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Messages - TomHighway64

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Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 16:56:35 PM »
Ok, many thanks.

Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 16:16:28 PM »
So using your rather one tracked argument, changing the gamma, brightness settings in the ingame settings is also a no go then !!>?

Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 16:03:24 PM »
So why do you have the opportunity to edit them then in the Assist menu then,,.,.......?!!

Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 15:54:32 PM »
I cant understand why people are talking about bans!!
In the settings section of of the Assist menu you have the ability to look at both Armyops ini and userini files . Whay are they there if they are not meant to be edited...?

Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 15:52:08 PM »
All ive done is change some of the lighting settings its not a big issue is it. ive spoke to loads of players who have done it . You can read stickys on the Aa forum about it. I havnt done anyhting thats giving me an unfair advantage at all ;-)

Assist Support / Re: Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 13:20:17 PM »
All I did was change the file in the Assist menu under settings. Just made the screen a bit lighter etc. nothing onerous. Now the changes I made that have worked since 4 months at least do not work.
I have restored and reset . I have the standard ini file saved , but when I add the edited file its changes have now no effect.

Assist Support / Armyops ini not working!
« on: Sunday, February 23, 2014, 12:34:10 PM »
Armyops ini edits dont work anymore ;-(
Ive been running edited armyops ini file for ages. A guy on here did it for me. Changed lighting and other stuff. I yesterday completed medic training and first part of St test. Then I try to play pipe and PB tells me im not running it!? WTF
So I get banned for 24 hours , I then today reinstal;l the game completely and PB. All works fine but MY armyops ini file no longer has any effect. Im left with the standard file from the downlaod.
Anyone know why my edited file Ive been using for ages suddenly no longer works?

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