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Offline M3dUSA

Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« on: Thursday, April 02, 2020, 10:55:54 AM »
In light of coronavirus quarantines, got some of my old guys together and played a bit last night. Looking to get back into some competitive play. Prefer 4v4 as that was the backbone of the competitive community when this game was alive.

Let me know if anyone is interested, I got a high performance server running that I did some old .ini mods to drop ping and improve responsiveness. Should be playable world wide no problem

Offline hitman

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, April 02, 2020, 13:41:26 PM »
What kind of .ini mods did you do? Care to point me to it?

Welcome back!

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #2 on: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 16:39:30 PM »
What kind of .ini mods did you do? Care to point me to it?

Welcome back!

Looks like there was a thread covering most of them.

Tickrate:100   ********
Netspeed and Lanspeed max: 20000
Max clientrate: 20000

Verified with some tests, some guy on the other thread said dont go above 50 cause of some AR glitch? Theres no weight behind that argument. For fun I tested anyway. Running the server at 50 tickrate I was receiving 23 ping, turning the server to 100 my ping dropped to 6.

These server configs we used when playing competitive in CEVO, CAL, and even CPL

Netspeed over 20000 had negative effect on ping.

Cachesizemegs over 256 can cause server issues.

Server is hosted on Gigabit fiber in NYC with an overkill of resources allotted to the VM.

Care to check it out its the Revolution Gaming server
--had a couple of euro players pulling ~100 ping and south american players around 80. US based players were under <60 depending on region.

Offline hitman

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #3 on: Saturday, April 04, 2020, 17:02:21 PM »
Great thanks. Changed to 80 tick since I don't know if the 1 virtual cpu that is running the server can handle 100 .. guess I'll only find out if Assist takes off with corona virus and never goes down

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #4 on: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 11:09:07 AM »
Great thanks. Changed to 80 tick since I don't know if the 1 virtual cpu that is running the server can handle 100 .. guess I'll only find out if Assist takes off with corona virus and never goes down

Where are you hosting?
if you have a VPS provider, in the linux terminal lscpu will tell you the cpu info. For the most part any modern cpu core will handle it just fine. I think the game server recommendations in the day was something like 1 P4 equivalent CPU core, 512MB RAM and 512kbps-1mbps internet.

My Linode nanode ($5 a month[comes with free DDoS protection]) is running on 1 vcpu (AMD Epyc 7601 core) 1GB RAM, 25GB SSD. Running 100 tick no issues and there was about 22+ players in it with great ping / performance.

Depending on the location Linodes are either Xeon e5 2680 v3s or AMD Epycs. Both are very capable. Looking at usage of the server under load, theres prob enough horsepower to spin up a 2nd server on the VPS

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Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #5 on: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 12:58:01 PM »
I run ours at 120 tick, seems to be the max. Running 10 servers in the same machine.
Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E3-1240 V2 @ 3.40GHz, 8GB RAM, I think 4 cores are available.
These things I have spoken unto you, that in me ye might have peace. In the world ye shall have tribulation: but be of good cheer; I have overcome the world.
John 16:33

Offline hitman

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #6 on: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 14:10:07 PM »
I'm running on one virtual CPU core, doesn't say how fast it is anywhere.. but I saw it spike to 60% recently which I don't know how many players on the server.. I doubt it was full.

What's the actual difference between different tick rates? Less stutter when spectating player looking around?

Offline M3dUSA

Re: Looking for Scrim/Pugs
« Reply #7 on: Thursday, April 23, 2020, 15:28:00 PM »
tickrate is basically how many times per second the server updates the game state to the clients. Higher tickrate = lower ping, smoother game play, and better overall feel.

Ever join a server and shoot a player, see blood but he doesn't get hit? That could be caused by a lower tickrate.

The game was designed to play much much slower internet connections (56k-1mbps) than what most of the world has access to at this point. So upping the tickrate (which will increase the packets sent and received) has a little to no negative risk associated with it.

It will also result in higher CPU usage, but also keep in mind CPU cores now are absolute overkill for what this game was designed to run on.


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