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Offline Vanoke

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Idear direct scrim poll
« on: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 16:30:38 PM »
Not long ago i did make in Facebook a poll about the days when we can do a scrim with [k][k] clan
we had time on thusday 6 players day later 4  , day later 4  the [K][K] clan was hoping for saturday and that was for us not possible.
Now my question is it possibe to make a poll in website assist were players can chose black ore white team and that during the throughout year ore meaby and i think its better a view days in the week.
You can do all days in begin to find out what day will be populair!  :idea:
1- direct visible that players can play that evening close time to write in 20.00hour start scrim 20.30 time ??
2- you can select for long time for the diehards
3- its needs organisers ? not me. :cool:

« Last Edit: Tuesday, November 10, 2015, 16:36:08 PM by Vanoke »

Offline teddy_grizzly_bear

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Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #1 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 01:42:40 AM »
Are you asking if this website can be used to organize scrims?
If you are, it can, but it's not the best of places since not everybody visits this website.

And as you may or may not know, scrim nights were already organized in the past (here). Not sure what happened to it exactly.

If that's not what you're asking, then it's not the first time I don't understand what you're writing.
<image removed due to imgur stuff - probably for the best>

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Offline Ganja

Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #2 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 11:17:37 AM »
Are you asking if this website can be used to organize scrims?
If you are, it can, but it's not the best of places since not everybody visits this website.

And as you may or may not know, scrim nights were already organized in the past (here). Not sure what happened to it exactly.

If that's not what you're asking, then it's not the first time I don't understand what you're writing.

Only 2 or 3 people showed up, and the usual watnc and seke

Offline Vanoke

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Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #3 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 11:20:58 AM »
Are you asking if this website can be used to organize scrims?
If you are, it can, but it's not the best of places since not everybody visits this website.

And as you may or may not know, scrim nights were already organized in the past (here). Not sure what happened to it exactly.

If that's not what you're asking, then it's not the first time I don't understand what you're writing.
If you go to your Facebook teddy and go to /  Ask a question, than you see Add Poll Option .
You can make 7 days  line ore meaby 30 day line team black / white like this
Sunday Oops Big Clan Day sorry!!
But than in Client with  linkt to website.
People can direct see when people are intrested in Scrim for >>............ all days / time must be the same always 
ther also must be a scrim server ready ore 2.
hope you understand this now.

Ronsky did gif a link to a site(  ) that meaby also can help in this but you have to ask him, was hoping he already gif his support in this topic.

Offline Vanoke

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Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #4 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 11:23:41 AM »
Only 2 or 3 people showed up, and the usual watnc and seke
Can it be that you gus are to strong together i see 14-1   12 - 0   8 -2   41 -4 
if my destiny was like this in scrim i also led it pass so in that case ther must be somthing not good!

Offline Ganja

Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #5 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 13:09:11 PM »
Can it be that you gus are to strong together i see 14-1   12 - 0   8 -2   41 -4 
if my destiny was like this in scrim i also led it pass so in that case ther must be somthing not good!

If you had read the eventds you'd know there were mix teams

Offline ronski

Re: Idear direct scrim poll
« Reply #6 on: Wednesday, November 11, 2015, 13:10:07 PM »
The problem is.. or actually there are several problems, but I'll list few of them:
- people doesn't bother to take action on polls or...
- ...they might do, but they still doesn't show up.
- if you try to collect people straight to teams, it'll lead to clan vs clan match, you need to pick teams randomly or choose captains for teams who picks their players. ( I prefer random teams. )
- people joins and starts complaining about maps, of course not all maps are suitable for scrims but there are more maps than Urban, Sandstorm, Pipeline, Tunnel and Courtyard.


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