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Assist Support / Runtime Error After Update
« on: Saturday, July 23, 2022, 00:01:54 AM »
Hello from Canada.

My condolences for anyone badly affect effected by the world events that cannot be ignored.

I recall sometime ago I tried to play (thank you guys for keeping this going all these years) and it required an update. Ever since I have been getting a runtime error.

plugin.cpp 7450
Falure Condition: pluginEntryTable.GetEntry(entrypointName, out )
can't find plugin method BevelButton.DeleteAllRows

What do I need to do? Thank you!

News / Re: 10 Years Old
« on: Friday, January 04, 2019, 04:59:10 AM »
Might be very late but congrats!

I have played America's Army since the beginning. Actually got my install from PC Gamer magazine.

I remember a time when there was no honor system, you played for fun and nothing else. Also remember the opfor on Insurgent Camp used to wear turbans. In the beginning there were no leased servers, there were only US HomeLAN Official game servers. I have literally played every single patch of this game. Army Ops 1.0 all the way to 2.8.5.

It is thanks to the work here that I can still enjoy rounds of the greatest multiplayer game I ever played in my life.

Would be great if there were somehow a campaign to have another revival here. Changes need to be made in the community but I think with the right methods it would be possible to attract old and new players alike. We just need to make it welcoming to do so.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Respawn
« on: Wednesday, July 11, 2018, 12:03:11 PM »
Do not enjoy respawn servers on AA.

If you want to encourage run & gun while maintaning AA feel just set players to suicide if they don't move "x" amount of distance over "x" amount of time....

The Lounge / Re: How can we revive the game?
« on: Thursday, May 17, 2018, 14:30:41 PM »
I'd love to see this more active. Please allow me to give me constructive criticism for whatever it may be worth. I have played this game literally since the beginning. Version 1.0. I watched literally all the additions and changes in both the game and the AA community.

For extreme old time or nostalgic players, the experience here is not too dissimilar from the very end days of AA. The servers are extremely poorly populated, there are way way way too many maps. There are way too many servers. The only time there are somewhat full games it's on the exact same maps with the exact same clans stacking the teams, with the admins harassing and/or kicking anyone who doesn't play exactly how they're told. This is exactly what (in my opinion) killed the original game.

I noticed the change to this about the time they dropped the official HomeLAN servers and allowed all the tracked servers to be community run. It ruined the game. I don't want to play official tracked servers and have read and abide by a different set of rules and have to deal with taking on a stacked team of guys on teamspeak who also control the server. It's not fun. The original Dev team already implemented the rules for gameplay (ROE) and it takes away from the experience having to adjust to someone else's personal preferences in each server.

What would benefit the game in my opinion, would be to get the community to actually come together and agree on a standard set of rules for gameplay. Ditch most the individual servers and maintain them as a more official system. With how few players there are we only need a tiny handful of servers on map rotation to keep the games full. It would be great if all the bickering clans and server owners could come together and collectively buy a few servers instead of all this private nonsense that is always empty.

This is exactly how AA was left, I think it would be best handled in a 1.x style of management with 2.x content.

General Chat / Re: 203!
« on: Monday, October 02, 2017, 01:07:18 AM »
rpg is destroying the gameplay on hospital.   ghghgutyvhhbjnyuvh :censored:

That's because there's no 203 to spam the RPG spammer

Also the 203 was perfect for spamming door spammers.  :D :D

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Monday, October 02, 2017, 01:05:12 AM »
I would highly suggest you look at some early versions of the game, I mean 1.x versions before.

If people like the slow tactical style in the beginning the game had no SAI to ping enemy locations. No map in the corner of the HUD, there was only a simple compass at the top.

The early days of the game were extremely simple yet complicated. After Special Forces was added in 2.6 IIRC the game just started to have too many features and gimmicks and eventually began to mirror the other FPS games.

I suggest you keep it simple as possible, forcing gameplay to be down to how well you can work the controls, learn the maps and work as a team. Like it was in the early days of AA.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: advertising assist
« on: Saturday, July 02, 2016, 00:31:13 AM »
It's not a stupid idea in itself.
However, every time it comes up, the fact that we don't actually own the game also comes up. Technically redistributing the game as we're doing here is illegal.

So it is a rather delicate situation...

How did you guys acquire the auth system? Could you not somehow get the rights to distribute seeing as how they dropped support and the franchise is dead?

Events / Re: THE PARTY AFTER ....
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 22:11:08 PM »
Would like to see more classic maps, pre AA2.0.

Just my $0.02

The Lounge / Re: Beer - prices, brands and shapes over Europe
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 21:46:48 PM »
I'm from Canada but I find when I go out for dinner or to a pub I stick to a lot of German and other euro beers, they're stronger with much more taste.

Love me a good unfiltered lager or pale ale if done correctly.

