAL map-filename

(replace map-filename with your choosen map, bridge, insurgent_camp, radio_tower, etc.)
(Optional command-line arguments  -Port=1716  -Multihome=  override settings in aa25.ini)

Additional pb commands can be added by creating ServerMessage.cfg in the "pb" folder and adding them there.

You might have to install this to get it to work:
apt-get install lib32stdc++6
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #3 on: Monday, April 13, 2020, 14:26:00 PM »
So I've tested Centos 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 each with GUI and got it to finally execute.

Need to manually install libgtk2.0-0:i386 to execute AASM
-- i686 for centos

My issue is every time I get to step 11 out of 11 on the installation when spinning up a new server, I get a "An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The application must shut down" error. Haven't yet figured out how to overcome this. Any ideas?

prob worth noting I am running and setting up as root user. Full permissions granted to directory and sub folders...

I do get a theme error "adwaita" when launching aasm but I cant see this being an issue.

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #4 on: Monday, April 13, 2020, 16:28:31 PM »
figured it out I guess... the AASM just doesn't work.

I downloaded the linux assist, installed the game. copied the armyops folder. Moved it to it to a separate folder. Deleted 25assist. Then followed the rest of the linux tutorial.
Once done, copy the folder as many times as you want and just change the .ini to have different ports and you can host multiple servers that way.

Offline Possessed

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Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #5 on: Monday, April 13, 2020, 16:28:45 PM »
So I've tested Centos 7 and Ubuntu 16.04 each with GUI and got it to finally execute.

Need to manually install libgtk2.0-0:i386 to execute AASM
-- i686 for centos

My issue is every time I get to step 11 out of 11 on the installation when spinning up a new server, I get a "An exception of class NilObjectException was not handled. The application must shut down" error. Haven't yet figured out how to overcome this. Any ideas?

prob worth noting I am running and setting up as root user. Full permissions granted to directory and sub folders...

I do get a theme error "adwaita" when launching aasm but I cant see this being an issue.
adwaita is a gnome theme, you have to install the package "gnome-themes-standard".

I use symlinks to create more servers, you just need to make a copy of the "System" folder for each server, then you can symlink the rest of the game folders.
« Last Edit: Monday, April 13, 2020, 16:48:24 PM by Possessed »
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 15:45:12 PM »
adwaita is a gnome theme, you have to install the package "gnome-themes-standard".

I use symlinks to create more servers, you just need to make a copy of the "System" folder for each server, then you can symlink the rest of the game folders.

Amazing! thanks for the help guys.

Rather than opening a new thread. Where can I find my server PBSS? for linux and windows

Offline Possessed

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Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, April 15, 2020, 19:42:31 PM »
Amazing! thanks for the help guys.

Rather than opening a new thread. Where can I find my server PBSS? for linux and windows
@ System/pb/svss folder.
Our PB scripts doesn't run AutoSS by default, because Windows 10 clients were returning Pink screenshots.
add: pb_sv_task 250 300 pb_sv_AutoSs 1 to ServerMessage.cfg (@ System/pb) to enable pbss.

You don't need to configured anything else, all the other pbss stuff is in our script. Note: pb will take ss of a small part of the screen, beucause if we use different settings, linux clients will return black ss.

These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #8 on: Monday, April 20, 2020, 09:30:14 AM »
Awesome thanks for all the help and detailed information!

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #9 on: Tuesday, April 21, 2020, 22:37:46 PM »
got an error that shut down my server stating:
"Exception Message"
"Exception Error Number: 0"
"An exception of class OutOfBoundsException was not handled. The application must shut down."

any solution to this?

Offline hitman

Re: Linux Server Help
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, July 02, 2020, 20:16:22 PM »
We use CentOS 6, but I think it is outdated, any distro might work fine, Ubuntu might be the better, personally I don't like to use the command line at all, so I recommend using remote desktop, also I prefer Windows.
Code: [Select]

First you must have an existing americas army 2.5 installation,
If you do not follow these instuctions to download and install it...
Login to your server on the console or remotely using SSH:
Move into your home folder:
cd ~

Download the installation package:
wget << DEAD link

Set executable and execute:
chmod +x

When asked for an installation path enter: ~/armyops
Say no to symbolic links
Select Base Install
Say no to startup menu entrys

After some time the installation will complete.
You may now delete the installation package:

Move into your americas army 'System' folder
On our fresh install you would use:
cd ~/armyops/System

On an existing 25Assist(GUI) Installation use:
cd ~/25Assist/armyops/System

IMPORTANT, Rename server-bin to serverx
mv server-bin serverx
chmod +x serverx

I think you can skip the steps above and get all the game files just by following these:
Download and extract 2.5assist:
chmod +x server-bin

Now edit the aa25.ini file with your required settings:
nano aa25.ini

Start the Server:
./server-bin GLOBAL map-filename

(replace map-filename with your choosen map, bridge, insurgent_camp, radio_tower, etc.)
(Optional command-line arguments  -Port=1716  -Multihome=  override settings in aa25.ini)

Additional pb commands can be added by creating ServerMessage.cfg in the "pb" folder and adding them there.

You might have to install this to get it to work:
apt-get install lib32stdc++6

Hi, I'm trying to set up a server on my phone (I know!), but I can't find where to get What is the replacement for the dead link?

Offline Possessed

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These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33


Download Assist


Download Game Client

Important: Battletracker no longer exists. However, old Battletracker accounts may still work. You can create a new 25Assist account here

Download Server Manager