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Offline Pipez0r

Linux aa sounds
« on: Sunday, June 21, 2015, 15:21:27 PM »
I got my brightness thing SOMEHOW solved. I found out its a common problem nowadays with x-org + opengl versions, and really xrandr seems to be the only possibility to adjust gamma and brightness. Its just annoying to write always before playing and Im too lazy to study now how to write a script for it.

Other problem I have, is with sounds. They would be ok, but shooting sound is so loud compared to other sounds, that my wife tells me all the time to put volume down with my headphones that I dont destroy my hearing ability. On Windows, I heard footsteps much better and everything else, and sounds were somehow more balanced. Now I need to use separate equalizer to make sounds even a bit more better, but I dont know how to adjust it so that it would be like on Windows. Still everything else than shooting is very quiet, but at least I could add some bass and make that shooting sound less sharp that I can have a bit more volume (not much tho) without hurting my ears.

Is there any solution for my sound problem? And does anyone know how to fix those in-game gamma-contrast-brightness sliders so that they would actually do the thing? I am pretty sure that theres something that can be done with opengl and x-server things, because I have read that since certain version of them, those sliders stopped working in every game.. and I think it wouldnt be the best thing to downgrade those versions back to some version of year 2009 or something like that?

I accidentially removed windows partitions totally, even recovery partition and Im a Linux noob so I really would need some help.

Is there even any GUI program for XRANDR with what I can adjust gamma and brightness, and not only resolutions of different screens?

I have atm latest Linux Mint, where I can use also many Ubuntu based things.. and I have MATE Desktop. I play with second screen which is older LG flat television connected to my laptop with hdmi.


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