

Author Topic: - America's Army Stat Tracking.  (Read 14125 times)

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Offline Alex

Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« Reply #15 on: Tuesday, December 26, 2023, 05:36:43 AM »
It's been a moment since I've provided any updates, however more has changed than I am able to quickly summarize here (I've neglected the forums in favor of posting quick updates to the Discord server).

The first, and most notable of which, is a significant UI overhaul. I still do not claim to be a web designer to any extent, however it was time to dedicate some time towards making the presentation of stats more palatable.

Secondly, alias history is live. (Very much inspired by Steam's implementation of the same feature).

Each server on the servers page now displays 10 most recent matches on that server

And finally, the homepage has been made a touch more lively by including the 5 most recent matches across ALL tracked servers, as well as a server list preview (sorted by player count descending when applicable). A new background service to reduce the wait time when querying servers has made this possible. There are still some kinks to work out, however I will note this change is specific to the website itself. The tracking application has a vastly more forgiving retry policy / timeout threshold so a "far away" tracked server appearing offline does not indicate that it is not being tracked.(I do hope to address this in the near future).
It's also snowing to help drum up the holiday spirit.

A few other small changes (made some time ago) likely not noted elsewhere in this thread:
- If you want to add your server to the list of tracked servers, you can do so via the Servers page.
- Each server displays a flag corresponding with the country it is hosted in.

Happy Holidays everyone!.
If you don't mind, I'd love to re-invent the website style. That is if you trust me with your site. I understand if you do not.

Offline HellB0Y

Re: - America's Army Stat Tracking.
« Reply #16 on: Wednesday, December 27, 2023, 11:16:59 AM »
If you don't mind, I'd love to re-invent the website style. That is if you trust me with your site. I understand if you do not.

That could be cool!. The frontend code is a bit of a mess to say the least and I've been slowly starting to clean it up a touch haha send me a message on Discord and we'll chat?.


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