

Author Topic: Idle Kick Bug  (Read 44654 times)

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Offline atomsoldier

Idle Kick Bug
« on: Thursday, June 30, 2022, 04:25:40 AM »
Hello together,

what is the reason for the Idle Kick Bug and how we can solve this ? Is any programming effort needed here ? If so I can help out here.

Maybe someone knows more information about this ?!

Best regards,

Offline Bart!

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #1 on: Thursday, June 30, 2022, 14:21:42 PM »
Hi Atomsoldier,
The reason it triggers is not yet known.
We do know it triggers when someone joined the server, and the round is not starting yet. As soon as you join in and the round starts within x time, he will not be kicked.

Unfortunately I am not in the programming team so that's all I can say, I only reproduced the bug this way.

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #2 on: Thursday, June 30, 2022, 14:50:37 PM »
Hello Bart,

thank you for the reply ! May I ask what that "time"-threshold is, where the bug is not triggered ?
As far as I know that bug was not present in the past, isn't it or in other words/question: is the bug depending on the 25Assist-Auth Server Version ?

Maybe I can get in contact with the programmer team ? I am not a pro coder, neither I want to be arrogant here but I have some programming skills in different coding languages including C and C++, so maybe I can support here if any needed.

Kind regards,

Offline ImSmokin

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #3 on: Friday, July 01, 2022, 20:33:52 PM »
When this bug happens for me i type reconnect until the round starts and it wont kick me(only had it happen once but the reconnect worked.

Offline Bart!

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #4 on: Sunday, July 03, 2022, 16:09:41 PM »
Hello Bart,

thank you for the reply ! May I ask what that "time"-threshold is, where the bug is not triggered ?
As far as I know that bug was not present in the past, isn't it or in other words/question: is the bug depending on the 25Assist-Auth Server Version ?

Maybe I can get in contact with the programmer team ? I am not a pro coder, neither I want to be arrogant here but I have some programming skills in different coding languages including C and C++, so maybe I can support here if any needed.

Kind regards,
Hi Atomsoldier,
Unfortunately I am not sure, I am dependent on Possessed to be able to fix this, but I know his pc broke down :(.
I do not have the rights to enter the code either, so we have to wait.. :(

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #5 on: Monday, July 04, 2022, 13:54:04 PM »
Hi Bart!
Thx for the Info. Then we have to wait :)

Best regards,

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #6 on: Tuesday, July 05, 2022, 02:25:27 AM »
I just want to add, that other players* also offered to help out in finding the bug/error. So maybe with unified power such as "pair programming" we will be able to get over this idle kick bug.

*I dont want to name the players here, since I did not asked them to mention them regarding this.

Warm regards,

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #7 on: Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 11:34:44 AM »
maybe you can test with changing some parameters at the "aa25srv.ini" file. but be sure you do not loose the original values :). but since i do not play this game anymore, i can not test this out, but maybe you can..


Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #8 on: Wednesday, July 06, 2022, 12:00:31 PM »
Possessed did say:

Try looking at the IDLE setting in your server, as admin, press F12 in-game and change/disable IDLE kicking/timer

maybe this helps.. good luck!

ps: maybe this has the same effect as i did show in the settings above..

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #9 on: Thursday, July 07, 2022, 05:08:44 AM »

thank you very much for your support here and also thanks to Possessed.

Unfortunately the Idle-Kick Settings in the F12 Menu are deactivated, BUT the idle kick value is set to 0. But maybe this is the problem here. Maybe the value 0 is missinterpretated by game resp. the server. So I will increase this value to high values resp. idle kick time should be longer than the round length, so the idle time will be never reached. Since I am at the work right now, I cannot test it yet, but I will do as soon as possible and in case of success I will give you feedback for sure !

Warm regards,

Offline [SWISS]Merlin

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #10 on: Thursday, July 07, 2022, 15:17:52 PM »
maybe try those settings:


set from True to False - only for testing. and Rounds=50

Offline atomsoldier

Re: Idle Kick Bug
« Reply #11 on: Sunday, July 10, 2022, 13:28:52 PM »
Hello all,

I think the Idle Kick Bug is solved now.

If you use the AA25 Server Manager(recent version), several server configuration ini's etc. are downloaded automatically everytime you start the server. As far as I undestand this make editing of the ini files impossible, since it does not matter if you edit the aa25srv.ini in the System/server or in the System folder. Evertyime the server is started, the settings of the servers are resetted expect those which are set by the AA25 Server Manager but unfortunately this tool does not support all server settings. (this would lead to a very complicated gui design..) However, in the server.ini or aa25srv.ini one can see that the settings bKickIdlePlayersTimed etc. are set to false and also the correspondig fields such as IdleKickPlayerKickTime etc. To apply this settings I have changed this values in the F12 Menu called Command Post something in the game. Only as player admin you have access to this menu.
In this menu I changed the following settings:
Idle Player Kick Minutes to 10
Idle Player Kick Rounds: to 10

and press on Apply Settings / Apply Changes button  (right upper corner) before you close the menu.

Keep in mind, that if your server is restarted due to crash etc. that you have to repeat those settings, since the server config files are overwritten if you start server. I am not sure about this but I just want to mention this.

I hope this will help you also !

Why this bug happens?:
I assume that the default setting of "bKickIdlePlayersTimed=False" will cause probably the setting "IdleKickPlayersTime" to 0 and maybe this cause in for some problems due to coding bug etc. This is just an assumption since I never looked in that source code. Maybe Possessed can clear this up.

Warm regards,
« Last Edit: Sunday, July 10, 2022, 13:44:16 PM by atomsoldier »


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