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Messages - SASF-DarkShooter

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17
Support / Re: Username does not exist
« on: Tuesday, February 04, 2025, 17:22:32 PM »
Kiwi Death Squad? That's a long ass time ago. Used to play on their bridge server 19 years ago.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim for SASF-Hyper
« on: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 09:56:37 AM »

I am incredibly nostalgic for the old Assist btw.

Assist Support / Re: Failed to verify vital components
« on: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 09:37:30 AM »
Copied from Hellboy in discord at the start of November:

How to fix Assist Server Manager - Failed to verify vital components

1. Download 7-Zip

2. Extract the archive and grab the file 7za.exe (506kb)

3. If you've run into this error before, you'll have a 1kb 7za.exe in your server manager folder alongside AssistServerManager.exe and AssistServerManager Libs. Replace the 1kb file with the 506kb file you've just downloaded. If not, drop the 506kb 7za file.

Server manager should now be functional.

Maybe I'm misreading things. But OP doesn't mention server manager anywhere, just the regular client?

Support / Re: Cant log in on client
« on: Saturday, December 07, 2024, 15:05:53 PM »

Register here for your ingame account.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim
« on: Saturday, October 19, 2024, 06:57:03 AM »

Link with BT screenshot of his original honor.

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Saturday, September 18, 2021, 16:05:14 PM »
I'd like to note that copying the pnkbstr files to my system32 folder fixed my PB Restriction kick :)

General Chat / Re: new here, need help
« on: Saturday, February 20, 2021, 14:12:36 PM »
Hey CroCop, I definitely remember you, bridge Pwnstar, right?

Anyway, following everything on this page should help you getting started:

If you run into any issues, be sure to let us know on here!

Server Support / Re: Auto-swapping teams after 5 matches?
« on: Tuesday, June 23, 2020, 10:41:50 AM »
Even though it would be rather convoluted, if you'd set up your server in Tournament Mode, it should automatically swap teams after a set amount of rounds. But tournament mode brings its own problems with it.

General Chat / Re: Bold request (server)
« on: Saturday, May 02, 2020, 09:49:05 AM »
I will take care of you, check your PM's.

I've sent you a PM back :)

General Chat / Re: Bold request (server)
« on: Friday, May 01, 2020, 09:56:48 AM »
Google Cloud and Amazon AWS offers VPS free for 12 months, you only need to add a valid credit card.
Awesome, thanks for the heads up. Is it as simple as installing the source code for the server and then configuring it, or is it more advanced than that?
Awesome, I'm familiar with configuring AA servers hosted at a provider, is it relatively

General Chat / Bold request (server)
« on: Friday, May 01, 2020, 04:06:14 AM »
Hey guys,
I'm glad to see that the game is still somewhat alive.

With (nearly) everybody in lockdown, I've been trying to set up an SASF clan reunion party, scheduled this Saturday. I've been able to get hold of a temporary teamspeak server (I'm aware there are better services, but for nostalgia's sake), however, acquiring a gameserver has proven to be a bit more of a hassle. Especially because most server providers have dropped support, the ones remaining are rather expensive for what could be a one time thing.

That's why I was wondering if there's someone willing to let us 'lend' their server (preferred EU location, but beggars can't be choosers). I understand that this is quite a bold request, but a man(child) can always hope :)

Perhaps see you soon ingame, and as always, happy fragging!

Drama & Spam / Re: Intentional TKs four roses
« on: Saturday, June 23, 2018, 04:38:25 AM »
You must really be the most elaborate troll on earth.

Drama & Spam / Re: Intentional TKs four roses
« on: Friday, June 22, 2018, 17:33:38 PM »
Cockroaches always gather together always. Wicked comes in like a child and says wow great post killa just like a child would clown. Voras same waiting years to try and get something over on Vegeta lol. You boys have zero in your lives if your still hanging on to my past  to funny
Getting something on you is an easy affair tbh. Just a daily gander in the shoutbox and it's no surprise everybody detests you. Whenever you make a mistake, call names or pull some shit, it's never your fault. You always point at others, and you don't even acknowledge your own abhorrent behaviour. You're either delusional or psychotic, if not a combination of both.

And Merlin, the only reason you're defending Vegeta is because he donates to the DDOS protection. It's fairly reasonable that you want to defend someone that helps you out, but it being vegeta really takes away from the feasability and your own credibility.

Let me make it clear that I do not think someone should be condemned and haunted due to  their previous actions (especially if it was a long time ago), but the fact that Vegeta doesn't seem to be able to comprehend that he lacks any credibility is astounding. You can compare it with Neymar this world cup... He's diving all the time, and even if someone does commit a foul on him, he's less likely to get awarded a penalty/FK by virtue of his reputation.

News / Re: [BETA] New Registration Page Available Now
« on: Friday, June 08, 2018, 13:26:45 PM »
Could someone add the new registration page as an option on this 'guide'?

Much appreciated!

News / Re: 10 Years Old
« on: Thursday, June 07, 2018, 05:19:32 AM »
Great that this project has evolved into the last thing keeping this game alive. Many thanks to all whom have been involved with the project, you've brought a lot of joy (back) into many lives.

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 17

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