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Messages - Alex

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 218
mAAp Project / Re: 26 slots maps
« on: Wednesday, January 15, 2025, 00:35:21 AM »
Let Spanki go. He's been watching his own interests all his life.
if MothaGoosE knows how to set the hospital again at 203--let him go!!

Even if someone could update the map to add 203, actually getting the update out through Assist is another ordeal.

Ban Appeals / Re: Please consider unbanning Joe131
« on: Wednesday, October 16, 2024, 01:10:20 AM »
I also just want to be clear here. We don't care if it technically meets the definition of doxxing or not, it's very fucked up all the same and we're punishing the action of what he did, completely independent of any definition.

Ban Appeals / Re: free me
« on: Monday, September 30, 2024, 22:30:12 PM »
You seem to only be referencing your initial 1 week ban for using a racial slur. Your permanent ban was for doxxing another player by using their real name as your in-game name. You also did this while circumventing your 1 week ban.
That's a pretty big series of dumb mistakes.

Unfortunately, this type of toxic behavior isn't isolated. On numerous occasions, I have encountered players who use racial and sexual references both in the in-game chatbox and during gameplay, which creates an uncomfortable and hostile environment. Despite reporting these incidents, I feel that I have been subjected to unjust treatment, as the focus has been solely on my actions, while those responsible for the initial provocations and offensive language have faced no consequences.

We can only punish for offense we're aware of. You claim to have reported these incidents, but to who? All I ever saw was a single screenshot and the player was warned.

You also told me you could just circumvent this ban, but I guess that hasn't really worked out.

I'm curious what others have to say about it.

I'd be super impressed if you could get it to work. AA 2 is based on UE2 and as far as I'm aware UE didn't get proper VR support until UE4.

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Monday, July 29, 2024, 00:47:01 AM »
Haha I was thinking of you too when I wrote the answer
Come play hospital with me sometime to see what you've done :P
I've played hospital a ton after the change. I would love to play with you in a server although I'm mainly available to playing during NA night times (so like GMT -6) so not great for Europeans. I do appreciate your feedback though, even if we don't always agree.

is it not possible to make a new hospital map with m203? [MaaP]Hospital
This is difficult given the obscurity of the editor as well as the difficulty in actually updaing the game with a new map. We used to have a lot more traction to do things like this but it's been many years since a map was edited. The challenges have been listed out here:
I'd be open to looking into it, but it'd be an uphill battle and we would need a new poll to see what the rest of the player base thinks.

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 21:11:57 PM »
True, the change in the hospital was very controversial!
And there were a couple of polls, and only the one that was shit was recognized!
Since the introduction of rpg, hospital has not been played for years as it used to be.
And what's more important, those who don't even play hospital voted.
And even more importantly, assist admins who don't play hospital changed it.(and originally proposed at the assist admin's own request, I don't know why, but I won't name which one was from the assist admin, he will recognize himself).

As he proposed, let him now return 203 ;)

I was thinking specifically of you when I posted it. :P

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 03:38:37 AM »
Yes i Noticed that. But it's converted from AA2.8 to 25assist right?
Correct. It was back ported from 2.8. The editor we have is actually only compatible with AA 2.4. So something like the random spawns on SF Dockside or SF Courtyard we can't maintain if we want to edit the map. We updated most maps just to increase the player count. The only actual map changes we have made are on SF Hospital and Pipeline. The Pipeline change was just a wall fix because previously you could fire off 203s through the  wall at defense spawn in main CP. The Hospital change has been more controversial but a poll at the time requested we remove the 203 from the SF guns. We added a few RPG slots to compensate.

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Friday, July 26, 2024, 00:54:51 AM »
Can you also edit other stuff with UE2 like for example uniforms?
Yes. You might have noticed, but the uniforms in Assist are actually from AA 2.8 and were backported by Eliz to work on 2.5.

