Feedback & Suggestions / original sound improvment
« on: Wednesday, December 04, 2013, 19:20:56 PM »
Im not sure if you guys can change it, but it would be cool to make the original sound better. Lot of new players and probably 50% of old players dont know that you can change sound volume to 2.0 on armyops.ini (u can only make 1.0 on sound menu) and also change 64 channels on onboard sound cards and 128 channels on xfi.
In americas army sound is more important than in counter strike for example, this would help players do reach higher skill faster and improve gaming competition. if you could only make an option on assist to change this directly would be great
In americas army sound is more important than in counter strike for example, this would help players do reach higher skill faster and improve gaming competition. if you could only make an option on assist to change this directly would be great