Assist Support / Re: Recover Account
« on: Thursday, February 06, 2025, 17:26:47 PM »something is fishy. i tried everything, with email, with username but nothing seems to work :\ still cant get in.We don't have your password. As is the norm everywhere else, we have a hash of your password with some salt that we compare to your input (with salt, after hashing).
I get the email for resetting the password, i reset it but cant log in after. could you just forward me the current password somehow? to the registred mail would be fine i have access to it, or PM here.
With that said, there is now a record of the account having had a password reset. So there's progress in the sense that you've reset the password for the correct account.
Are you sure you've used the correct password when logging in to this account? I.e one from the latest password reset.
PS: Do note that it may feel like you're able to change the password multiple times with the same pass reset link. But only the first one would be taken into account. And if you've made multiple password reset requests, only the last one will be active.