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Messages - LuDi_Bipe

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Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim - LuDi_Bipe
« on: Sunday, September 01, 2024, 07:20:50 AM »
Awesome, thanks!

Honor Claims / Honor claim - LuDi_Bipe
« on: Saturday, August 31, 2024, 12:22:17 PM »

Is there a way to claim honor for my account?
same username as forum, unfortunatelly, looks like web archive never snapshoted my profile, I've tried both aaotracker and battletracker :/

all I have is clan snapshot, where you can see my honor (80), score etc.

anything else I could provide, except in-game screenshots?

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Monday, November 09, 2020, 02:59:10 AM »
yesterday had really nice few hours of gameplay without kicks, tried this morning after starting PC... instant kick...

Have any of you guys with PB kick problems running Epic Games launcher, Steam or BattleNet?

I still think it some of apps that runs at windows startup and this 3 are on my startup list now and they might be common among players

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 12:31:19 PM »
I've been in game for a some time now, but without chrome open and with some app startup disabled, will see how it goes

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 11:24:52 AM »
for me it looks like the problem was in nextcloud client :shock:

Discord, Steam, Epic Games, Logitech Hub and BattleNet client are looking OK, no kicks with them on startup  :up:

Ignore that, got kicked again :)

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, November 08, 2020, 06:14:34 AM »
disabling discord on startup didn't fix my problems, but gave me idea to disable EVERYTHING on boot, both apps and services, aaaand... IT WORKED :) lasted about 10 minutes on server, now on to hunting what's causing the problem, back to starting app and service one by one and testing...   :style:

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Saturday, November 07, 2020, 15:01:14 PM »
this way may help some players, but as you can read, most of us did try this way without an success.
so i did a new way to find a solution about it at all. the message
"service communication error: PnkBstrB.exe: heartbeat stopped"
means, that the communication to the punkbuster server has stopped. and the way with the pb-files did not help at all. so i did try some firewall settings. and as i could see, when you start 25assist, the pnkbstrB.exe is used (see timestamp) in 2 folders for the same time. once you will find this exe with new timestamp at
and others at

now, on my side, the clue was with the fresh installation that also my firewall-software was installed new. but it did only whitlisted the pnkbstrB.exe at the sysWOW64 folder, not on the other part.

so maybe another try tho fix the problem is to whitelist (add program to your firewall-rule) the pnkbstrB.exe at

this looks now to me like it is working. played a bit without any kick. but do not forget to reboot after adding the new rule.

good luck!

Hi Merlin,

I don't have any third party firewalls active and windows firewall is set to allow all by default.

But I did try and I have added pnbkstrb from local/punkbuster/aao folder and it didn't fix my problem :/ will give it another try tomorrow.

Anyway, thanks for this post  :up:

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues THAT FIX NOW
« on: Saturday, November 07, 2020, 14:50:41 PM »
Ok now For all have bug whit pb when you have this bug listend what the error say

 " Close client run as Administrator after click on install and PB fix just pb fix next ,next ,next, Finish Reboot computer and Run client normaly and all its fix i have try on fresh windows install and all work after its fix
 :style: :style: :style: :style: :style: :style: :idea:

Well, sir, we are not dumb and we can read instructions, but obviously, you can't read forum posts, otherwise you wouldn't s**tpost like this and you would have known that we did all that and many other things trying to fix this issue.

So, if you don't have any other solution than "run as admin, fix pb", just enjoy your game.


Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Friday, November 06, 2020, 16:53:24 PM »
nope, didn't help :/ still getting pb kicks

did a clean reinstall, cleaned up all traces of PB, did install PB, than upgrade PB (all as admin), still being kicked.

Have pbcl.log in both AppData\Roaming\25Assist\armyops\System\pb and AppData\Local\PunkBuster\AAO\pb

first part of log is written to 25assist log, than into punkbuster\aao log, no errors, just kick

AppData\Roaming\25Assist\armyops\System\pb LOG:
Code: [Select]
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_SsLog = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_SsSave = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] Screenshots: W=640, H=480, X=50%, Y=50%, Srate=1
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] Changing PunkBuster homepath to [C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Local\PunkBuster\AAO\pb\]

AppData\Local\PunkBuster\AAO\pb LOG:
Code: [Select]
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_MsgPrefix = 25Assist PB Client
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_Sleep = 500 (20 to 500)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_LogToFile = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_SsLog = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] pb_SsSave = 1 (0=No, 1=Yes)
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] Screenshots: W=640, H=480, X=50%, Y=50%, Srate=1
[11.06.2020 22:44:27] Attempting to resolve
[11.06.2020 22:44:28] Resolved to [] (0)
[11.06.2020 22:44:28] PunkBuster Client (v2.243 | A0) Enabled
[11.06.2020 22:44:28] Game Version [2.5.0]
[11.06.2020 22:44:30] PB Services socket initialized
[11.06.2020 22:44:30] Connected to Server
[11.06.2020 22:44:33] WARNING: PB Kicks for Name Spamming and Name Stealing and Non-standard Characters and Locked Names on this Server
[11.06.2020 22:44:33] Receiving from PB Server (w v1.793 | A1371 C2.243)
[11.06.2020 22:44:33] Connected to Server
[11.06.2020 22:44:40] PnkBstrA successfully loaded PnkBstrB
[11.06.2020 22:44:44] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully
[11.06.2020 22:45:25] PnkBstrB service installed and started successfully

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Thursday, November 05, 2020, 14:28:33 PM »
didn't help here :/

Have you tried fix pb after reboot / kick?

I have copied files from SysWOW64 to system32, rebooted PC, got kicked, restarted assist (quit instead of fix pb now), got kicked again

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Thursday, November 05, 2020, 03:18:10 AM »
Last time I've tried (yesterday) with that same configuration i was kicked :/

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Wednesday, November 04, 2020, 14:25:13 PM »
After uninstall and reinstall PB service (AS ADMIN) via 25assist (pbsvc v0.993), I get this two services and versions (service description):
PnkBstrA: [v1036]
PnkBstrB:  [v2.202 WOLF]

after running AAO, PnkBstrB is replaced with [v2.243 AAO]  and it crashes after few minutes

I have downloaded latest pbsvc setup from evenbalance (v0.994) and here are service versions post install:
PnkBstrA: [v1041]
PnkBstrB: [v2.333 BF4]

After running game, PnkBstrB service version is again replaced with [v2.243 AAO]

So, PnkBstrB service version depends on (is pushed by) the game you are playing, initially spawned services are during PB test phase, hence "wolf"  (wolfenstein) and "bf4" in service description.

Why PnkBstrB service crashes after few seconds I don't know.

PnkBstrA service version didn't change when launching game...

Could anyone with healthy PB share his PBA version?

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, November 03, 2020, 13:06:38 PM »
Both PC and laptop:
Win 10 Pro
Version: 20H2
Build: 19042.572
(Windows insider program)

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, November 03, 2020, 09:40:30 AM »
Hi All,

Indeed, I have the same issue with my pc. I am currently looking for a fix, but haven't found any. As soon as I did find a solution, I will share it with you.
Every fix with firewall, processes running etc. did not help. Only thing I didn't try yet is my router settings.

Don't think it's due to router settings, I have enabled UPnP on my router and PB didn't create any dynamic rules (while some other games when launched did)

Thank you for update on this matter :up:

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Sunday, November 01, 2020, 04:03:39 AM »
yes, my windows firewall is set to accept by default, checked exceptions and set them to allow for all network types, didn't help.

I have noticed that PnkBstrB process dies at some point and that's when I get kicked from server

I have installed everything from scratch on another computer and I'm getting the same error

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