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Messages - TomHighway64

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5
General Chat / Re: No recoil
« on: Friday, November 10, 2023, 06:05:47 AM »
He was called suPreme_ from 22nd of March until 18th of April of this year.

There is no record of him using another name containing "supreme" in the last 10 years.

With that said, this sounds like a witch hunt if I've ever seen one. Just because someone can control their recall semi-decently (which you wouldn't be able to tell from a third person video like this anyway) doesn't mean they're cheating.

This isnt just about recoil .

General Chat / Re: No recoil
« on: Friday, November 10, 2023, 06:02:25 AM »
For behaviour I can understand, just wanted to clarify there is no cheating as that was what the topic was about.

Just read the chat box Bart , This guy is intent on being abusive to anyone that listens . Its not good for the game . Changing his name to my name with a + after it ?! What all that about ? Childish games? Then berrating me and my Mother !!? Its pathetic but we dont need this type of behaviour . It needs dealing with . Its not about Mothering everyone. Many of us are grown adults , we play for fun and are mostly civil to each other  and the small nucleus of players are what`s keeping the game alive .
Sincerly Id like to see the admins play a bit more and be noticeable.

General Chat / Re: No recoil
« on: Thursday, November 09, 2023, 07:50:36 AM »
Seeing as you have closed replies on the other topic Bart ......

I am not inciting any further involvement with this character who has now changed his name to my username with a plus and is  abusing everyone in chatbox .. Enoughs enough concerning this Snake+ character dont you think? He isnt exactly gaining any support and impersonating my name and abusing people isnt a good representation of this game .....?

General Chat / Re: BANNED BY LGC
« on: Wednesday, October 25, 2023, 06:43:54 AM »
You keep stating this video via Whatsapp or whatever , Hypothetically what if you turned off all the help you had during video ...... It proves absolutely nothing whatsoever . :style:
You protest far too much .

General Chat / Re: BANNED BY LGC
« on: Tuesday, October 24, 2023, 09:51:38 AM »
Snake+ , Ronny or whatever your name is .... You abuse everyone , in fact reading through your postings here im surprised you havnt mentioned my Mom once as you do seem infatuated with her recently .
1. You name change regularly and make poor excuses for it , Thats a Red flag in my book .
2. You abuse anyone and everyone who either doesnt do what you say in the server ( your spam messages and orders are tiresome)  or wants to curb the bad attitude .
3. Your game play at times is not normal . Im happy to state you use advantages . And ive banned you from my server . that ban is 50/50 . Attitude/ gameplay .
4. Generally you create issues in the games you play.

As I explained to you before , just play be quiet and things would be a lot easier for you . THis game needs players as you correctly suggest. Players that are respectful of fellow players and are generally polite and fair .
I have run my server for a good few years now and you are the only player I have permanently banned . go figure....

As Shakespeare said "The lady doth protest too much, methinks"

Good Luck .

Assist Support / Re: critical error in function:getps
« on: Monday, September 11, 2023, 09:06:53 AM »
I must say, I don't know the reason for the popup.

But this is an old game. It's not designed for modern machines. It's probably just something that has changed on the side of Windows or some graphics drivers.

As long as this doesn't prevent you from playing or pop you out of the game, I would just ignore it. We don't have the resources to look into such things in detail, really. It's unfortunate, but it's the world we live in.

Thanks Teddy , I guess I presumed there were more active players on the discord now which is whay I posted there insted of on the Forum but thanks for your answer I suspected as much but maybe felt my PC wasnt functioning correctly!

General Chat / Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« on: Sunday, May 21, 2023, 12:32:42 PM »
Very good work , I also think progressing back to a workable soltion for increasing honour will be very much welcomed.
Hooah !

Support / Re: Can't Donate
« on: Monday, August 29, 2022, 13:42:20 PM »
I am keeping HeartBreak Ridge Open , Donate to me if you like . Minimum donation $10,000 friends only !

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, March 06, 2022, 05:49:36 AM »
Brilliant News !! My PC on/OFF button will be pleased !

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Monday, February 28, 2022, 11:59:08 AM »
just have a spare ssd hard drive with windows 7, easy ass fix why are all yous going crazy over a simple ass fix lmfao

Its not simple to most and it invplves buying a seperate SSD and boot software,

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, February 08, 2022, 08:59:27 AM »
Interestingly I have found that if I do the Pb kikck routine the other way round I can play also .
So normal open Assist client , play game , get kicked , do Pb fix , shut down , restart and then open as Admin and it works most of the time . So both ways round work for me ..most of the time but not all . no idea why but might help somebody . Cheers

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Monday, January 24, 2022, 09:08:15 AM »
Its certainly worth a try , I dont think players will come back in droves but a few Admin could fairly monitor players and if it fails we could just re install PB ?

Support / Re: PB Kicks , is this the end of the game?
« on: Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 12:48:45 PM »
It would be good to get the game smooth running again  :up:

Support / Re: PB Kicks , is this the end of the game?
« on: Tuesday, October 19, 2021, 07:17:51 AM »
Noone seems to be trying to actively seek a solution by fully investigating . Im Sure Evenbalance could help if they could be contacted somehow . PB is used in current games so they must have experience of Win10 , Firewalls etc and the like .
Maybe its worth setting up a group to try and sort out the issue .
Im sure the game will get back players if this can be solved?

Support / PB Kicks , is this the end of the game?
« on: Monday, October 18, 2021, 10:29:03 AM »
I am missing playing and I cant login due to the continued kicks . Will the Admin release any form of response to issue in terms of the future ?
Does anybody have any contact with Evenbalance to perhaps garner some help ?
Its pointless continuing with the game unless something is done about it surely ?
Slowly becoming just good memories this game .
I have tried a miriad of fixes and none work , I managed to play a few games a few weeks ago but now its a PB kick every server I log into .
Surely we are better than let this thing defeat US all ?

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 5

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