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Messages - teddy_grizzly_bear

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 256
Assist Support / Re: Recover Account
« on: Thursday, February 06, 2025, 17:26:47 PM »
something is fishy. i tried everything, with email, with username but nothing seems to work :\ still cant get in.

I get the email for resetting the password, i reset it but cant log in after. could you just forward me the current password somehow? to the registred mail would be fine i have access to it, or PM here.
We don't have your password. As is the norm everywhere else, we have a hash of your password with some salt that we compare to your input (with salt, after hashing).

With that said, there is now a record of the account having had a password reset. So there's progress in the sense that you've reset the password for the correct account.
Are you sure you've used the correct password when logging in to this account? I.e one from the latest password reset.
PS: Do note that it may feel like you're able to change the password multiple times with the same pass reset link. But only the first one would be taken into account. And if you've made multiple password reset requests, only the last one will be active.

Assist Support / Re: Recover Account
« on: Thursday, February 06, 2025, 16:06:29 PM »
Yes sir!

and this is what i get when i try to log in. Just reset password again and it still dont work  :(
You're most likely changing the password of the wrong account. There is no record of a password reset request having been issued for this account.

As a note, you only need to enter your username, not username and email in the form. If you enter both, only the email is used.

The account you're trying to change the password for has an email in the form of <redacted> So once you've requested a password reset by entering just the login name (or the correct email) you should see the corresponding email in the inbox of the corresponding email address.

Support / Re: Need help
« on: Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 05:53:22 AM »
I don't think there's currently a way to change your login or display name for the forums for users.

That said, the admins could make the change manually. You can PM me if you wish.

Support / Re: Username does not exist
« on: Wednesday, February 05, 2025, 04:04:24 AM »
thank you for the help! now will i have to always sign in using the KDS....its been a looong time and i doubt i'm even with that clan anymore.
That's just your login name. So nobody other than you will see it.

There is currently no way of (automatically) changing it. Though if you really want to, we could do it manually.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim [cR]itical_Chaoz
« on: Tuesday, January 28, 2025, 04:43:24 AM »
Will be updated the next time you log in.

Support / Re: Login error
« on: Monday, January 27, 2025, 04:04:31 AM »
I don't see any reason your account would need activation. It's an old account with plenty of prior activity on it.

Though it's possible you're using another account to login. Do note that the in game name and the login name are different.
The in game name for your accounts is in fact "BEER_F0R3V3R{ICE}". However, the login name is "ICE Spiker". This account has 86 honor.

In fact, the account you're probably trying to log in with (with login name of "BEER_F0R3V3R{ICE}" and in game name of "BEER_F0R3V3R{ICE}2") was in fact rejected over 2 years ago.

If you've forgot your password for the original account you can reset the password (see link under Assist Account at the top of the page). The email attached to it is in the form ***[email protected] (obfuscated full email for obvious reasons).

Support / Re: cant log in game
« on: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 06:28:38 AM »

Support / Re: cant log in game
« on: Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 04:56:43 AM »
The name changing link is also above, under Assist Account:

For reference, the minimum in game name length is 4 characters.

Support / Re: cant log in game
« on: Tuesday, January 21, 2025, 15:06:17 PM »
What's preventing your from logging in?

Bare in mind that the forum account is separate from the 25Assist game account. If you haven't registered for one yet, you can do so at the links under Assist Account at the top of the page.

I can see that you have in fact registered a 25Assist account. The login name is "", for what it's worth. And you can use the link above to reset the password if you've forgot it. The email is the same on you've used for your forum account.

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim- Burek123
« on: Saturday, January 11, 2025, 19:21:52 PM »
Unfortunately we would require some sort of proof of your honor.

You can try looking on the way back machine for battletracker. That seems to help quite a fair number of people.

With that said, I can see an account in our database:
In game name: 82nd_G2_SGT=Burek
Login name: 82nd_G2_SGT=Burek
Email: **redacted**

You can try and recover the password through your email (look for the link under Assist Account at the top of the page).

Honor Claims / Re: Honor claim for SASF-Hyper
« on: Saturday, January 04, 2025, 14:13:34 PM »
Updated. Will change next time you log in.

mAAp Project / Re: 26 slots maps
« on: Friday, January 03, 2025, 10:46:46 AM »
Thank you Guys for fixing up the list :)
If I or we find any error we will let it know.

Is there anyway to have 2 sf hospitals? One with the rpg and 1 with the m203?
Technically, yes. Practically, unlikely.
I don't know if anyone on still active on the team has a setup for doing map changes. The software was old even when it was last used. And as such, I'd be surprised if it still worked on Windows 10/11.

mAAp Project / Re: 26 slots maps
« on: Friday, January 03, 2025, 05:29:49 AM »
Oh right. Yeah, my memory was a little fuzzy there. Thanks for clarifying. I recall removing that railing and the playerblocks as a result of a poll since it was an engine-level issue, not a map issue. I do recall the RPG change as well, though that was done before the railing was removed I think. Man. Talk about blast from the past.
I do think the railing was never originally there. But it was added to fix people on West Wing Roof being invisible. But if I recall correctly, people kept complaining. Which is why it was ultimately removed again.

Regardless, people are now complaining that they want their 203s back instead of the single RPG. Even though the vote at the time was clearly to remove the 203s. There is no way to please everyone.

mAAp Project / Re: 26 slots maps
« on: Friday, January 03, 2025, 05:24:57 AM »
Hi folks,

Can u guys tell me, which maps are more then 26 slots?
Do you guys have a list of them?

thank you!
I've now added the number of slots per map to the list of map names:
(it's possible I've made an error somewhere - so if I did, please do let me know).

Just as a side note, the reason this list exists is to be able to more easily / quickly switch maps. For instance, one can type admin a_map <map file name> to switch to another map without needing to wait for the 10 second timer, or offline simply by doing open <map file name>.

mAAp Project / Re: 26 slots maps
« on: Friday, January 03, 2025, 04:41:11 AM »
Although, I can't seem to find it in game so it's possible it wasn't ever included in any of the updates due to redundancy.
The current version of SF Hospital does have the full 32 slots as far as I'm aware. It also removes the 203s and brings back the RPG from the beginning of the map. And it fixes (or at least attempts to do so) an issue with West Wing Roof (if I recall correctly).

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