


Windows 10 in your eyes:

I love it
24 (18.2%)
I can deal with it
33 (25%)
I hate it
12 (9.1%)
Disappointed - lack of words
63 (47.7%)

Total Members Voted: 9

Voting closed: Sunday, March 27, 2016, 03:51:24 AM

Author Topic: Windows 10 => disappointment  (Read 11270 times)

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Offline NoBigDeal

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Windows 10 => disappointment
« on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:45:14 AM »
... even bigger than Windows 8 / 8.1.

Once there was Win7, nice looking and fast OS from Redmond - peak of technology and capabilities at that time...

...but then comes the win8 with UI aka Win2000 - three steps back - and stupid idea of Integration. BTW. Still I don't understand the reason behind removing Menu Start Button. we have Win10 with UI all the way back to Win3.1 - six steps back - for those who don't know: it was very first Win OS. They fixed (some kind of...) the Start button, with full Integration ... but wth f*****up security ... and Cortana - just a joke.

In the range 1 / 10:

So how you guys like this new (not really) OS aka Win10: The beginning aka Win10: Origins
« Last Edit: Friday, February 26, 2016, 02:54:34 AM by NoBigDeal »
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Offline Alex

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #1 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 03:38:50 AM »
I like Windows 10.
Also, lol at the comparison to 3.1 with no proof or examples what so ever.

Windows 10 is pretty much Windows 7 with newer stuff.

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #2 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 06:01:48 AM »
I don't dislike Windows 10 either. Only use it on my tablet, though.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

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Offline NoBigDeal

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #3 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 15:26:26 PM »
Also, lol at the comparison to 3.1 with no proof or examples what so ever.
I don't need it ... at that time I use to work with Win3.1 so I know exactly how it looks like - flat as hell. All these pathetic icons and solid-color windows in whom everything is merging into one. Where is 3D and glass effect, why regress instead of progress? - I asked some guys from Redmond and they said that "it's a price of Integration". Moreover, from now on all will be monitored by Microsoft: you, your NET-life, your friends - there is no longer room for individuality.

BTW: if by chance you did not backup your Recovery Image before updating to Win10 then you can forget about your old OS - Win10 will overwrite the MBR.
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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #4 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 16:30:34 PM »
I don't miss the glass effect. It's outdated and served no real purpose aside from some fancy eye candy that distracted people away from the green & blue days of Windows XP. A flat look is simpler to use too.

I have no problems with Windows 10 and have been doing MANY upgrades to it for customers. With decent hardware, it's fast and lean and powerful.

As far as being monitored by Microsoft... if that concerns you, it's best to not use the Internet or any electronic device. Gathering statistics and information brings progress and innovation. It helps companies know more about their users and how they use the service so they're not implementing unpopular features or adding things that break popular functions. Microsoft needs information about devices to know what kind of hardware is popular and what features to support.

Progress and change is difficult and a lot of tech companies get a lot of hate because of it. The thing is, you can't stay still and expect people to forever love your product.
It's like shaving your pubes to make your junk look bigger.
Might look bigger, but it aint.....

Offline Alex

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #5 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 17:18:04 PM »
I don't need it ... at that time I use to work with Win3.1 so I know exactly how it looks like - flat as hell. All these pathetic icons and solid-color windows in whom everything is merging into one. Where is 3D and glass effect, why regress instead of progress? - I asked some guys from Redmond and they said that "it's a price of Integration". Moreover, from now on all will be monitored by Microsoft: you, your NET-life, your friends - there is no longer room for individuality.

BTW: if by chance you did not backup your Recovery Image before updating to Win10 then you can forget about your old OS - Win10 will overwrite the MBR.
So it's flat is the only thing you can come up with? Spoken like a true troll. Windows 10 looks nothing like 3.1. Not even close. I honestly love the more clean look of Windows 10 too. I don't need something super flashy, I need something that works, and Windows 10 works wonderfully.
Flashy design isn't progress. DirectX 12 is progress. The same OS running on PCs, tablets, and phones is progress.
As for the privacy stuff, you can turn most of it off, and your internet browser and ISP already track all of that stuff so you better quit the internet too while you're at it.

Offline NoBigDeal

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #6 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 19:10:34 PM »
So it's flat is the only thing you can come up with? Spoken like a true troll. Windows 10 looks nothing like 3.1. Not even close.

Is closer than you think ... and of course there is more, but I'm afraid you will not understand my technical babbling like you do not understand the biggest error that admins here are committing:

...if that concerns you, it's best to not use the Internet or any electronic device.
so you better quit the internet too while you're at it.

