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Messages - Turcot

Pages: [1]
Support / Account Recovery
« on: Wednesday, September 04, 2024, 22:58:06 PM »
Hey guys, I've tried to find my old AA tracked account from back in the days, but I can't find it.

From what I've read in an old conversation with an AA friend, my username was :
85 honor and 1.66 Frag Rate.
I even have the link, but the website doesn't work. Is there a way I can claim back my Honor? I'm now playing as Sampower91. Thank you.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim.
« on: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:45:27 PM »
Maybe I didnt understand perfectly...

I thought you guys could give me back my 85 honor on my new account cause my old doesn't work anymore.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor Claim.
« on: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:28:53 PM »
Damn, How can I post picture? I got 2 interresting to prove I am TurCot-]Qc- to explain why I should have my honor back (sorry for my bad english).

Honor Claims / Honor Claim.
« on: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 16:25:20 PM »
Alright Guys, since I have not been able to get my old AA stats on battletracker (I lost my password and I dont even remember what was my email at that point).

I would like to get back my honor.
Here is my tracker:

How to prove It's me?
Well, I have been able to log on my old aaotracker account (found the old email I was using and sent back password)..
And my name is the same than my character's name.


General Chat / Re: Unable to get my old AA acount on bf tracks :(
« on: Wednesday, May 23, 2012, 10:47:52 AM »
Yeahh but Turcot is my new one.. But my old one is -Turcot but I dont remember neither my password or my email adress..

General Chat / Unable to get my old AA acount on bf tracks :(
« on: Monday, May 21, 2012, 06:53:00 AM »
First of all.. thank you guys for supporting the auth, I've been playing this game for years !!!

My problem is... I tried to log on on bftracks on my old account but it just doesn't work..

I've been able to log on with TurCot-]Qc- (which was my game name), but when I try to associate my AAGAME (TurCot-]Qc-) to my BFtrack account, it says the game name TurCot-]Qc- belongs to -Turcot (which are both my accounts)..

So I guess I should log on with -Turcot, but the problem is that I don't remember my password and my email-adress...

So is there a way I could get back my bftracker account and be able to link it with my username TurCot-]Qc-?
I'd like to have my 85 honor back :(

Thank you guys for helping me.
(sorry for my bad english :)

Pages: [1]

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