General Chat / Re: The America's Army Administration violates the right to freedom of speech
« on: Sunday, July 29, 2018, 10:08:56 AM »
And you don't have an answer Teddy so ridicule is all you have.
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Server owner's have the right to mute you. While it's not nice to mute someone for no reason, since they're paying for the server they've got the right to do it.
So far I've not really seen anything to warrant you calling anyone a nazi here. All I've seen is you being muted,
Teddy wrote what you quoted when Merlin came up with faked proof about Possessed being behind attacks. That was the bs Teddy was referring to and if that would have continued it would have resulted a ban.
You should realise yourself how the quote differs with what you said, ban him for anything is like
but practically Teddy said
Teddy wrote what you quoted when Merlin came up with faked proof about Possessed being behind attacks. That was the bs Teddy was referring to and if that would have continued it would have resulted a ban.
You should realise yourself how the quote differs with what you said, ban him for anything is like
but practically Teddy said
I did say that. Perhaps that was the point you were trying to make, but it certainly wasn't what you were saying.
I don't remember ever playing on the same server as you. Maybe I did and didn't notice. Who knows.
Don't worry. I was 99% sure that that's what you were going to bring up. But you said I'd ban him for anything, which I never said. It's not a technicality, it's fact: I never said I'd ban him for anything.Your pride is worse than hatred, You are putting your self above me. That's pride.
And just to clear this up, Vegeta, not everyone hate you here. I for one can't say that. Hate would imply I think about you, but I assure you, I don't. I'm fairly certain I'm not the only one.
I well openly say what everyone else is thinking reading your dumb post how pathetic your life really is for you to pull up a post that's 10 months old dude really get a grip and get a life
Do you really have nothing more to do with your pathetic life then troll around forms looking for old ass post
You said I had said I'd ban him for anything. This quote does not say that.
-Vegeta- I can care less about what you've done in the past, but you're coming in forms bitching about someone always tking you is very laughable being you always tked players and gotten yourself ban from game for doing so multiple times
Ok done, got shit to do no need to reply
I well openly say what everyone else is thinking reading your dumb post how pathetic your life really is for you to pull up a post that's 10 months old dude really get a grip and get a life
Do you really have nothing more to do with your pathetic life then troll around forms looking for old ass post
Please quote me saying I'd ban Merlin for anything. I'd love to see it.
The reason you didn't get help is because you didn't pose a proper question. If you go to the police and say "Help, rape. I need this dealt with." and then leave without leaving any details about the situation, there's not much they can do either.
I saw this thread when it was first posted. There was no information in it so I decided to ignore it.You are a bit late with your false help. Fact is you are also a hurt little petal because of what I say and do in here that you font like. I expected zero help and got zero help. The game would be dead if I never put money in Merlin was finnised it was a few like me that keep Merlin going. and you are also the one who was quick to say you would ban Merlin for anything. He done more than most in here.
I suppose I could have asked for more information, but I figured if you really wanted to add something, you would have done so.
It's been said time and time again on these forums, we don't deal with individual instances of teamkilling. It's only if the behavior is repeated time and time again for no reason that we've stepped in in the passed.
Your original post had no information about a) how many TKs were made b) when they happened c) which player TKed who d) how do we know what you're saying to be true.
Believe it or not, we don't know everyone who plays this game nor do we manually go through what's happened in game every day.
If you can provide some actual evidence of a repeat offender teamkilling, I would be happy to deal with it. However, this far I've not seen a single instance.
Wrong, Players have voted through 25Assist Client as well.Vegeta can be punished again for what? You talking shit aswell with false claims? Never saw you punnish roses?
Vegeta have been punished early for TK and can be punished again.
All map changes were done under common agreement with feedback from active community, leaded by ELiZ him self.
Everyone knows who started to kill the game by attacking Auth and servers, how hypocrite ppl can be...
I wonder why you keep parasitizing here after all these years.
Against the Real one NOTHING, but this FAKE NEWS Trump2018 (Your well known friend) is just trolling around again.
Being your from Brazil possessed why you a hater against trump??
He's done nothing but good for our country!!!!!!!!!!!
Vegeta is a notorious TK-er, very toxic player, but he is 100% right about one fact.
The current Assist administration doesn't care much about players and their problems. Another example is SF][-General_alkos begging to get 203 back in hospital (which is a very sane request) and being ignored for months.