Putting on Drama&Spam, even if considering the person it could still go in Hall of Shame.
http://history.anticheatinc.com/aapg/index.php?searchtype=2&searchlimit=1&searchvalue=00000000000000076561198110336390Wrong koden, my logins in AA:PG last online was 2014 October 3rd and 16th, u can ask aapg admins for my logins.
This is my steam profile http://steamcommunity.com/profiles/76561197967430781
You tell me something I have never done it, you always tried to be so intelligent koden, maybe keep in topic or you have some other powers about talking to someone else? Admin to accuse someone, yes I can go on and do trouble, and you think I can't do anything to this game? When I lose temper I can barely give a fuck about anything, pushing over the line I can return something in ''favour'' so don't try and play me, you had not a single AA government licences to do anything to this game, imagine it all going down, all that work just falling apart.
no you're lying, and congrats once again for threatening people when it's actually about yourself!
Let's put the timing down:
Someone known as ProKillA gets banned on the aapg TW servers (must've been late December or early January, about a month ago anyway).
He proceed to appeal for his ban on the TW forum (with a different name).
After insulting/threatening for a while (and you actually got banned from that forum aswell), he gets noticed of the youtube video i've posted earlier, and he comments as
Robertas Vinciunas on that video. Fun fact, Robertas Vinciunas's channel still has IGC videos on it.

Robertas's channel showing some old IGC videos (at the bottom end).

I really wonder who's Robertas Vinciunas. /sarcasm
Just PM me on this website or [email protected]
And koden, don't get me wrong but drama is good and needed for this game to keep community active, If i had a bad day at work or just want to start some discussion even if it was abusive I would go on sb.