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Shoutbox11 in game, 17 online
my favorite is Budweiser
lots of +30 year old cry babies in such a small space, Im amazed
Its not like good book. I see ppl still act like kids back in good ol*days. Shoutbox has just entertainment factor..thats all. To keep us old geezers occupied and to open next beer.And for need to check your head!! There is medicine for your illness!
Stop bitching at one another for keeping a server on a certain map. If you have problems with that, fill up another server. All this moaning is getting really tiresome.
Yummy :)
AAT rotation night is open!!!
they play 5 to 6 sets of urban and cry when SF][-General_alkos puts it on hosp for 4 sets lol
"" +JunK+ your retarded like Unknown ""
SF][-General_alkos I told you that they are unch of idiots lol, Sad you let them tell you what to do on your server lol
Love you Brahva. I love all my Assist darlings. ^^
come now to Grandma pipe 22 dock,extract..insurg..etcYou surprised me with this I say fuck off!!!!
you are an idiot when you talk like that...
and you dont know that, because if your server is getting empty and people start joining ours, your getting a mental break down and start spamming the shoutbox and you just dont join our server. Very mature from you anyway :))
0thats not correct General, your have the same brain like bada boom. We switch the server to other maps. We give people opportunity to choose between 3 maps after playing a set on 1 map ;)
like yours on urban..
now we move on to csar..pipe and other maps.
now we move on to csar..pipe and other maps.
Agreed. It its roation
whats with the 4 sets of 20 rounds hospital every day it's getting really boring tbf
typical woman u r gunny expecting everything i got u roses and a box of candy with a nice dinner tonight ...enjoy
Happy Valentine’s Day to all my darlings out there. I expect lots of money and a ton of free stuff. :)
Grandma open..night of the hospital
Just setting up my new PC and was trying out some things and accidentally closed the game. xD
gunman, whyd it kick you, literally said "slot closed"
these german servers have the WORST hit reg / ping
kick me plz
not sure why it kicked a bunch of people, that was weird
19 players SF Blizzard!!!
theres plenty of other players here that are complete assholes that never say sorry but they are never banned
21 players Mountain Ambush!!!
AAT rotation night is open!!!
anyone playing?
@ INTRO This 1 way better INTEL CORE i9 13900KS Overclocked to 5.5 GHz holding steady , Unless your stuck on Amd
#fuckjoe is right - he's been nothing but a pain in the ass. No matter how many attempts to cool his jets etc. He doesnt change. As such he should be banned from AAT and I'm on Gunmans side on this one. I've spoke with Gunny many times in the past and he was very forgiving. However its comes to a point where lines get crossed.
‘a crooked tooth fuck’, I take it that was directed at me. Why the fuck should we give you a chance.
You can host one yourself. That does require some extra hardware and time to set up properly, but is doable.
is there way to host AA server beside that one host that we have for all servers which suck?