Bug Reports / Re: [mAAp] Breakout
« on: Saturday, May 09, 2015, 07:56:21 AM »
I didnt create the original version. But the one your playing now is my work. Thanks for the appreciation for it. I did infact notice that i did this on the map and never got back around to fixing the glass. Glad to see that someone is still enjoying the map. I may have to re-download this game again and start Rekking again. As Spanky said, unreal editor can be a pain in the @$$. You start out excited your about to make/re-make a map thinking its gonna take a few days and it turns into a few months of headache. Unreal is very picky and if you dont go down the whole list and fix each individual thing then something is bound to f up. I think i originally was wanting to complete it in like 3-4 days and turned out to be a few months. Unreal gets irritating at times.