Dont all fall over your selves trying to help me

Koden I am sure you will appreciate this.
I have just made 5 fibre glass tanks about 50 gallons each. They are all contected in a line. I am going to put all my lobster catches in there untill the price goes up a few weeks into the season. then after 60% though the season I and going to keep them untill the end of the season. they will go up £10,00 per kilo at the end of the season when they are fewer about. happens every year.
I will keep the hens in one tank and will gather there eggs when the drop off . I will then keep them as they go through 4 stages in 4 weeks. Then I will need to seperate them in something like ice cube contianers. as they get very caniblistic at 4 weeks. so I will keep them until they are about 2-3 inches lg. So what I would like to know from anyone who deos know. What size of pump do i need to push the salt water for 250 gallons? I will post some photos of this as it gos. right now its only dry tanks. boat will be launvhed in three weeks. and 200 creels will go out.