The Lounge / Re: Anyone else miss the way things used to be?
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 21:44:58 PM »
I can feel you Carmy, all Nomad servers and Hosp Paradise are having a subnet ban being set by my IP, which means I can't play there (with my IP). This also means that no one here using the same provider can join those servers because of the subnet ban. We have over 560 000 citizens in this eastern part of Finland and majority of households using stationary internet connection here are using the same provider as I, which means they use similar ping as I. My friend Sherif has same provider and is living in same city, he is banned from those servers as well because of this subnet ban. We have friends for whom we'd like to introduce the game but it feels pointless since most likelythey are already banned from about 30 servers before they even download the game.

There are persons who are trying to do their best for this game and persons who are doing their best to kill the game.

This kind of bans makes no sense, they are set to me but I can bypass them if I want to. Not everyone can and that's why it affects on others. Why this kind of ban was placed? I have no idea, but it'sfucked up because it has so huge impact.

Hatefull community you say?

This community seems small enough that we could rally the people to simply play on servers not run by then if this is true?

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: Weapon select order - Honor/Score relation
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 20:27:16 PM »
Must say I completely agree with this, it's somewhat frustrating as somebody who reached 90+ honor more than once in the history of the game to be unable to select a spot until the very end. The only reason being that I chose to delete my non mandatory to AA tracker account years and years ago.

Feedback & Suggestions / Re: My feedback for what it's worth
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 20:25:18 PM »
The original devs didn't replace RPG with sf, they had sf all along and just removed the RPG because of ROE.

And you're right, Hospital is easier on one side, but it's always been this way.

I'm sure the time was put to the same number for flashes.

The reason I didn't distinguish 2.8 from 2.8.5 is because there were next to no significant changes between those versions (also seen by the fact that they didn't go to 2.9).

Prone shooting was alrady answered partly, but I'll add that your character is more difficult to hit while going prone because the hitbox is messed up. Back in the day people abused this fact buy abusing the bug. In order to tell people not to shoot while going to prone, we have this shake.

Once again, if we had the source to work with, there would be better ways of dealing with such things, but we can only work with what we have.

Can you further explain the prone bug? How exactly is the hitbox "messed up"? Isn't the whole point of being prone to be harder to hit and or see?. I played this game since v1.0 and in my 10+ years I never really had a problem killing people who were prone, nor did they ever seem to have any trouble killing me...

The Lounge / Re: Anyone else miss the way things used to be?
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 18:53:18 PM »
I agree with you about the total, massive lack of respect I see around these days...although I don't get what you mean about the modding. Are you talking about game features or map features? As far as I can recall this version of the game only received rather minor modifications in comparison to the original one (like the SAI).

I guess the only specific example I noticed (because if that inability to find a game on other maps) is not having the 203 rounds on Hospital. Was a good way to deal with door spam shooters, RPG campers and WWR campers. Again, I'm not sure if other maps have been modified because often the only games are the tired old Pipeline and Hospital.

Ultimately the largest issue here is the community is just plain awful and I don't want to waste my time with the total disrespect and unfriendliness.

The Lounge / Re: Anyone else miss the way things used to be?
« on: Friday, July 01, 2016, 14:10:52 PM »
IMO the game actually began to go downhill when they started to remove the original HomeLAN official servers and allowed people to run their own official servers.

I played this game since the very very beginning. Before there was SF, before there was even Honor. A lot of things changed around that time, the hardest thing for us original players to get used to was having to play by different rules in every server. It was such a hassle getting kicked and bitched at for normal game functions that simple minded players couldn't combat against.

The other thing that really changed (and ruined) the game was it felt like around the time AA2.0 came out with SF, it became a lot easier to play for the masses, my memory may not be 100% correct but I even think they enlarged the hitboxes because of the CS and COD players who couldn't get any kills without camping and waiting to shoot someone in the back.

I tried coming back here to 2.5 Assist but the game is modded even more to force you to play a certain way and it's not my style. Unless people are breaking game functions I see no reason to force them to play by your rules or style or face ban. There simply aren't enough players to dictate the gameplay in that manner.

Biggest problem today is the lack of players, and what few players there are today are definitely not friendly. I want to be involved here and try to bring back some guys but in all honesty there's not much to come back to. This isn't a friendly place and the way people run their servers don't promote fun gameplay majority of the time. "My server my rules" isn't exactly a fun environment to come back to, especially when some of us have been away for 5 or more years.

Just my opinion not that it will matter to any of the elitists here.

The Lounge / Re: Starting New
« on: Thursday, April 21, 2016, 16:07:47 PM »
Does anyone remember the really old tracker from the KoTH clan? Traacker I think they called it.

Wish I didn't delete my original aaotracker account all those years ago. Being 10 honor again sucks after 15 years..

Also would like the AA veteran symbol, might be one of the only people here who played this game on the original release date in july of 2002..

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