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 17:16:19 PM »
It definitely has been a minute! You were Killaman in the past correct? I'm pretty sure I remember your tigers logo haha. I think you, spanky and blueblaster were probably the first dudes I met around these parts back then. Looks like mAAp is pretty dead these days. Is anyone still trying to do any map editing? Stills blows me away this is all still here
Yeah that's me. I got tired of the childish name. lol. Nobody is really doing any more map editing for AA but I have been doing level design stuff in Unreal 5 so the experience creating maps for AA in Unreal 2 didn't completely go to waste. :P

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Thursday, July 25, 2024, 01:26:07 AM »
I don't think I've logged into this site since probably like 2013 but it's actually wild that you all have kept this going. Legends! I saw a video of my old map SF Office Assault and now I may just hop back in some games for the nostalgia!
Yo I haven't see you around in a while! I know it's been forever because your signature has an xfire username and an imageshack link. lmao
The Thursday night game night is still very much a thing (previously started by iL and still put on by Dewman) and I hope to see you around there.

General Chat / Re: Instagram
« on: Wednesday, July 24, 2024, 01:08:29 AM »
I don't personally use Instagram but I think this is a good idea. Thanks for posting and thanks for advertising the game!

News / Welcome new Assist Staff HellB0Y!
« on: Saturday, June 01, 2024, 02:08:38 AM »
The AA 2.5 Assist Staff would like to announce the promotion of HellB0Y! to Assist Staff!

This has honestly been a long time coming.
I'm sure many of you are familiar, but for those that aren't, HellB0Y is the creator and owner of He, with the help of current staff Teddy, is the reason we now have working honor and a robust stat tracking website again after the shutdown of Battletracker. His hard work and dedication has been greatly appreciated and he has been a really awesome member of the community for some time now. We reached out to him to join the Assist staff and he has accepted.

What does this mean for AATracker?
Nothing. is still 100% HellB0Y's work and nothing will change that. We will be looking forward to further integrate AATracker with Assist, but it will be 100% at the discretion of HellB0Y!. He's the owner of the site, full stop.

There aren't any more implications of this change to normal users. This announcement is mostly to ask you all to welcome HellB0Y! to the Assist Staff!

General Chat / Re: Convert Shotguns from 285 to 25Assist
« on: Saturday, May 25, 2024, 21:27:45 PM »
Am I hallucinating or is there a shotgun mod floating around for 2.5 Assist?. I seem to recall seeing a few servers running it and perhaps even playing it here and there over the years but I can't say for certain. I'm also not sure if there is a difference between the mod and 2.8.5, but figured I'd throw that out there.
There is a "shotgun" force class but in reality it's just a mos with cursor.

General Chat / Re: Convert Shotguns from 285 to 25Assist
« on: Saturday, May 25, 2024, 01:36:08 AM »
Good observations!

Back in the day we had a very talented and well motivated member of the team that was capable of and (somehow!) had the time to do such things. But unfortunately he's no longer actively involved in this project.
That's why I say we don't really have the resources to tackle such things.

I'm sorry if the above post felt aggressive or hostile. It certainly wasn't meant as such. People just often underestimate the amount of work seemingly small changes can take. And perhaps they also overestimate the number of members and/or amount of available time for the members of the staff here (or other projects for that matter).
I want to expand on this a bit. As far as 2.8.5 ports go, Eliz did the initial work with Spanky and I helping to do more fine fixes to get the maps working in 2.5.

That being said, the camo and maps were, I don't want to say easy, but a lot more straight forward. Texture importing was the majority of the work with some static mesh and sight line editing required to make it all work.

I am not super familiar with the 2.8.5 shotguns, but the editor we had to work with is Unreal 2.4 AT BEST. We couldn't even get the random spawns to work properly for maps like Dockside and Extraction. The point being that there is a very big difference between player skins and new weapon types being able to work in AA 2.5.

So what constitutes an obvious cheater ?
I'll just reiterate what teddy said. It'd be either killing people from spawn, or inhumane snapping to targets. Outside of that, it's incredibly difficult to tell between the best players and cheaters. The sad reality is that this game is over 20 years old on a 3 generation old Unreal Engine. It's not like cheat detection for Unreal 2 is still ongoing.
The biggest cheat deterrent this game has is the fact that committing resources to cheating in such an old game doesn't really make much sense. There's no clout in it.

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