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Messages - august

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General Chat / Army Ops Alpha Released
« on: Tuesday, December 10, 2024, 17:30:12 PM »
Hey all

Long time I have not been on here. I hope you are all well.

I would like to invite you all to check out Army Ops at
Army Ops is the spiritual successor of Americas Army and the Open Alpha just got released today. Join us at


Download both the primary Army Ops and the Army Ops PlayTest version. Currently due to a login issue, the game is only accessible on the Army Ops PlayTest version.

Here is short video taken by some of us today

See you all on the battlefield

News / Re: [BETA] Client update 25Assist 8.22
« on: Monday, June 15, 2020, 14:01:51 PM »
Maybe time to harass Eliz about getting back on map changes? :D

News / Re: [BETA] Client update 25Assist 8.22
« on: Thursday, June 11, 2020, 15:09:59 PM »
Great job!! Much cleaner and better looking :D
Now lets get someone to code maps and lets promote the heck out of the game

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Sunday, May 03, 2020, 12:20:44 PM »
1) Soon. A settings menu was not the priority in this stage of development.
2) Will be released soon after the Alpha tes ended on Monday.
3) I'm workoing alone on this. I have development teams but they are working on other projects. Army Ops is a passion project I mainly fund out of my own pocket.

Thanks for the response. Looking forward to seeing the roadmap and seeing what the next updates bring

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Friday, May 01, 2020, 11:50:50 AM »
The Army Ops alpha is live!

steam Keys are available in this Giveaway:

and here are also some:

Thank you for the free keys. Just had a small test on Insurgent Camp. It is a very basic alpha obviously, but so far, I do like what I have seen. The map has seen some improvements especially in the basement. Otherwise havent been able to do much else.

A few questions:

1. When are you going to add the possibility to change controls? my keyboard is french and cant use the wasd controls.
2. Do you have a roadmap and some type of eta for a fuller version?
3. Are you working on this by yourself or do you have a whole development team?

Looking forward to what the future holds for this

General Chat / Re: America's Army 2 Remake - Army Ops in development
« on: Friday, May 01, 2020, 11:27:21 AM »
Do you have a gameplay footage that you can share? What is your ETA for release?
Installing as we speak thanks to one of the keys you posted. Much appreciated.

As a FYI, the first 3 keys from the bottom have been taken

General Chat / Re: why aa2 administrators would not shut down aa2 logins?
« on: Tuesday, April 07, 2020, 05:34:37 AM »
I think everyone misunderstands the "admin activates". I believe it is just the way it is worded. I dont think admins go and look at each registration manually. The system automatically activates the registrations

News / Re: We're still here! (plus minor updates regarding website)
« on: Tuesday, April 07, 2020, 05:31:30 AM »
I have update the layout once again a few days ago, now using Bootstrap 4 cuz or the Dark Mode.

Good job on aao25, thanks for your effort!

Maybe a client update and the addition of stats could be next? :D

News / Re: [BETA] New Registration Page Available Now
« on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 20:05:16 PM »
good to see such a progress :D

Feedback & Suggestions / Updating the Assist Client
« on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 19:20:06 PM »
Would it be possible to update the assist client with the correct links for both registration and reset of pass? The current ones still lead to battletracker and that is shut down. With the current version of the client, it is impossible for potential new players to even register

Also, it looks as if stats and other things are not working due to battletracker being offline. Any chance of updating?

Support / Unable to log in
« on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 19:16:31 PM »
disregard. Issue solved

Support / Re: need a password reset please
« on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 19:12:37 PM »
Looked at that as well because I cant figure my login, but doesnt work either....Guess a new account is in order LOL

General Chat / Re: a notification for all aa2 lovers
« on: Saturday, October 05, 2019, 19:09:52 PM »
Well, the issue is also related to advertising for AAO25

Games & Programming / Re: Squad
« on: Wednesday, November 23, 2016, 00:52:21 AM »
Those of you interested can get SQUAD between November 23rd and November 29 at 35% off the normal price

Check out a great game and consider joining The Art of Warfare at

Games & Programming / Re: Squad
« on: Monday, February 08, 2016, 01:47:03 AM »
Actually, way back when, AA2 was under private devs management with funding from Army, but when Army realized the success the game had, they immediately took over.....

I don't have any illusion about them looking at the stats. And I really see Proving Grounds dying a slow death.

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Important: Battletracker no longer exists. However, old Battletracker accounts may still work. You can create a new 25Assist account here

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