Thanks Mad, Brahva and Gunny next time just ask me and I will tell you what happen I don't to and TK people at random, you know me and I stay on my lane never bother anyone. At the most I will bitch about the maps but I never start problems with people. Apparently they like to start trouble with me and I refuse to lay down for anyone.
GUNNY... i love ya bro always had yer back... but PLAY is not the enemy on here... i feel bad that you kicked after he tk someone back ... this starts last week argument all over again... PLAY i apoligize on behaly the AAT teasm.. i am not a memember but they are good guys and sometimes shit happens... i feel yer pain though ..i would be pissed too... but i bet it wont happen again.. ithere are good guys ...
JOE... ... i have been trying to get those guys to unban you and give you another chance , but when u come on shoutbox and shoot you're mouth off in shoutbox i cant defend you anymore...sorry man i thought that your ban would teach you a little reepect if you actually wanted to play this game again.. i am sad today for reading shoutbox...
Playboy, Im sorry , you know me, i dont put up with that crap and would have done something. I left early last night but remember sayin hi to you as always, im not sure what happened but i'I've got your back. I've been playing with you forever and youre a great friend and player.
Please bear in mind that I was on the opposite team, so I literally couldn’t see exactly what was going on in the first 20-30 seconds of the round. Thanks Chidori, that wasn’t the information I had at the time. I heard shooting, I heard the rounds, and then a moment later I saw the friendly fire and death message in the top left. Obviously I put 2 and 2 together and made 5 with the lack of clear information that I had at the time. Also remember that there were two other admins (Madstoner and Intro. Madstoner was on your team so would have potentially witnessed it), but I don’t see you mention any of them...
Yet you kicked me off the server? Is that what a friend does? When you once again do nothing when I get TK? Why did you not kick him? However, you quickly kicked me when I TK the player that TK me! He even admitted that he TK because he did not like people being stuck in the doorway, which I had no control over. So speak up, and tell me why you did not kick him. But you chose to kick me? So again, you like to play the drama queen role as you are the victim when you clearly know what you are doing.
As far as I could tell, (being on the opposite team), Knight was spamming and you were just in the way of the door. The next round you TK Knight. An obvoius TK.
Now you do your job you dumb ass and kick me? after you see the guy TK me on purpose and you kick me for TK him back? but yet you when TK me you did shit like fucking always!!!