Black or White - In your opinion there is no place even for the shades of gray. World isn't build that way. Even uncle from Redmond understands that.

Gathering statistics and information brings progress and innovation. It helps companies know more about their users and how they use the service so they're not implementing unpopular features or adding things that break popular functions. Microsoft needs information about devices to know what kind of hardware is popular and what features to support.

True, but only if they have my approval.

I don't need something super flashy...

I need ... eveything starting from my moues to my watercooling is "super flashy" and very expensive - I like gadgets - even my car has neons mounted in the chassis.

Flashy design isn't progress. DirectX 12 is progress. The same OS running on PCs, tablets, and phones is progress.

False - True - False

The last one is called: Centralization of Data ... now try to imagine its unpredictable impakt on the Cyber and / or Real Life.
...or maybe not if this is too difficult for you - no offence.
The consequences will be much larger than you are able to imagine - most of it will be negative.

As far as being monitored by Microsoft... if that concerns you ...

Not at all, I have my ways to keep my privacy.

Last word: True, Win10 is a progress (in some aspects even revolution), but for them not for us.
« Last Edit: Friday, February 26, 2016, 19:54:49 PM by NoBigDeal »
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Offline Alex

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #7 on: Friday, February 26, 2016, 23:36:27 PM »
In typical NoBigDeal fashion he presents no real arguments and throws around insults. In every single argument you're never actually able to explain anything. Yo're a troll, but a poor one. Good trolls can actually come up with some BS behind their conclusions, you can't even do that. What a joke.
« Last Edit: Friday, February 26, 2016, 23:55:16 PM by KiLLaMaN »

Offline Pipez0r

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #8 on: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 03:20:48 AM »
Couple of tips for those who dislike the looks of Windows 10:

I use a program called ClassicShell. I can replace the start menu with it, for example to win7 or winxp start menu and I can modify its looks: color, glass/not glass etc. Also functionality is like with win7 or even earlier, winxp.

Another program I use, is WinAero Tweaker. I can tweak window looks and many other things with it.

I have made Windows 10 look better in my eyes than any OS has ever looked like.

Above together with the speed and power of Win10.. I like it. I have also disabled settings that allow Microsoft to spy me excessively. Even better if you dont have Home edition of Windows but pro/enterprise/education edition, you have a local group policy editor and you can make sure that certain privacy problems are forced of, and you get back also the control over updates.

Windows 10 is a good OS .. just lacks privacy and good looks as default, but its easy to change.

I dont like Win10 defaulg start menu, as it gives all programs and apps in a-z order without folders, so its not clear and easy-to-use to find what I want quickly.

Offline Alex

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #9 on: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 03:38:09 AM »
I dont like Win10 defaulg start menu, as it gives all programs and apps in a-z order without folders, so its not clear and easy-to-use to find what I want quickly.
Quick tip, the easiest way to find anything in windows 7,8, and 10 is to use the search. For windows 10 open the start menu and just start typing. It's odd to get used to at first, but it's much nicer and quicker than browsing through the files in the start menu when you get used to doing it.

Offline Pipez0r

Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #10 on: Saturday, February 27, 2016, 05:33:26 AM »
Yes, I use that search often, but if I dont know the exact name for a program nor the beginning of its name (as I use windows in two languages, english at home and finnish elsewhere, I may not know the english or finnish name of a certain program as its not always directly translated) I prefer start menu.

I have always liked the start menu, also in Linux. Thats one reason why in Ubuntu I dont use Unity, but mate desktop instead.

Sometimes,if start menu isnt available, its very slow to use search as I need to try to guess the exact first part of programs name. For example, WADK tool to create autounattend for windows install dvd was difficult to find with search as I didnt know its name in one language, and I tried different ways to translate it before I found it.

Offline NoBigDeal

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #11 on: Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 17:09:58 PM »
I'm glad to have someone as backup - thanks. :P
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Offline ~=W!CK!D=~

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #12 on: Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 22:30:54 PM »
Haven't used windows 10 on desk top, I don't like running it on laptops either

Rather go back to windows xp, think I'll try that on a extra hard drive laying around install good old windows xp

Offline NoBigDeal

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Re: Windows 10 => disappointment
« Reply #13 on: Wednesday, March 09, 2016, 23:47:56 PM »
On most forums many people didn't like it either ... and even more has returned to the original OS. Personally I prefer Win7, but I liked XP too.
« Last Edit: Thursday, March 10, 2016, 00:09:52 AM by NoBigDeal »
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