« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 04:48:15 AM »
Hi guys.
Most you you "new faces" won't recognize my name but anyway I'm going to leave here my opinion.
This was one of the greatest games ever made and the fact it's still played nowadays shows it. US Army did a mistake when they released AA3 and stop auth for AA2, they tried to force players moving but they didn't want to. Jonny made it possible when he created Assist (him and the other people that help him of course). This forum was "created" (actually existed before for other reasons but yeahhh created) for support and later on as a Forum/Community where we could all help each other with other stuff not game related, in a way we didn't just play together. I known of people that didn't play and still likes to come here and have a chat. Jonny has real, life like all of us that also somehow helped during the years without receiving nothing in return (except enemies...), and so he had to focus on other stuff, at that point Pitr aka Pit-23 was also a player with lots of knowledge and came forward to keep the project going and keep code/updating the game. We had some problems with some cheaters and can't explain why, Pit went to the dark side, he started using cheats made by one of those cheaters that said they could help developing the anticheat system, but he made a decision, cheat in the game for his own reasons, no one push him into that and after a lot of problems that we face with the community and the fact he never updated the game, he delivered everything to me and Eliz. So he did some bad things but had the good sense to give the "game" back to us. But he didn't stop cheating, things start getting out of control with people requesting cheats on a private forum known as Artificial Aiming and more people were using them. Jonny came back and help building a feature on Assist that took SS of the player Desktop/Gaming window and that help us catching so many cheaters, people that said wanting good for the game and then reveal themselves. Here I'm talking also about you Robert, was never my decision to let you come back, doing bad or good things can't erase the fact that you knew better and stiff decided to use the cheat, threat us, etc etc. Same happen with Pit... Will get back on this later...
Between attacks to Assist from Pit that was still using cheat at this point, creating multiple account everyday, trying to ruin the game, as if he couldn't play no one else would (remind something?), till the point more features appear on Assist an I believe someone did a format on Pit computer so he could just stop, put an end to all of this in a tentative of him loosing the cheat and stop. This made so mush drama that Jonny left the game once more (and notice this wasn't never the intention, was all about keeping the game clean and let people enjoy it).
Lot's of stuff happen after but the game was clean for a while, until people started using AHK more and more, Eliz control it and Pit was still creating account now and then so he could play the game.
Again, I'm not up to second chances but Robert got his and I guess so did Pit as he kept playing the game under other names without creating confusions but still every few months he liked to come back to forums under other names saying Assist still had a trojan, creating all sort of drama and attacking admins. In the meanwhile looks like he change a little bit, made some friends, had his own servers and was playing good and fair, some stalking involved as I have heard, calling boyfriends, sending text on personal FB pages and stuff like that, offending players, to the point that Possessed just got feed up and ban him once again.
So Possessed banned because of the all story around him, not because he was cheating, but because of everything he has done till now, killing a Community, spamming, offending, cheating, etc etc.
Did Possessed good? Why banning Pit when Robert is still able to play? Well Robert did learn the lesson I guess, Pit had the same opportunity and still didn't take it, could be that Possessed react to drastically? Maybe, but everything gets to a point we can't just hang any longer and the truth is that Pit showed that Possessed was right when he started attacking the auth system.
I have no proof of anything I have write in this post, take my word if you want, but Pit has the knowledge, he done it before, he is the only one taking advantage of this at this point, and a bit jealous reaction, "if I can't play, no one else will". No he didn't cheat recently but he did cheat in the past, no we shouldn't ban without evidence of cheating and yes it was done and please get over it, when someone ruins everything that was built till now what else he deserves? I have respect for Pit, for what we pass together but I also think it's time to let people enjoy the game, enjoy the forums, if we have a "cancer" why not treat it?
We are all adults here and I'm aware some people take it too much personally, some do it because they are beyond a screen that no one will ever known them, others have nothing to hide and just like to make friends, live this moments. I ask sorry for Pit but for me is also enough. Merlin and Vanoke I have the maximum respect for you guys and still hope to one day being able to have a nice chat an drink with you guys but I can't vouch for Pit this time, I'm aware he can be a very good person, maybe he is to you guys but he is no saint either, even if what he claims, not being beyond the ddos attacks is truth, everything else done by him doesn't absolve him either.
Hope people understand this, the decision made by the Assist admins, our main focus/objective is keeping the game alive and give that awesome experience for all other AA lovers, if someone else tries to ruin it, then they stop being welcome here.
And one last thing guys, stop making flame wars, stop calling names, I don't believe anyone here has less than 18 years so please behave like that and remember is still only a game.