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Messages - LegionQC

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General Chat / Re: Personnel Jacket
« on: Monday, October 31, 2022, 20:15:31 PM »
ill talk to him about it tonight

General Chat / Re: Personnel Jacket
« on: Monday, October 31, 2022, 18:22:12 PM »
 slammedsedan21 hey bro you should ask badboy to add it to the LGC discord server would love to test it out . Great work seriously

General Chat / Re: Where are everyone?
« on: Thursday, September 09, 2021, 16:49:44 PM »
Join the -=LGC=- discord for an active americas army 2.5 and 2.8.5 community we play everyday hooah

Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 00:45:40 AM »
The -=LGC=- the community has been working multiple last days trying to figure out this problem we are currently compiling multiple awnsers and possible solutions listed here and on other websites and games to try to fix this pb issues. It seems like there is ways that work but don't work for others its a really weird problem but we are determined to get to it we have multiple people per day trying to mess with it and figure it out. If you would like to contribute to the think tank and see whatever possible solutions we have gathered so far just join our discord. We will get the end of this pb issues we will take whatever it takes

Events / Thursday Night Barnyard Rotation Night
« on: Tuesday, August 24, 2021, 00:13:18 AM »
Just in case some are not aware the Barnyard crew host every week on Thursday a rotation night on 2.5 assist. Usually, people start going on the server around 7pm EST, and players play all night. Just last week there was a steady 20 players for many hours. Be sure to bring your best guns and get ready to frag some :style: :style:

If you would like to contact the barnyard crew here is their TeamSpeak:

If you would like to contact the -=LGC=- clan here is the community Discord:

Let's have a great time and play an amazing night of map rotations. :up: :up: :up:

General Chat / Re: Hey i need Help
« on: Monday, August 23, 2021, 23:55:11 PM »
BIG HOOAH  :style: :style:

General Chat / Re: Hey i need Help
« on: Sunday, August 22, 2021, 15:54:43 PM »
using google translator im sure we can figure it out with the language haha  :style: :style: :style: let us know if ever you get it working or not working hooah

General Chat / Re: Hey i need Help
« on: Saturday, August 21, 2021, 17:01:51 PM »
hey buddy if you want i can help you with your problem just join the LGC discord and ill look with you step by step and we can try to figure it out would love to have you back in the game HOOAH SOLDIER

General Chat / Join LGC community discord
« on: Monday, August 16, 2021, 16:25:08 PM »
hey guys are you having a hard time finding players to start a server? we have over 240 + america's army players in our discord. The invitation is open to everyone we are trying to gather as much players as possible. Also if you have any knowledge on how Americas army works and you would like to help out once in a while with new or returning players having issues with the game we would highly appreciate your input. Its been a hard year for Americas army with many having issues but it seems to be better now and a few have managed to fix some of the issues if we all stick together we can grow stronger and keep this game running.  :style: :style: :style: :style:  we play everyday around 7pm EST but I know for people in EU its late so we wanna also start playing in EU timezones. Lets unite together in these times and make something great out of it :up:

Join the -=LGC=- Community discord for Americas army 2.5 and 2.85

cant wait  to see old friends back on the battlefield :) HOOOAHHH


Support / Re: Punkbuster issues
« on: Tuesday, December 08, 2020, 16:05:12 PM »
Yes we been encouting many players every night having some issues we are currently having a PB fix support channel in our discord if anybody needs help or want to contribute into solving this problem we always try to do our best to help out any players ! If any you guys got knowledge you are free to join and give a hand :D

Support / Re: Level Editor
« on: Tuesday, December 08, 2020, 16:02:58 PM »
join our discord community  !  the map editor still available in 2.8.5 I can point you out !

Assist Support / Re: Please Approve Account
« on: Saturday, November 28, 2020, 12:10:51 PM »
you know teddy i think that rule is not good anymore , One of the main reasons that we dont get many new players is that they can never make accounts !!! who care's if someone has 10 accounts really ... no honors no stats no nothing we want players it would be much easier just to take off any restrictions and that ALL ACCOUNTS should be activated automatically no matter what the reason !! 25 assist is SUFFERING because of stuff like this , within the last 2 weeks iv had over 4 players in my discord that NEVER COULD PLAY because there accounts never got activated tried multiple things with them it never work out and we lost 4 new players .....PLEASE ASSIST ADMIN we know you guys dont play much anymore and are busy with real life but i think its time for you guys to make a step foward and listen to the community and TAKE OFF ANY NEW ACCOUNT RESTRICTIONS .... for the love of the game please we need players ASAP  and this account system is broken and we are losing players !!!! I see no good reason to not allow multiple accounts ... if your gonna say "" well they can go TK ""   well us SERVER admins can MAC ADRESS BAN  thats it thats all let the game server admins manage it !!!!

Events / Monday Hospital Nights 19hpm EST
« on: Monday, October 26, 2020, 17:39:46 PM »
Hello guys and ladies , just letting you know us LGC crew are hosting Monday nights hospital  this monday like all the other mondays we are hosting our FAMOUS monday night hospital nights once again :) Be sure to not miss it and bring some friends :) Hospital night starts at 19 EST hope to see many of you friends on monday :)  If you guys wanna join our growing discord community be sure to come check us out here is the link to our discord server :)

Have all and amazing weekend and bless you all   :style: :style: :style: :style: :style:
Mess with the best die like the rest  :makemyday: :makemyday: :makemyday: :makemyday:

General Chat / Join the -=LGC=- Clan discord today soldier !
« on: Saturday, October 10, 2020, 11:27:34 AM »
 :style: :style: :style: :style: :style: :style:

We are very active our discord is a great place to make new friends in AA and find players to start a server up  :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: All players welcome hooah !!!

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Wednesday, April 22, 2020, 18:22:05 PM »
Hello anyway to contact army ops team ? got a lil over 30 players here dying to try it out !  U can contact us on this discord !  may 1st is around the corner !  big things

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