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Topics - Possessed

Pages: [1] 2 3
News / [BETA] Client update 25Assist 8.22
« on: Wednesday, June 10, 2020, 15:12:04 PM »
Hello everyone, here it is, the newest version of our Client, 25Assist v8.22!
I want to thanks Teddy for the help with the client and everyone else for the effort of keeping this game alive, even those who dissapeared  ;)

What is new:
added support for DirectX9 with a wrapper. (Windows ONLY!)
added support to automatically set 'NetSpeed' above '10000' to unlock FPS limits enforced by the game  Engine.
added support to change Max FPS through 25Assist client, useful to deal with hard lag spikes caused by playing with FPS unlocked.
added the number of current Players Online, top of the client.
removed most mentions to Battletracker and now registration and name change links will point to our site.
removed Buddy tab, since BT is down it does not work anymore.
changed how the client starts, now the Login screen will always be shown, client will still auto login if you have used 'Remembe me' options  :up: .
added visual and textual indicators of whats happening during login.
added some visual help in the sound volume slider and raised it to max of 2.0

The link above contains the new Client for all supported OS, Windows, Linux and macOS (not you catalina). Remember to extract '25Assist Libs' folder or your client will crash  :up: .

Yes, you can use both Clients, as long as you extract the libs folder and change the executable name to something else, no, you cannot run both at the same time.

Support / Name Change request
« on: Friday, April 27, 2018, 11:24:23 AM »
Request here in-game name change.
Please provide your username and the new name you want.
Min of 3 and max of 20 characters, " \ , # ' ? or space are not allowed.

If you want to change your passowrd, go to:
Name change is available now! Link below.

General Chat / I am leaving!
« on: Monday, August 01, 2016, 01:11:29 AM »
The aao25 face
! No longer available

The Lounge / Spanky's Computer Repair
« on: Monday, July 25, 2016, 15:20:37 PM »
Tip 1: How to Build a Computer
! No longer available

General Chat / Vegeta
« on: Sunday, July 17, 2016, 18:37:49 PM »

General Chat / Some 2.5 Gameplay
« on: Saturday, June 25, 2016, 00:56:13 AM »
I was doing well, so I started to record. (but this session wasn't the best).
Pub 3x3 on Shipment. Server wasn't tracked :( Video image quality is bad.
! No longer available

Drama & Spam / Hurr durr
« on: Thursday, May 05, 2016, 16:57:31 PM »
Pretty obvious isnt it Merlin? Keep said guy off the forums along with anything related to him, is this hard to follow? Plz its not with you, its the subject, thx.
Minha responsabilidade e manter o jogo vivo e nao aguentar idiotas o dia inteiro ou atacando o servico que tanto fazemos para manter no ar, quem nao estiver feliz com isso, lamento... chega desse assunto, todo dia agora 90 % que aparece aqui e sobre isso, uns adultos que nao conseguem seguir a porra de uma regra ou ate um pedido gentil, entao foda se, querem agir como idiotas sonsos serao tratados como tal, paciencia tem limites, e meu tempo nao e exclusivo do projeto, eu nao vou ficar o dia todo apagando coisa que foi dito claramente pra nao ser postada mas tbm nao vou deixar que abusem da minha ausencia...

Postando aqui pra nao encher a sb com isso

The Lounge / Killing Floor 2 Beta Steam key giveaway
« on: Thursday, April 09, 2015, 13:05:35 PM »
7,500 keys to be given on 10 april, beta ends @16 april. Unreal Engine 3, if you can run AA:PG, you can run it.

The Lounge / Great job, ppl of Ukraine
« on: Sunday, March 29, 2015, 07:21:19 AM »
Lenin statue falling down.

General Chat / No Recoil / Macro user
« on: Sunday, March 01, 2015, 08:04:21 AM »

Miscellaneous / To "Piotr Bury"
« on: Thursday, October 16, 2014, 08:50:56 AM »
I just did what I though was right to do, You know you went full retard, We could go along with the "friendship", but all I saw was you to trying to get privileges with this. Look, I do have fun cheating, but isnt cool to get over others just to satisfy the ego, many times I could and cheated but I always report anything that could help  the project, I,ve Been playing AA since 2005, I want to seat in front of a pc some day and Play it, without headcaches cuz life already give me enough. I never shared any location of yours. You choosed to follow the Bad path for Too long and your'e paying for this, You coulda have Been our head or one of them... I have Nothing against Piotr, but no one can live in peace with "pit-23", for me they are different "persons", hope Im not wrong.

The Lounge / Plane Crash in Ukraine
« on: Thursday, July 17, 2014, 18:07:14 PM »

The Lounge / Internet in Brazil
« on: Wednesday, July 02, 2014, 10:13:37 AM »

Pages: [1] 2 3

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Important: Battletracker no longer exists. However, old Battletracker accounts may still work. You can create a new 25Assist account here

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